ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
Meta-data about data fields in other tables. Stores settings from project entity customizations and system defaults.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key SF_IDThe record ID.int4   
 SF_TABLE_NAMEThe name of the table containing the field being described.varchar40   
 SF_COLUMN_NAMEThe field being described.varchar40   
 SF_COLUMN_TYPEThe data type, such as DATE, char, memo, number, or time.varchar20  
 SF_USER_LABELThe display label text.varchar200  

The type of control used by the ALM user interface to edit the value. This value is used only if the specific application window supports controls. If the edit style is an empty string or controls are not supported, a text edit box is used.

The possible values are: BaselineSingleTreeCombo, CycleTreeCombo, DateCombo, HostCombo, ListCombo, PathCombo, ReleaseCycleMultiTreeCombo, ReleaseCycleSingleTreeCombo, ReleaseMultiTreeCombo, ReleaseSingleTreeCombo, ReqTreeCombo, ReqTypeCombo, TestClassTreeCombo, TreeCombo, and UserCombo.

 SF_EDIT_MASKA mask for controlling input format for strings such as phone numbers, dates, ID numbers, and the like.varchar255  
 SF_IS_SYSTEMA value of Y indicates a system field. N indicates a user defined field.varchar1  
 SF_IS_CANFILTERA value of Y indicates that the users can add the field to a view filter. N indicates that the field cannot be used in a filter.varchar1  
 SF_IS_KEYA value of Y indicates that the field is a member of an index.varchar1  
 SF_KEY_ORDERFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.int4  
 SF_IS_EDITA value of Y indicates that the field value can be changed by users. N indicates a calculated or fixed value.varchar1  
 SF_IS_ACTIVEA value of Y indicates that the field can be displayed in the User Interface.varchar1  
 SF_IS_HISTORYA value of Y indicates that change records are kept on this field.varchar1  
 SF_IS_MAILA value of Y indicates that users are notified when the value of this field is changed.varchar1  
 SF_IS_VERIFYA value of Y indicates that the field value must be an item in a list. Most verification is done against named lists in the LISTS Table. User name fields are checked against the USERS Table. Subject fields are from the subject tree in the ALL_LISTS Table.varchar1  

If SF_IS_VERIFY is Y, the LISTS.LS_ID of the root of the list from which the values are taken. If the field is a test subject, this is the ALL_LISTS.AL_ITEM_ID.

 SF_IS_BY_CODEA value of Y indicates that the contents of the field are the ID of a folder.varchar1  
 SF_IS_REQUIREDA value of Y indicates that a value for the field is required before a user can create the entity.varchar1  
 SF_GRANT_MODIFYA bit mask that specifies the groups whose members may modify the field. If bit X is set, the modify action is enabled for the group identified with GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID = X.varchar512  
 SF_IS_TRANSITION_LOGICFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar1  
 SF_USER_COLUMN_TYPEThe type of data a user enters in a field. This is not always the same as the SF_COLUMN_TYPE. For example, a user may enter date or numerical information in a char database field.varchar20  
 SF_IS_KEEP_VALUEFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar1  
 SF_IS_CUSTOMIZABLEIf Y, the field is displayed in the customization user interface.varchar1  
 SF_CAN_CHANGE_PERMISSIONSIf Y, the field has a permission associated with it.varchar1  
 SF_FIELD_SIZEThe size of the field in bytes. For large object fields, such as memos, the size is -1.int4  

A bit mask that specifies the groups for whose members the field is visible in the new defect dialog. If bit X is set, the field is visible for the group identified with GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID = X.

 SF_IS_VISIBLE_FOR_GROUPSA bit mask that specifies the groups for whose members the field is visible in the User Interface. If bit X is set, the field is visible for the group identified with GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID = X.varchar512  
 SF_IS_TO_SUMFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar1  

If Y, the field is under configuration control. Changing a value triggers a update to the VC_<entity> table of the entity.

If N, changing a value updates both the VC_<entity> and the main entity tables.

 SF_OWNER_SENSIBLEA bit mask that specifies groups. The modify action is enabled for the owner of the entity if the owner belongs to a group whose bit is set. The group's bit is the bit corresponding to the GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID value.varchar512  
 SF_CAN_GROUPIf Y, the field can be grouped in the UI.varchar1  
 SF_IS_SEARCHABLEIf Y, searching in the values of the field is enabled.varchar1  
 SF_IS_VIRTUALIf Y, the field does not have a physical representation in the database.varchar1  

Indicates whether the field can contain multiple values from a look-up list. If true (Y), the UI control linked to the field supports multiple selection and the field contains a semicolon-separated list of values.

Note: The values are denormalized for performance reasons. Any program that alters the values in the specified field must also handle the [entity]_MULTIVALUE entries.

 SF_REFERENCE_TABLEThe name of the table containing the displayed value.
If this field is in use, set SF_IS_BY_CODE to Y.
 SF_REFERENCE_ID_COLUMNThe name of the table containing the key.
If this field is in use, set SF_IS_BY_CODE to Y.
 SF_REFERENCE_NAME_COLUMNThe name of the column containing the displayed value.
If this field is in use, set SF_IS_BY_CODE to Y.
 SF_IS_CROSS_SUBTYPEY indicates that the field applies to all sub-types of the entity.varchar1  
 SF_IS_SUPPORTS_HISTORYY indicates that the field history checkbox in the user interface is enabled.varchar1  
 SF_IS_SUPPORTS_REQUIREDY indicates that the field required checkbox in the user interface is enabled.varchar1  
 SF_UDF_VERSIONThe number of times the properties of the user-defined field have been changed.int4  
 SF_LIST_LOGICAL_NAMEA name, unique in the scope of this table, that refers to this record.varchar64  

The type of processing used to reduce the possiblity of the REST API returning data that contains executable code.

One of none, text, or html.

 SF_IS_VISIBLE_ON_WEB_UIFor internal use by HP.varchar1  
 SF_WEB_UI_DESCRIPTIONA free text description of this item.varchar16  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database