Timeslot Reservation: Data Processing Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to view the details of an open or past data processing timeslot.

To access

From Lab Management: On the sidebar, under Lab Resources, select Timeslots.

From ALM: On the sidebar, under Testing, select Timeslots.

Then use one of the following:

  • Grid view: Right-click a timeslot of type Data Processing and select Timeslot Details.

  • Calendar view only: Right-click a data processing (lilac) timeslot and select Timeslot Details.

Important information
  • Use this dialog box to view the details of a current or past data processing timeslot.

  • For testing timeslots, see Timeslot Reservation Dialog Box.

  • For maintenance timeslots, see Micro Focus ALM Lab Management GuideHow to Reserve Timeslots.

  • Data Processing timeslots are available only for Performance Tests.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements



Indicates that the timeslot is a data processing type.

Note: This field is disabled and the selection cannot be changed.


Indicates that the data processing tasks are performed automatically.

Note: This field is disabled and the selection cannot be changed.


A descriptive name for the timeslot. The name is given to the timeslot according to data processing task at hand.


The duration of the data processing timeslot, in hours and minutes.

Note: A duration of a data processing timeslot is determined internally by the system, depending on the processing task at hand.

Start Time

The date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot started.

End Time

The date and time (in hours and minutes) that the timeslot ended or is scheduled to end.

<Message bar>

Located at the top of the dialog box. Displays messages and warnings about the timeslot.

Available for: Existing timeslots only.

<Resource availability timeline>

Displays the availability of requested resources on a timeline:

  • Availability not calculated. Displayed on the timeline before you calculate the availability of the requested resources for a new timeslot, or when modifying a timeslot.

  • Start Times. Indicates suggested start times for the timeslots, when the requested resources are available.

  • Insufficient Resources. Indicates that not all the requested resources are available at the start times indicated on the timeline.

  • License/Project Limit. Indicates license or project limit issues at the start times indicated on the timeline. For example, more hosts requested than available in the license limit.

  • Unknown. Displayed before calculating the availability of the requested resources for the timeslot.

  • Unavailable Resource. Indicates that a requested resource is not available at the start times indicated on the timeline.

Requested Hosts grid

Displays the data processor host reserved for the timeslot.

Note: The data-processor host is selected automatically by the system.

Timeslot Status tab

Displays the status of the timeslot reservation.

For details about timeslot failure, see Understanding Timeslot Failure.

Description tab

Describes the currently selected timeslot.

Tip: Right-clicking in this area displays a menu for formatting and spell checking the text.

Additional Details tab

Displays additional details related to the timeslot.

Available for: Existing timeslots only.

Event Log tab

Displays a log of events related to the timeslot. For details, refer to the Micro Focus ALM Lab Management Guide: Event Log.

Available for: Existing timeslots only.