ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td Schema
Schema for ALM Project Databases
td.ACTIONSUsed internally by ALM to manage some aspects of user actions performed from the user interface.
td.ALERTInformation for managing automatic alerts and user-defined follow-ups.
td.ALL_LISTSTest Plan folders.
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_FILESFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_FOLDERSFolders for reports and graphs.
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_RESULTSFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.ANALYSIS_ITEMSReports and graphs.
td.ANALYSIS_SEGMENTSFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.ASSET_RELATIONSA link table between two entities that support asset relations. These entities may come from one of the following tables: BPM_MODELS, BPM_PATHS, COMPONENT, RESOURCES, TEST, TEST_CONFIGS, or USER_ASSETS.
td.ASSET_REPOSITORY_ITEMSThe files or folders that are owned by an asset.
td.AUDIT_LOGEvents on which history is recorded.
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIESDetails of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table.
td.BASELINE_ROOTSThe root folder from which a baseline is created.
td.BASELINESBaseline records.
td.BP_ITER_PARAMThe design-time value of a business component parameter for a specific iteration.
td.BP_ITERATIONThe order of component iterations in a test.
td.BP_PARAMAssociates a parameter to a test and component.
td.BP_STEP_PARAMValues of business component parameters with relation to run steps.
td.BPM_ELEMENT_TYPESTypes of elements that can be used in business process modeling.
td.BPM_ELEMENTSParts of a business process model.
td.BPM_GRAPH_RESULTSCached records of graphs of business modeling status.
td.BPM_LINKSAssociations between a representative requirement of a model entity (model, path, element) and other requirements.
td.BPM_MODEL_FOLDERSBusiness process model folders.
td.BPM_MODELSBusiness process models.
td.BPM_PATHSPaths in a business process model.
td.BPTA_CHANGE_STATUSFor internal use by QuickTest Professional. Do not change data in this table.
td.BPTEST_TO_COMPONENTSIteration settings and order of execution for Business Process Components in the context of the design tests that contain them.
td.BUGInformation about defects.
td.BUG_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.BUG_TOKENSAn associative table linking defects and tokens.
td.BUSINESS_VIEWSBusiness views on which graphs or reports can be built.
td.CACHEThe Cache table is for internal use. Do not change data.
td.COMMENTSFor internal use.
td.COMMON_SETTINGSUser settings and third party data.
td.COMPARISON_NODESFor internal use. This table contains temporary data used by the ALM user interface.
td.COMPARISONSFor internal use. This table contains temporary data used by the ALM user interface.
td.COMPONENTBusiness Process Components.
td.COMPONENT_FOLDERBusiness Process Component Folders.
td.COMPONENT_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.COMPONENT_STEPSteps of Business Process Components.
td.COMPONENT_STEP_PARAMSAn associative table linking the Business Process Component steps to their parameters.
td.CONFIGURATION_COVERAGEAn associative table linking requirement coverage by a Test to the Test Configurations that cover the requirement.
td.CONTENT_DEFINITIONSSub-groups used for KPI calculations.
td.CONTENT_PARTSData about the entity types in a library or content definition entities.
td.CONTENT_ROOTSThe root folders of content definitions.
td.CRITERION_COVERAGEA requirement coverage by a test criterion.
td.CYCL_FOLDThe test set folder tree.
td.CYCLETest sets.
td.CYCLE_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for test set records.
td.DASHBOARD_FOLDERSFolders for dashboard pages.
td.DASHBOARD_PAGE_ITEMSThe items for display on a dashboard page.
td.DASHBOARD_PAGESDashboard pages.
td.DATACONSTGlobal project constants.
td.DELETED_ASSETS_INFORecords of deleted assets for tracing.
td.DESSTEPSA single step of a Design Test in Test Plan module.
td.ENTITY_ATTRIBUTESAttributes of an entity.
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTESAttributes for a specific entity subtype.
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_FIELDSFields that do not necessarily belong to all subtypes of an entity.
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_RELATIONSRelations between subtypes of related entities.
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPESSubtypes of standard entities.
td.ENVIRONMENTSTesting environments.
td.EVENT_LOGRecords of events.
td.EXTENSIONSThe ALM extensions that are enabled for this project.
td.FACETSMetadata on an implementation of a business component.
td.FAVORITE_FOLDERSFolders for Favorite items.
td.FAVORITESUser-defined settings that are saved for reuse.

For internal use by HP.


For internal use by HP.

td.FRAMEWORK_PARAMParameters for Business Process Components.
td.GROUPSGroups of users with a common set of privileges.
td.HOST_GROUPLogical groups of computers.
td.HOST_IN_GROUPAn associative table that links HOSTS with HOST_GROUPs.
td.HOSTSComputers on the network.
td.LIB_MULTIVALUEFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.LIBRARY_CLOSURENo longer in use. Retained for backward compatibility.
td.LIBRARY_FOLDERSLibrary Folders.
td.LIBRARY_MAPPINGSThe mapping of individual items between libraries.
td.LIBRARY_PARTS_DEFSThe individual items in a library
td.LIBRARY_USED_BYLinks to importers of Libraries.
td.LINKAssociations between defects and other entities.
td.LINKED_TEMPLATE_ITEMSAn association between project items and template items.
td.LISTSSystem and custom lists and folder trees.
td.LOCKSLocks to control access to the same item by different user sessions. For internal use. Do not change values in this table.
td.MAILCONDRules for sending defect notifications to individual users.
td.MAPPING_UPGRADE_LOGFor future use.
td.MODULESPermissions by group for accessing modules in the user interface.
td.POLICY_ENFORCEMENT_STATUSThe data required for applying customization between projects.
td.PUBLIC_ENTITY_KEYSPermissions granted on public resources to users of the REST API that do not log on to ALM.
td.QPM_KPI_BREAKDOWN_RESULTSKPI breakdown results.
td.QPM_KPI_CALCULATION_RESULTSResults of KPI calculations.
td.QPM_KPI_CALCULATIONSStatus of KPI calculation jobs.
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWNFor internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT1For internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT2For internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT3For internal use.
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_PERSFor internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWNFor internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT1For internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT2For internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT3For internal use.
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_PERSFor internal use by HP.
td.QPM_KPI_TYPESMeasurement definitions KPIs Entities are based on.
td.QPM_MILESTONE_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.QPM_MILESTONESSignificant periods for quality measurements in the context of a RELEASE.
td.QPM_SCOPE_ITEMElements of the content of a RELEASE.
td.QPM_SCOPE_ITEM_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.QPM_THRESHOLD_VALUESLimits of measured KPI values by date.
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATIONRisk-based quality management settings.
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATION_ANSWERSPossible values for risk-based quality management criteria.
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATION_QUESTIONSRisk-based quality management criteria.
td.RECENT_ITEMSFor internal use.
td.RELEASE_CYCLESDetails of cycles. A release can contain a number of cycles.
td.RELEASE_FOLDERSFolders for release records.
td.RELEASE_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for release records.
td.RELEASECYCLE_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for release cycle records.
td.RELEASEFOLDER_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for release folder records.
td.RELEASESInformation about a product release.
td.REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATESFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.REPORT_TO_RPT_LINKSAssociation table between report configuration items and the report project templates they use.
td.REPORT_USER_TEMPLATESFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.REQDetails of individual requirements and the structure of the requirements tree.
td.REQ_COVERAn associative table linking requirements to the tests that cover the requirements.
td.REQ_CYCLESAn associative table linking requirements to release cycles.
td.REQ_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for requirement records.
td.REQ_RELEASESAn associative table linking requirements to releases.
td.REQ_TRACEAssociations between requirements.
td.REQ_TYPETypes of requirements.
td.REQ_TYPE_FIELDSpecifies which fields are required for each requirement type.
td.REQ_TYPE_HIER_RULESThe hierarchy rules for requirement types in the requirement tree. For internal use. Do not change values in this table.
td.RESOURCE_FOLDERSFolders for resources.
td.RESOURCESA file or folder stored in the ALM repository that is represented by a resource.
td.RESOURCES_MULTIVALUEValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.
td.RESULTSThe results of a RUN.
td.ROUTE_TABLE_1For internal use by HP. Supports coverage analysis calculations. Do not change data in this table.
td.ROUTE_TABLE_2For internal use by HP. Supports coverage analysis calculations. Do not change data in this table.
td.RULESConditions for generating automatic alerts.
td.RUNExecution records for test instances.
td.RUN_CRITERIAInstances of Test Criteria created when the associated Test Configuration is run.
td.RUN_ITERATIONSIterations of a test run.
td.RUN_MULTIVALUEMultiple values for run records.
td.RUNTIME_PARAMParameters defined at design time for Business Process Tests.
td.SEQUENCESA system table to manage IDs and other system numerators. Do not change values in this table.
td.SITE_ACTIONSPermissions of users of this project on actions on entities of a central project.
td.SITE_ENTITIESPermissions of users of this project on entities of a central project.
td.SITE_FIELDPermissions of users of this project on actions on fields entities of a central project. This table contains only permissions that are different from the defaults in SITE_ENTITIES.SIENT_DEFAULT_FIELD.
td.SMART_REPOSITORY_LOGICAL_FILEFor internal use by HP. Do not change data in this table.
td.SMART_REPOSITORY_PHYSICAL_FILEFor internal use by HP. Do not change data in this table.
td.STEPTest steps performed during a test instance run.
td.STEP_PARAMSThe values of the parameters in the TEST_PARAMS Table.
td.SYSTEM_FIELDMeta-data about data fields in other tables. Stores settings from project entity customizations and system defaults.
td.SYSTRANSLATEFor backward compatibility. This table may be removed in future versions.
td.TABLESPermissions by user group to change data.
td.TASK_LOG_TYPESeverity levels for task log entries.
td.TASK_STATEStatus values for asynchronous tasks.
td.TASKSTracking of asynchronous tasks.
td.TASKS_LOGLog of asynchronous tasks.
td.TEMPORARY_DATA_FOOTPRINTThis table is for internal use. Do not change data.
td.TESTDetails of the design test from the test plan module.
td.TEST_CONFIGSThe data to be used in the run of a Test.
td.TEST_CRITERIAItems that can be used for coverage independently of the rest of the test.
td.TEST_MULTIVALUEMultiple values of test records.
td.TEST_PARAMSParameters in design tests.
td.TEST_VC_INFOUsed internally by version control plug-in. Do not change values in this table.
td.TESTCYCLInstances of design tests in test sets.
td.TESTCYCL_MULTIVALUEMultiple values of test cycle - test instance records.
td.TO_ALERTFor internal use. Do not change data in this table.
td.TOKENSAssists in searching for similar defects.
td.TRAN_RULESPermitted status changes per group.
td.USER_ASSETSEntities of external tools of a type not known to ALM.
td.USER_SETTINGSUser settings in a web client. This table is not in use with the standard ALM client. See the COMMON_SETTINGS table.
td.USERSSystem users who can access this project.
td.VER_CTRLVersion control locking for Tests.
td.WORKSPACE_SHARESThe WORKSPACE_SHARES Table is for internal use. Do not change data.
See Also

Related Objects

Project Data Tables Database