New Query Parameter/Edit Query Parameter Dialog Box
This dialog box enables you to edit or create a new query parameter.
To access
In an Excel report, under the Configuration tab, click the Query tab, and then click the Query Builder button.
In the Query Parameters tab, right-click and select New Parameter or Edit Parameter.
Relevant tasks
How to Generate an Excel Report
See also
Parameters in SQL Queries
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Parameter Name
The parameter name.
Note: If you rename a parameter, the change is automatically applied to the parameter wherever it is used in the SQL query.
Syntax exception: A parameter name cannot include special characters, except the underscore character.
Default Value
The value that the parameter uses by default.
Hide On Run
Instructs ALM to use the default value every time you generate the report. Clear this option if you want to be prompted to keep or change the default value when you generate the report.
Global Parameter
Indicates that the parameter is available to all queries in the current Excel report.
An extended description of the parameter.