ALM Site Administration API Type Library 12.50 and later
SAapi Object
Application Lifecyle Managemen Site Administration Client
Object Model
SAapi Object
Public Methods
Public Method AbortMaintenanceTaskCancels Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks
Public Method ActivateProjectActivates the project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method ActivateSendAllQualifiedActivates the Auto Mail option and retrieves project properties.
Public Method ActivateUserActivates an ALM site user.
Public Method AddDBServerExtObsolete: Defines a new database server.
Public Method AddUsersToGroupAdds a list of project users to the specified group.
Public Method AddUsersToProjectAdds a list of users to the specified project.
Public Method AlignRepositoryRealigns an optimized repository that was created from a snapshot.
Public Method Connect(Deprecated) Connects the Site Administration client to the Site Administration server.
Public Method ContinueMaintenanceTaskResumes paused Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks.
Public Method ContinueProjectContinues an interrupted project creation and retrieves project properties.
Public Method ConvertRichTextConverts Rich Text to ALM version 11 format.
Public Method CreateDomainCreates a new domain and retrieves the domain properties.
Public Method CreateProjectCreates a new project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method CreateProject2Creates a new project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method CreateProject3Creates a new project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method CreateProjectCopyCreates a new project by copying some, or all, data and properties from an existing project.
Public Method CreateProjectCopy2Creates a new project by copying some, or all, data and properties from an existing project.
Public Method CreateSiteSingleParamCreates a new site configuration parameter.
Public Method CreateUserCreates a new user and retrieves the user properties.
Public Method CreateUserExCreates a new user and retrieves the user properties.
Public Method DeactivateProjectDeactivates a project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method DeactivateSendAllQualifiedDeactivates the Auto Mail option for a specific project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method DeactivateUserDeactivates an ALM site user.
Public Method DeleteDomainDeletes a domain.
Public Method DeleteProjectDeletes a project.
Public Method DeleteProjectParamDeletes the specified project parameter.
Public Method DeleteSiteSingleParamDeletes a site configuration parameter.
Public Method DeleteUserDeletes an ALM site user.
Public Method DisableVersionControlDisables project version control and retrieves project properties.
Public Method DisconnectDisconnects a specific connection to the ALM server.
Public Method DisconnectAllDisconnects all connections to the ALM server.
Public Method DisconnectDomainDisconnects all connections to a domain.
Public Method DisconnectProjectDisconnects all connections to a project.
Public Method DisconnectUserDisconnects all of a given user's connections to the ALM server.
Public Method EnableExtensionsForProjectEnables extensions for the specified project.
Public Method EnableVersionControlEnables project version control and retrieves project properties.
Public Method ExportProjectExports project to file.
Public Method GetAllDomainProjectsReturns the properties of all projects in a domain.
Public Method GetAllDomainsReturns the properties of all domains.
Public Method GetAllProjectsReturns the properties of all projects or of all properties of the specified type.
Public Method GetAllUsersReturns all users and their properties.
Public Method GetConnectionsReturns the properties of all connections to the server.
Public Method GetConnectionsCountReturns the number of active connections to the server.
Public Method GetDBServerReturns properties of a database server.
Public Method GetDomainReturns the properties and projects of a domain.
Public Method GetEnabledExtensionsForProjectReturns the list of enabled extensions.
Public Method GetLicenseConsumptionReturns the PPU licenses that were used in the specified domain during the specified time period.
Public Method GetLicenseStatusReturns the site license status.
Public Method GetLicenseTypesListReturns the XML description of license types.
Public Method GetLinkedProjectsReturns a list of projects linked to a project and returns their properties.
Public Method GetProductVersionReturns the ALM Product Version.
Public Method GetProjectReturns the properties of a project.
Public Method GetProjectExtendedDataReturns project properties and database information.
Public Method GetSALogLevelReturns the Site Administration log level for a particular server.
Public Method GetSiteAllParamsReturns the properties of all site configuration parameters.
Public Method GetSiteSingleParamReturns the properties of one site configuration parameter.
Public Method GetSyHDebugInfoGet QC Debug Console information for SyH.
Public Method GetSyHInfoGet QC Sense information for SyH.
Public Method GetTDLogLevelReturns the ALM Platform log level for a particular server.
Public Method GetUserReturns the user properties.
Public Method GetUsersInProjectReturns the list of users in a project.
Public Method GetVersionReturns the version of ALM core schema.
Public Method ImportProjectCreates a new project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method ImportProjectExCreates a new project and retrieves project properties.
Public Method LinkProjectsLinks a project to a set of projects.
Public Method LoginLogs the specified user on to the site administration application.
Public Method LogoutDisconnects the logged on user from the site administration application.
Public Method MoveProjectToDomainMoves a deactivated project to another domain and retrieves project properties.
Public Method PauseMaintenanceTaskPauses Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks.
Public Method ReadMaintenanceTaskProgressReturns the progress of Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks.
Public Method RemoveDBServerDeletes a database server from the database server list.
Public Method RemoveProjectRemoves a project from the list of projects in a domain without deleting the project database.
Public Method RemoveUsersFromProjectRemoves a list of users from a project.
Public Method RepairRepairs the project.
Public Method RestoreProjectRestores an existing project to a domain.
Public Method RestoreProjectExRestores an existing project to a domain.
Public Method RestoreProjectEx2Restores an existing project to a domain.
Public Method RunQueryRuns the SQL statement on the project database and retrieves results.
Public Method SendAllQualifiedNowSends pending emails to the users as configured in the specified project.
Public Method SendMessageSends a message to the specified sessions.
Public Method SendMessageToAllSends a message to all open sessions.
Public Method SendMessageToProjectConnectedUsersSends a message to all users connected to the specified project.
Public Method SetDomainPropertySets a domain property and retrieves all domain properties.
Public Method SetProjectParamSets the value of the specified project parameter. If the parameter is not defined, creates it.
Public Method SetProjectPropertySets the specified property to a selected value and retrieves project properties.
Public Method SetSALogLevelSets the Site Administration log level for a particular server.
Public Method SetSiteSingleParamSets the properties of one site configuration parameter.
Public Method SetTDLogLevelSets the ALM Platform log level for a particular server.
Public Method SetUserExpirationDateSets an expiration date for an ALM site user.
Public Method SetUserPropertySets a specific user property and retrieves the user properties.
Public Method TestConnectionTests a project’s current connection string.
Public Method UnlinkAllProjectsLinks a project to a set of projects.
Public Method UnlinkProjectsLinks a project to a set of projects.
Public Method UnlinkProjectsByTypeLinks a project to a set of projects.
Public Method UpgradeUpgrades the project.
Public Method VerifyVerifies the project.
Public Method VerifyRichTextValidates Rich Text before conversion to ALM version 11 format.
See Also

SAapi Members