Project Data Tables Database : td Schema |
Table | Description |
td.ACTIONS | Used internally by ALM to manage some aspects of user actions performed from the user interface. |
td.ALERT | Information for managing automatic alerts and user-defined follow-ups. |
td.ALL_LISTS | Test Plan folders. |
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_FILES | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_FOLDERS | Folders for reports and graphs. |
td.ANALYSIS_ITEM_RESULTS | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.ANALYSIS_ITEMS | Reports and graphs. |
td.ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.ASSET_RELATIONS | A link table between two entities that support asset relations. These entities may come from one of the following tables: BPM_MODELS, BPM_PATHS, COMPONENT, RESOURCES, TEST, TEST_CONFIGS, or USER_ASSETS. |
td.ASSET_REPOSITORY_ITEMS | The files or folders that are owned by an asset. |
td.AUDIT_LOG | Events on which history is recorded. |
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES | Details of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table. |
td.BASELINE_ROOTS | The root folder from which a baseline is created. |
td.BASELINES | Baseline records. |
td.BP_ITER_PARAM | The design-time value of a business component parameter for a specific iteration. |
td.BP_ITERATION | The order of component iterations in a test. |
td.BP_PARAM | Associates a parameter to a test and component. |
td.BP_STEP_PARAM | Values of business component parameters with relation to run steps. |
td.BPM_ELEMENT_TYPES | Types of elements that can be used in business process modeling. |
td.BPM_ELEMENTS | Parts of a business process model. |
td.BPM_GRAPH_RESULTS | Cached records of graphs of business modeling status. |
td.BPM_LINKS | Associations between a representative requirement of a model entity (model, path, element) and other requirements. |
td.BPM_MODEL_FOLDERS | Business process model folders. |
td.BPM_MODELS | Business process models. |
td.BPM_PATHS | Paths in a business process model. |
td.BPTA_CHANGE_STATUS | For internal use by QuickTest Professional. Do not change data in this table. |
td.BPTEST_TO_COMPONENTS | Iteration settings and order of execution for Business Process Components in the context of the design tests that contain them. |
td.BUG | Information about defects. |
td.BUG_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.BUG_TOKENS | An associative table linking defects and tokens. |
td.BUSINESS_VIEWS | Business views on which graphs or reports can be built. |
td.CACHE | The Cache table is for internal use. Do not change data. |
td.COMMENTS | For internal use. |
td.COMMON_SETTINGS | User settings and third party data. |
td.COMPARISON_NODES | For internal use. This table contains temporary data used by the ALM user interface. |
td.COMPARISONS | For internal use. This table contains temporary data used by the ALM user interface. |
td.COMPONENT | Business Process Components. |
td.COMPONENT_FOLDER | Business Process Component Folders. |
td.COMPONENT_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.COMPONENT_STEP | Steps of Business Process Components. |
td.COMPONENT_STEP_PARAMS | An associative table linking the Business Process Component steps to their parameters. |
td.CONFIGURATION_COVERAGE | An associative table linking requirement coverage by a Test to the Test Configurations that cover the requirement. |
td.CONTENT_DEFINITIONS | Sub-groups used for KPI calculations. |
td.CONTENT_PARTS | Data about the entity types in a library or content definition entities. |
td.CONTENT_ROOTS | The root folders of content definitions. |
td.CRITERION_COVERAGE | A requirement coverage by a test criterion. |
td.CROS_REF | Attachments. |
td.CYCL_FOLD | The test set folder tree. |
td.CYCLE | Test sets. |
td.CYCLE_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for test set records. |
td.DASHBOARD_FOLDERS | Folders for dashboard pages. |
td.DASHBOARD_PAGE_ITEMS | The items for display on a dashboard page. |
td.DASHBOARD_PAGES | Dashboard pages. |
td.DATACONST | Global project constants. |
td.DELETED_ASSETS_INFO | Records of deleted assets for tracing. |
td.DESSTEPS | A single step of a Design Test in Test Plan module. |
td.ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES | Attributes of an entity. |
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_ATTRIBUTES | Attributes for a specific entity subtype. |
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_FIELDS | Fields that do not necessarily belong to all subtypes of an entity. |
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPE_RELATIONS | Relations between subtypes of related entities. |
td.ENTITY_SUBTYPES | Subtypes of standard entities. |
td.ENVIRONMENTS | Testing environments. |
td.EVENT_LOG | Records of events. |
td.EXTENSIONS | The ALM extensions that are enabled for this project. |
td.FACETS | Metadata on an implementation of a business component. |
td.FAVORITE_FOLDERS | Folders for Favorite items. |
td.FAVORITES | User-defined settings that are saved for reuse. |
td.FORM_LAYOUT_FIELDS | For internal use by HP. |
td.FORM_LAYOUTS | For internal use by HP. |
td.FRAMEWORK_PARAM | Parameters for Business Process Components. |
td.GROUPS | Groups of users with a common set of privileges. |
td.HOST_GROUP | Logical groups of computers. |
td.HOST_IN_GROUP | An associative table that links HOSTS with HOST_GROUPs. |
td.HOSTS | Computers on the network. |
td.LIB_MULTIVALUE | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.LIBRARIES | Libraries. |
td.LIBRARY_CLOSURE | No longer in use. Retained for backward compatibility. |
td.LIBRARY_FOLDERS | Library Folders. |
td.LIBRARY_MAPPINGS | The mapping of individual items between libraries. |
td.LIBRARY_PARTS_DEFS | The individual items in a library |
td.LIBRARY_USED_BY | Links to importers of Libraries. |
td.LINK | Associations between defects and other entities. |
td.LINKED_TEMPLATE_ITEMS | An association between project items and template items. |
td.LISTS | System and custom lists and folder trees. |
td.LOCKS | Locks to control access to the same item by different user sessions. For internal use. Do not change values in this table. |
td.MAILCOND | Rules for sending defect notifications to individual users. |
td.MAPPING_UPGRADE_LOG | For future use. |
td.MODULES | Permissions by group for accessing modules in the user interface. |
td.POLICY_ENFORCEMENT_STATUS | The data required for applying customization between projects. |
td.PUBLIC_ENTITY_KEYS | Permissions granted on public resources to users of the REST API that do not log on to ALM. |
td.QPM_KPI_BREAKDOWN_RESULTS | KPI breakdown results. |
td.QPM_KPI_BREAKDOWN_TYPES | KPI Breakdown Types. |
td.QPM_KPI_CALCULATION_RESULTS | Results of KPI calculations. |
td.QPM_KPI_CALCULATIONS | Status of KPI calculation jobs. |
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT1 | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT2 | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_EXT3 | For internal use. |
td.QPM_KPI_DEN_DRILLDOWN_PERS | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT1 | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT2 | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_EXT3 | For internal use. |
td.QPM_KPI_NUM_DRILLDOWN_PERS | For internal use by HP. |
td.QPM_KPI_TYPES | Measurement definitions KPIs Entities are based on. |
td.QPM_KPIS | KPIs based on QPM_KPI_TYPES. |
td.QPM_MILESTONE_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.QPM_MILESTONE_SCOPEITEM | An association table between QPM_MILESTONES and QPM_SCOPE_ITEM. |
td.QPM_MILESTONES | Significant periods for quality measurements in the context of a RELEASE. |
td.QPM_SCOPE_ITEM | Elements of the content of a RELEASE. |
td.QPM_SCOPE_ITEM_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.QPM_THRESHOLD_VALUES | Limits of measured KPI values by date. |
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATION | Risk-based quality management settings. |
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATION_ANSWERS | Possible values for risk-based quality management criteria. |
td.RBT_CUSTOMIZATION_QUESTIONS | Risk-based quality management criteria. |
td.RECENT_ITEMS | For internal use. |
td.RELEASE_CYCLES | Details of cycles. A release can contain a number of cycles. |
td.RELEASE_FOLDERS | Folders for release records. |
td.RELEASE_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for release records. |
td.RELEASECYCLE_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for release cycle records. |
td.RELEASEFOLDER_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for release folder records. |
td.RELEASES | Information about a product release. |
td.REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATES | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.REPORT_TO_RPT_LINKS | Association table between report configuration items and the report project templates they use. |
td.REPORT_USER_TEMPLATES | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.REQ | Details of individual requirements and the structure of the requirements tree. |
td.REQ_COVER | An associative table linking requirements to the tests that cover the requirements. |
td.REQ_CYCLES | An associative table linking requirements to release cycles. |
td.REQ_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for requirement records. |
td.REQ_RELEASES | An associative table linking requirements to releases. |
td.REQ_TRACE | Associations between requirements. |
td.REQ_TYPE | Types of requirements. |
td.REQ_TYPE_FIELD | Specifies which fields are required for each requirement type. |
td.REQ_TYPE_HIER_RULES | The hierarchy rules for requirement types in the requirement tree. For internal use. Do not change values in this table. |
td.RESOURCE_FOLDERS | Folders for resources. |
td.RESOURCES | A file or folder stored in the ALM repository that is represented by a resource. |
td.RESOURCES_MULTIVALUE | Values for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value. |
td.RESULTS | The results of a RUN. |
td.ROUTE_TABLE_1 | For internal use by HP. Supports coverage analysis calculations. Do not change data in this table. |
td.ROUTE_TABLE_2 | For internal use by HP. Supports coverage analysis calculations. Do not change data in this table. |
td.RULES | Conditions for generating automatic alerts. |
td.RUN | Execution records for test instances. |
td.RUN_CRITERIA | Instances of Test Criteria created when the associated Test Configuration is run. |
td.RUN_ITERATIONS | Iterations of a test run. |
td.RUN_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values for run records. |
td.RUNTIME_PARAM | Parameters defined at design time for Business Process Tests. |
td.SEQUENCES | A system table to manage IDs and other system numerators. Do not change values in this table. |
td.SITE_ACTIONS | Permissions of users of this project on actions on entities of a central project. |
td.SITE_ENTITIES | Permissions of users of this project on entities of a central project. |
td.SITE_FIELD | Permissions of users of this project on actions on fields entities of a central project. This table contains only permissions that are different from the defaults in SITE_ENTITIES.SIENT_DEFAULT_FIELD. |
td.SMART_REPOSITORY_LOGICAL_FILE | For internal use by HP. Do not change data in this table. |
td.SMART_REPOSITORY_PHYSICAL_FILE | For internal use by HP. Do not change data in this table. |
td.STEP | Test steps performed during a test instance run. |
td.STEP_PARAMS | The values of the parameters in the TEST_PARAMS Table. |
td.SYSTEM_FIELD | Meta-data about data fields in other tables. Stores settings from project entity customizations and system defaults. |
td.SYSTRANSLATE | For backward compatibility. This table may be removed in future versions. |
td.TABLES | Permissions by user group to change data. |
td.TASK_LOG_TYPE | Severity levels for task log entries. |
td.TASK_STATE | Status values for asynchronous tasks. |
td.TASKS | Tracking of asynchronous tasks. |
td.TASKS_LOG | Log of asynchronous tasks. |
td.TEMPORARY_DATA_FOOTPRINT | This table is for internal use. Do not change data. |
td.TEST | Details of the design test from the test plan module. |
td.TEST_CONFIGS | The data to be used in the run of a Test. |
td.TEST_CRITERIA | Items that can be used for coverage independently of the rest of the test. |
td.TEST_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values of test records. |
td.TEST_PARAMS | Parameters in design tests. |
td.TEST_VC_INFO | Used internally by version control plug-in. Do not change values in this table. |
td.TESTCYCL | Instances of design tests in test sets. |
td.TESTCYCL_MULTIVALUE | Multiple values of test cycle - test instance records. |
td.TO_ALERT | For internal use. Do not change data in this table. |
td.TOKENS | Assists in searching for similar defects. |
td.TRAN_RULES | Permitted status changes per group. |
td.USER_ASSETS | Entities of external tools of a type not known to ALM. |
td.USER_SETTINGS | User settings in a web client. This table is not in use with the standard ALM client. See the COMMON_SETTINGS table. |
td.USERS | System users who can access this project. |
td.VER_CTRL | Version control locking for Tests. |
td.WORKSPACE_SHARES | The WORKSPACE_SHARES Table is for internal use. Do not change data. |
View | Description |