| Column Name | Description | Datatype | Length | Allow Nulls | Default | Formula |
| RFO_ID | The record ID. | int | 4 | | | |
| RFO_NAME | The name of the resource folder. | varchar | 255 | | | |
| RFO_PATH | The highest level node has path AAA. Each child node down the tree inherits the parent path and adds three letters,where the current level numeration is concatenated to the inherited path. For example, the child requirements of the first node (AAA) have paths of AAAAAA, AAAAAB, AAAAAC, and so on. The characters V and W are not used. | varchar | 255 | | | |
| RFO_DESCRIPTION | A description for the resource folder. | varchar | 16 |  | | |
| RFO_PARENT_ID | The ID of the parent of the resource folder. | int | 4 | | | |
| RFO_VER_STAMP | The version number of this record. | int | 4 | | | |
| RFO_USER_01 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 |  | | |
See Also