ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td.TASKS Table
Tracking of asynchronous tasks.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key TASK_IDThe record ID.int4   
 TASK_TYPEThe task type. For example, Import Library, Install Patch.varchar255   
 TASK_DESCRIPTIONA free text description of this item.varchar255  
 TASK_CREATED_BYThe name of the user who initiated the task.varchar255   
 TASK_START_TIMEThe time the task was started according to the server clock.datetime4   
 TASK_END_TIMEThe time the task was completed according to the server clock.datetime4  
 TASK_RESULTThis string is different for each type of task.varchar16  
 TASK_VER_STAMPThe version number of this record.int4   
 TASK_VTSThe version time stamp.varchar20   
 TASK_PROGRESSA number between 0 and 100 indicating the percent of task completed.int4  
 TASK_PASSEDY if task succeeded.varchar1  
 TASK_FAILURE_REASONA description of the failure or reason for failure.varchar16  
 TASK_STATEThe  TASK_STATE_ID of the current state of the task.int4   
 TASK_CONTEXTThis string is task-dependant.varchar255  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database