ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td.TABLES Table
Permissions by user group to change data.

Fields that control permissions are bit masks that specify the groups whose members can perform the action. If bit X is set, the action is enabled for the group identified with GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID = X.

For owner-sensible fields, the owner, as defined in TB_OWNER_FIELD_NAME, can perform the action if the owner is a member of a group whose corresponding bit in the owner-sensible field is set. For example, if bit one is set in TB_OWNER_SENSIBLE_DELETE and the owner belongs to group one, the owner can delete the record.

If the entire group has the privilege, the owner-sensible bit is not checked by ALM. For example, if bit one is set in TB_GRANT_DELETE and the owner belongs to group one, the owner can delete the record regardless of the value of TB_OWNER_SENSIBLE_DELETE.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key TB_TABLE_NAMEThe name of the table.varchar40   
 TB_GRANT_DELETEPermissions to delete records.varchar512  
 TB_OWNER_SENSIBLE_DELETEThe owner can delete the record if a member of the group.varchar512  
 TB_GRANT_MODIFYPermissions to modify records.varchar512  
 TB_OWNER_SENSIBLE_MODIFYThe owner can modify the record if a member of the group.varchar512  
 TB_GRANT_ADDPermissions to add records.varchar512  
 TB_OWNER_FIELD_NAMEThe column in the table that specifies the owner.varchar40  
 TB_AUDIT_ADDFor future use.varchar1  
 TB_AUDIT_DELETEFor future use.varchar1  
 TB_USER_LABELLabel used when an entity type is presented in the User Interface. For example, the label is used when linking entities.varchar120  
 TB_IS_CUSTOMIZABLEA value of Y indicates that the entity can be customized in the user interface.varchar1  

Entities in this table support libraries:
N - No
P - As entity
R - As an entity or root

The table support versions.
The table does not support versions.
(Owned)The versions of the entity are not set independently, but are a function of the entity that owns this entity.
(Legacy)Versioning is partially supported using the mechanism in place up to and including Quality Center 9.2.
 TB_REMOTE_PROJECT_IDObsolete from ALM 11.00. Was: For a remotely hosted entity, the project ID of the host project.int4  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database