Requirement Coverage Overview
Like in ALM, you can create coverage between requirements and business process tests. The difference is that when working with business process testing, instead of covering each requirement only at the level of a test and its configuration(s), you can define coverage by criteria, such as flows or business components. This enables you to determine if a test passed or failed on a more granular level. For example, a test can be considered passed even if just one of its business components passed, such as the most critical one. Less critical business components have no effect on the overall status of the test.
The logic used for calculating coverage by criteria is similar to the logic used for calculating coverage by tests and test configurations. For conceptual details on coverage analysis for tests and test configurations, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide
For task details, see How to Create Coverage by Criteria.
When defining coverage for criteria, consider the following:
Coverage is calculated only for each instance of the selected criteria.
If a business process test contains three components, Component1, Component2, and Component3, and Component2 is the only criterion selected for coverage, each instance of Component1 and Component3 has no affect on coverage, regardless of whether the instances pass or fail. When all the instances of Component2 run, the requirement for the entire configuration is considered covered.
- Coverage for flows is calculated as follows:
- Coverage for flows that are run from within a business process test is calculated for the flow in its entirety, and not according to the individual criteria within the flow.
- Coverage for flows that are run independently of a business process test is calculated according to the individual criteria within the flow.
- When working with more than one configuration and multiple iterations, coverage for a criterion is calculated for each iteration of each configuration. If one of the criteria for an iteration of a configuration fails, the requirement coverage for the associated test fails.
Business process test OrderFlights has two business components, CheckFlights and ReserveFlights. Only ReserveFlights is set as a criterion for covering the test requirements, perhaps because it is assumed that if the user was able to reserve a flight, the user must have been able to check the flight. The test has two different configurations, Domestic and International, representing different types of flights. Each configuration iterates three times, testing the reservation of three domestic flights and three international flights.
Using this example, only the following component instances are examined when calculating coverage:
- Domestic configuration, Iteration 1, ReserveFlights
- Domestic configuration, Iteration 2, ReserveFlights
- Domestic configuration, Iteration 3, ReserveFlights
- International configuration, Iteration 1, ReserveFlights
- International configuration, Iteration 2, ReserveFlights
- International configuration, Iteration 3, ReserveFlights
If just one of these six component instances fails, the associated tests fails when requirement coverage is calculated.