TDConnection Object : PurgeRuns2 Method |
The filter specifying the runs to delete. The filter is a TDFilter.Text.
Either a date string, in which case runs before this date are purged, or a unit code used to interpret the unit count. A unit code is one of:
1 for Days
2 for Weeks
3 for Months
4 for Years
The filter specifying the runs to delete. The filter is a TDFilter.Text.
Either a date string, in which case runs before this date are purged, or a unit code used to interpret the unit count. A unit code is one of:
1 for Days
2 for Weeks
3 for Months
4 for Years
KeepLast overrides OlderThan. For example, if KeepLast is 10, OlderThan is 2 and UnitCount is 5, the meaning is "Purge all runs older than 5 weeks, but keep the last 10 runs for each test instance regardless of age".
PurgeRuns2 extends PurgeRuns to enable filtering by Run fields.