AbortMaintenanceTask | Cancels Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks |
ActivateProject | Activates the project and retrieves project properties. |
ActivateSendAllQualified | Activates the Auto Mail option and retrieves project properties. |
ActivateUser | Activates an ALM site user. |
AddDBServerExt | Obsolete: Defines a new database server. |
AddUsersToGroup | Adds a list of project users to the specified group. |
AddUsersToProject | Adds a list of users to the specified project. |
AlignRepository | Realigns an optimized repository that was created from a snapshot. |
Connect | (Deprecated) Connects the Site Administration client to the Site Administration server. |
ContinueMaintenanceTask | Resumes paused Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks. |
ContinueProject | Continues an interrupted project creation and retrieves project properties. |
ConvertRichText | Converts Rich Text to ALM version 11 format. |
CreateDomain | Creates a new domain and retrieves the domain properties. |
CreateProject | Creates a new project and retrieves project properties. |
CreateProject2 | Creates a new project and retrieves project properties. |
CreateProject3 | Creates a new project and retrieves project properties. |
CreateProjectCopy | Creates a new project by copying some, or all, data and properties from an existing project. |
CreateProjectCopy2 | Creates a new project by copying some, or all, data and properties from an existing project. |
CreateSiteSingleParam | Creates a new site configuration parameter. |
CreateUser | Creates a new user and retrieves the user properties. |
CreateUserEx | Creates a new user and retrieves the user properties. |
DeactivateProject | Deactivates a project and retrieves project properties. |
DeactivateSendAllQualified | Deactivates the Auto Mail option for a specific project and retrieves project properties. |
DeactivateUser | Deactivates an ALM site user. |
DeleteDomain | Deletes a domain. |
DeleteProject | Deletes a project. |
DeleteProjectParam | Deletes the specified project parameter. |
DeleteSiteSingleParam | Deletes a site configuration parameter. |
DeleteUser | Deletes an ALM site user. |
DisableVersionControl | Disables project version control and retrieves project properties. |
Disconnect | Disconnects a specific connection to the ALM server. |
DisconnectAll | Disconnects all connections to the ALM server. |
DisconnectDomain | Disconnects all connections to a domain. |
DisconnectProject | Disconnects all connections to a project. |
DisconnectUser | Disconnects all of a given user's connections to the ALM server. |
EnableExtensionsForProject | Enables extensions for the specified project. |
EnableVersionControl | Enables project version control and retrieves project properties. |
ExportProject | Exports project to file. |
GetAllDomainProjects | Returns the properties of all projects in a domain. |
GetAllDomains | Returns the properties of all domains. |
GetAllProjects | Returns the properties of all projects or of all properties of the specified type. |
GetAllUsers | Returns all users and their properties. |
GetConnections | Returns the properties of all connections to the server. |
GetConnectionsCount | Returns the number of active connections to the server. |
GetDBServer | Returns properties of a database server. |
GetDomain | Returns the properties and projects of a domain. |
GetEnabledExtensionsForProject | Returns the list of enabled extensions. |
GetLicenseConsumption | Returns the PPU licenses that were used in the specified domain during the specified time period. |
GetLicenseStatus | Returns the site license status. |
GetLicenseTypesList | Returns the XML description of license types. |
GetLinkedProjects | Returns a list of projects linked to a project and returns their properties. |
GetProductVersion | Returns the ALM Product Version. |
GetProject | Returns the properties of a project. |
GetProjectExtendedData | Returns project properties and database information. |
GetSALogLevel | Returns the Site Administration log level for a particular server. |
GetSiteAllParams | Returns the properties of all site configuration parameters. |
GetSiteSingleParam | Returns the properties of one site configuration parameter. |
GetSyHDebugInfo | Get QC Debug Console information for SyH. |
GetSyHInfo | Get QC Sense information for SyH. |
GetTDLogLevel | Returns the ALM Platform log level for a particular server. |
GetUser | Returns the user properties. |
GetUsersInProject | Returns the list of users in a project. |
GetVersion | Returns the version of ALM core schema. |
ImportProject | Creates a new project and retrieves project properties. |
ImportProjectEx | Creates a new project and retrieves project properties. |
LinkProjects | Links a project to a set of projects. |
Login | Logs the specified user on to the site administration application. |
Logout | Disconnects the logged on user from the site administration application. |
MoveProjectToDomain | Moves a deactivated project to another domain and retrieves project properties. |
PauseMaintenanceTask | Pauses Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks. |
ReadMaintenanceTaskProgress | Returns the progress of Verify, Repair, and Upgrade tasks. |
RemoveDBServer | Deletes a database server from the database server list. |
RemoveProject | Removes a project from the list of projects in a domain without deleting the project database. |
RemoveUsersFromProject | Removes a list of users from a project. |
Repair | Repairs the project. |
RestoreProject | Restores an existing project to a domain. |
RestoreProjectEx | Restores an existing project to a domain. |
RestoreProjectEx2 | Restores an existing project to a domain. |
RunQuery | Runs the SQL statement on the project database and retrieves results. |
SendAllQualifiedNow | Sends pending emails to the users as configured in the specified project. |
SendMessage | Sends a message to the specified sessions. |
SendMessageToAll | Sends a message to all open sessions. |
SendMessageToProjectConnectedUsers | Sends a message to all users connected to the specified project. |
SetDomainProperty | Sets a domain property and retrieves all domain properties. |
SetProjectParam | Sets the value of the specified project parameter. If the parameter is not defined, creates it. |
SetProjectProperty | Sets the specified property to a selected value and retrieves project properties. |
SetSALogLevel | Sets the Site Administration log level for a particular server. |
SetSiteSingleParam | Sets the properties of one site configuration parameter. |
SetTDLogLevel | Sets the ALM Platform log level for a particular server. |
SetUserExpirationDate | Sets an expiration date for an ALM site user. |
SetUserProperty | Sets a specific user property and retrieves the user properties. |
TestConnection | Tests a project’s current connection string. |
UnlinkAllProjects | Links a project to a set of projects. |
UnlinkProjects | Links a project to a set of projects. |
UnlinkProjectsByType | Links a project to a set of projects. |
Upgrade | Upgrades the project. |
Verify | Verifies the project. |
VerifyRichText | Validates Rich Text before conversion to ALM version 11 format. |