ApplyClientCert | Apply client certificate to connection, the parameter should be valid CERT_CONTEXT structure. |
ApplyCookie | Applies cookie to connection |
ChangePassword | Changes the password for the currently logged in user. |
Connect | Connects the logged-in user to the specified project in the domain. |
ConnectToVCSAs | Obsolete. Do not invoke. |
CreateBSTRMap | Create an IBSTRMap, If you create it you must release it. In C#: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(map); |
CreateSession | Creates application session on server, similar to login operation but for SSO configuration. |
Disconnect | Disconnects the user from the currently connected project. |
DisconnectProject | Disconnects from the project. |
GetAllVisibleProjectDescriptors | The list of project descriptors under all domains that the current logged in user is allowed to connect to. |
GetCommonFavoriteFactory | Returns the factory that manages favorites. |
GetCommonFavoriteFolderFactory | Returns the factory that manages favorite folders. |
GetLicenses | Allocates multiple licenses types according to the LicensesType parameter. |
GetLicensesEx | Allocates multiple licenses types according to the LicensesType parameter. |
GetLicenseStatus | The license status for the specified client type. |
GetLinkedProjects | The project list of linked projects to this project. |
GetTDParamsNames | Returns the names of the site's parameters. |
GetTDVersion | The major and minor versions of the OTA API. |
GetTDVersionEx | The major, minor, minor-minor versions and build number of the OTA API. |
ImportConnectionSettings | Import of connection settings to connection |
InitAndCheckServerCompatibility | Initialize connection and check whether server version is compatible with OTA |
InitConnectionEx | Initializes the connection. |
IsSSPREnabled | Returns whether Self-Service Password Reset is enabled. |
Login | Authorizes the user. On success, , the user is logged in and can connect to projects. |
Logout | Terminates the user's session on this TDConnection. |
PurgeRuns | Deletes the specified runs. |
PurgeRuns2 | Deletes the specified runs. |
RefreshConnectionState | Refreshes the connection state: updates the Connected, LoggedIn, and ProjectConnected properties. |
ReleaseConnection | Releases the COM pointer created when the connection is initialized. |
SendFramedMail | Sends Mail. |
SendFramedMailEx | Sends Mail. |
SendMail | Sends Mail. |
SendMailEx | Sends Mail. |
SendMailWithCC | Sends Mail. |
SetBasicAuthHeaderMode | Set basic auth header mode |
SetExecutionMode | Set execution mode to WebClient |
SetProxyCredentials | Sets credentials for authentication on proxy. |
SetServerCredentials | Sets credentials for authentication on server. |
SSPRChangePassword | Send the new password, SSPR_CIPHER, name (the user name that user entered in change password window, if it is impersonate this meby different from the real user name), to the server. |
SSPRSendMail | Send email that contain SSPR_LINK (URL + Cipher (user name + GUID) ) for change password window. |
SynchronizeFollowUps | Obsolete. Do not invoke. |
UseInstanceCache | Use instance cache of settings storages |
ActionPermission | The ActionPermission object for this connection. |
AlertManager | The AlertManager object for this connection. |
AssetRelationFactory | The AssetsRelationFactory object for this connection. |
AssetRepositoryItemFactory | The AssetRepositoryItemFactory object for this connection. |
AsyncMailEnabled | Checks if asynchronous mailing is enabled for the project. |
AuditPropertyFactory | The global AuditProperty factory, not associated with a specific entity. |
AuditRecordFactory | The global AuditRecord factory, not associated with a specific entity. |
BPComponentFactory | The BPComponentFactory object for this connection. |
BPIterationFactory | The BPIterationFactory object for this connection. |
BPIterationParamFactory | Get BPIterationParamFactory object for this connection. |
BPModelElementFactory | The BPModelElementFactory object for this connection. |
BPModelFactory | The BPModelFactory object for this connection. |
BPModelFolderFactory | The BPModelFolderFactory object for this connection. |
BPModelPathFactory | The BPModelPathFactory object for this connection. |
BPParamFactory | Get BPParamFactory object for this connection. |
BugFactory | The Bug Factory object for this connection. |
CheckoutRepository | The path of the checkout repository. |
Command | The Command object for this connection. |
CommonSettings | The Settings object for all users in this connection. |
ComponentFolderFactory | The Component Folder Factory object for this connection. |
ComponentParamFactory | The ComponentParamFactory object for this connection. |
ComponentStepFactory | The ComponentStepFactory object for this connection. |
Connected | Checks if the Open Test Architecture API server connection is initialized. |
CoverageFactory | The CoverageFactory for the connection. |
Customization | The Customization object for this connection. |
DBName | The name of the database. |
DBType | The database type. |
DeletedAssetInfoFactory | The DeletedAssetInfoFactory object for this connection. |
DesignStepFactory | The DesignStepFactory object for this connection. |
DirectoryPath | The path of the server side repository directory for the database repository type. |
DomainName | The current domain. |
DomainsList | The domain names for this site. |
ExtendedStorage | Disabled by default security settings. Use the entity-level extended storage property. |
ExternalAuthenticationEnabled | Checks if external authentication enabled on server |
Fields | A list of fields for the table specified in the DataType argument. |
GraphBuilder | The GraphBuilder object for the connection. |
HostFactory | The Hosts Factory object for this connection. |
HostGroupFactory | The HostGroupFactory object for this connection. |
IgnoreHtmlFormat | Indicates if formatted memo and description fields are returned as plain text without HTML tags. |
IsSearchSupported | Checks if the search function is enabled for the project. |
IsServerCompatible | Get Compatibility of OTA to Server |
LoggedIn | Checks if the user is currently logged in on this TDConnection. |
LoginMetadata | Gets metadata on different project types. |
LoginSessionId | The login session ID. |
MailConditions | The TDMailConditions object for this connection. |
ModuleVisible | Checks if the specified module is visible to the connected user. This property is used for Quality Center UI programming and has no function in third-party applications. |
PolicyStatus | The Policy Enforcement Status object of the connected project. |
ProductInfo | An IProductInfo reference pointing to the current build information. |
ProjectConnected | Checks if the TDConnection is connected to a project. |
ProjectName | The name of the connected project. |
ProjectProperties | The ProjectProperties object for this connection. |
ProjectSessionId | The project session ID. |
ProjectsList | The projects that are available in the domain to which Quality Center is connected. |
ProjectsListEx | The projects available within the specified domain. |
QCResourceFactory | The QC resource factory object for this connection. |
QCResourceFolderFactory | The QC resource folder factory object for this connection. |
ReleaseFolderFactory | The factory that manages release folders. |
ReportRole | The report role of the connected user. |
ReqFactory | The ReqFactory object for this connection. |
Rules | The RuleManager object for this connection. |
RunCriterionFactory | The RunCriterionFactory object for this connection. |
RunFactory | The RunFactory object for this connection. |
RunIterationFactory | The RunIterationFactory object for this connection. |
ServerName | The name of the connected Open Test Architecture API server. |
ServerTime | The time and date of the application server. |
ServerURL | The URL of the connected server. |
ServiceChangeFactory | The service change factory object for this connection. |
ServiceFactory | The service factory object for this connection. |
ServiceFolderFactory | The service folder factory object for this connection. |
ServiceGroupFactory | The service group factory object for this connection. |
StepFactory | The Step Factory for this connection. |
TDParams | Gets the value of the parameter whose name is specified by Request. |
TemplateManager | The Template Manager object of the connected project. |
TestConfigFactory | The TestConfigFactory object for this connection. |
TestCriterionFactory | The TestCriterionFactory object for this connection. |
TestFactory | The Test Factory object for this connection. |
TestFolderFactory | The TestFolderFactory object for this connection. |
TestLabFolderFactory | The TestLabFolderFactory object for this connection. |
TestRepository | The path of the tests directory of the connected project. |
TestSetFactory | The Test Set Factory object for this connection. |
TestSetTreeManager | The TestSetTreeManager object for this connection. |
TreeManager | The TreeManager object for the system tree. |
TSTestFactory | The factory that manages test instances in test sets. |
UserAssetFactory | The UserAssetFactory object for this connection. |
UserGroupsList | The names of the user groups of the currently connected project. |
UserName | The user connected to the project. |
UserSettings | The Settings object for the logged-on user. |
UsersList | The names of the users of the currently connected project. |
UsingProgress | Indicates if a progress bar is displayed. |
VcsDbRepository | The path of the VCS database of the connected project. |
VisibleDomains | The list of domain names that the current logged in user is permitted to view. |
VisibleProjects | The list of projects in the specified domain that the current logged in user is allowed to connect to. |