Manual Implementation Pane/Component Step Details Dialog Box

The Manual Implementation pane and the Component Step Details dialog box enable you to create and edit individual steps.

To access

Manual Implementation pane: In the Business Components module, select a component in the component tree. Click the Manual Implementation tab.

Component Step Details dialog box: In the Business Components module, select a component in the component tree. In the Manual Implementation tab, do one of the following in the Manual Implementation pane:

  • Right-click the step grid, or a step, and select New Step.
  • Right-click a step and select Edit Step.

Important information

  • This pane or dialog box enables you to create manual steps for your component in an editable table. You can describe each step to be performed, create and insert parameters where required, and describe the expected result of the step.
  • If you apply formatting to a parameter name in a step, you must apply the same formatting to the entire parameter name, including the <<< and >>> characters. For example, if you want to italicize the parameter password, you must italicize the entire string <<<password>>> and not just the word password.
  • Specifying less than 2,500 characters in user-defined fields in this tab or dialog box can improve performance.

Relevant tasks

How to Work with Manual Implementation

See also

Manual Implementation Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element Description
<Business Component fields>

For field definitions, see Business Components Module Fields.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Allows you to browse through manual steps.

Available from: Component Step Details dialog box

New Step. Creates a new step.

  • From the Manual Implementation pane. Opens the Component Step Details dialog box, enabling you to add a step below the selected step.

  • From the Component Step Details dialog box. Clears most of the Component Step Details dialog box fields, enabling you to enter details for a new step. Increments the value of the Step Name field by one (for example, Step 1 becomes Step 2).

Edit Step. Opens the selected step in the Component Step Details dialog box.

Tip: Double-click a step to edit.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Renumber Steps. Renumbers the steps sequentially. Use this command after you rearrange steps.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Delete Selected. Deletes the selected step(s).

Available from: Manual Implementation pane and Component Details dialog box

Copy/Paste Steps. Copies the selected steps and pastes them. The copied steps are inserted above the selected step.

When you paste steps to another project, the Paste steps to Target Project dialog box opens. For user interface details, see Paste Components/Component Folders to Target Project Dialog Box.

Note: Parameters included in the step are copied to the target.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Complete Parameter Name. After you enter the first characters of a parameter name, clicking this button fills in the rest of the parameter name and encloses the parameter name between <<< >>> brackets.

Insert Parameter. Inserts a parameter into the step. This command is enabled only when your focus is in the Description or Expected Result cells. For details on inserting parameters, see How to Create Parameters.

Find Text. Opens the Find dialog box, enabling you to search in the tab for steps that contain a specified text value. Select the column in which you want to search, and enter the value you want to find. For user interface details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: Find Dialog Box.

Select Columns. Opens the Select Columns dialog box, enabling you to specify which columns to display their order. You can also set the number of columns that remain stationary when you scroll horizontally.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Adjust row heights. Changes the row height of the step so that more or less of the text in the step is visible.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Save steps. Saves the steps. Steps are not saved until either you click this button or you leave the pane or dialog box.

Move Up. Moves the selected step up in the list.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Move Down. Moves the selected step down in the list.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.

Available from: Component Step Details dialog box

Check Spelling. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.

Available from: Component Step Details dialog box

Spelling Options. Enables you to configure the way ALM checks spelling.

Available from: Component Step Details dialog box


This right-click menu command opens the Export All Grid Data dialog box for exporting the step information to several formats (text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, HTML). Specify a location, file name, and file type for the exported data.

Available from: Manual Implementation pane

<Step grid>

Displays steps that are included in the selected component.

Each row in the step grid is numbered sequentially.


Available from: Manual Implementation pane

Step Name

Displays the name of each step.

Default value: The sequential number of the step. For example, Step 1 if you are adding a step to a component for the first time.


Displays the description of each step.

Parameters included in the Description column are surrounded by <<< >>> brackets.


  • Clicking in this field displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text instructions for the tester to perform.
  • Specifying less than 2,500 characters in user-defined fields in this tab or dialog box can improve performance.
Expected Result

Displays the expected state after the step instructions are performed.

Note: Parameters included in the Expected Result column are surrounded by <<< >>> brackets.


  • Clicking in this field displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.
  • Specifying less than 2,500 characters in user-defined fields in this tab or dialog box can improve performance.