Hosts Fields
This section describes the host fields. In Lab Management, you can modify the fields of private and public hosts. In ALM, only the fields of private hosts can be modified.
Field (A - Z) |
Description |
Active Timeslot ID |
The ID of the timeslot for which this host is reserved, and which is now open. |
Belongs to Pools |
The host pools to which the host is assigned. Host pools enable you to control which hosts are allocated to which projects. When allocating hosts for a test, the system allocates hosts from the host pool of the project. Hosts must be assigned to at least one pool. Note: Private hosts can be assigned to only one pool. Available from: Lab Management only. |
Cloud Account | The name of the cloud account from which the host was provisioned. |
Cloud Host Identifier | A unique ID for the host assigned by the cloud provider. |
Cloud Image | The machine image applied to the cloud host. |
Cloud Instance Type | The instance type of the cloud host. |
Cloud Request ID |
The cloud provider's ID for a single provision request. A provision request includes all requested batches of hosts. Each batch has its own Cloud Request Item ID. Tip: You can filter by Cloud Request ID to see all hosts that were provisioned in a single provision request. |
Cloud Request Item ID |
The cloud provider's ID for a batch of hosts within a provision request. All hosts in a batch have identical specs and configurations. Tip: You can filter by Cloud Request Item ID to see all hosts that were provisioned in a single host batch. |
Cloud Template | The host template used to provision the host. Changing a host template does not affect existing hosts that were provisioned from the template. |
Created in Project |
The project the host was created in. You can modify all hosts in Lab Management, including private hosts. In ALM, you can only create and modify private hosts within the project's pool. Note: Available only in Lab Management. |
Description |
A description of the host. |
Enable SSL |
Indicates whether the Load Generator host will communicate with the Controller via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or not. Note: The load generator uses SSL to communicate with the Controller during runtime only. For non runtime functionality, such as including collating results, the load generator does not use SSL as the communication protocol. Relevant only for load generator hosts located over a firewall. |
Exclude from Automatch |
If this field is valued with 'Y', the host cannot be selected via automatch. The host can only be selected by name. This is only applicable for functional hosts. |
Host Attributes |
The system attributes of the host. Example: Memory, strength, installed components Tip: You can customize the host attributes in Lab Management. For details, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide |
Host ID |
The ID of the host. |
Host State |
The current activity on the host.
Host Version |
The version of the Lab Service agent installed on the testing host. Caution: If the Lab Service agent installed on the testing host is not the same version as the ALM server, the testing host status is set to Unavailable and you are unable to execute server-side tests. To reactivate the testing host, upgrade the Lab Service agent to the current version and reset the status in the Testing Host grid to Operational. |
Installation |
The installation type of the host. The following types are available:
Note: You cannot modify this field for an existing host. |
Last Configuration Check |
The last configuration check performed. |
Last Connectivity Check |
The last connectivity check performed. |
Last Installation Check |
The last installation check performed. |
Last Performance Check |
The last performance check performed. |
Last Poll Time | The last poll performed. |
Last Recover Time | The last time the host was restored to Operational status. If a host becomes non-operational, ALM changes the host status to Non-Operational. If the host later becomes operational again, ALM changes the status back to Operational and adds a timestamp to the Last Recover Time field. |
Last Run Timeslot ID |
The ID of the timeslot during which a performance test ran or data processing occurred on the host. |
Location |
The location of the host. For example, locations can be defined according to physical areas. The location also determines whether the host is located over a firewall. If so, you need to select an MI Listener that will enable data collection. |
Logical Name | The hostname or IP address of the host. |
Name/IP |
The name or IP address of the host. Note: The name should be entered without the hostname suffix. |
Password |
The password of the Performance Center system user on the host machine. Default: P3rfoRm@1nce Note:
PC MI Listener |
The IP address or name of the MI Listener that enables data collection. Relevant only for hosts located over a firewall. |
Priority |
A rank assigned to the host. The higher the priority you give the host, the more likely the host will be allocated to a test. There are a number of criteria to consider when assigning priority. The main considerations are whether the host is a dedicated machine or a shared resource, and the type of hardware installed on the machine. |
Provider Location ID | The region from which a cloud host was provisioned. |
Purpose |
The testing tools available on the host. For example: Controller, Load generator, Data processor, QuickTest Professional, Sprinter, and so on. Note:
Registration Auto Approve |
Indicates whether the testing host will be automatically approved after it is registered by Micro Focus ALM Lab Service. For details, see Using ALM Lab Service. |
Registration Request Date | The time and date that ALM received a host registration request from a newly added testing host. |
Registration Request Details | Details about the host that submitted a registration request. |
Registration Status |
The status of the host's registration. To be able to use the host for testing, you must first register the host using Micro Focus ALM Lab Service and the host must be approved by a Lab Administrator in Lab Management. For details, see Using ALM Lab Service. Note: You cannot change the Status of the host to "Operational" if the Registration Status is "Not registered". |
Reserved for User |
The user who is allowed to access this host. This is only applicable for functional hosts. |
Source |
The testing host's source: Local. The host exists in your testing lab. Cloud. The host was provisioned from a cloud provider. |
Status |
The status of the host. An indicator is displayed next to the host name, indicating its current status. The possible statuses are:
Username |
The name of the system user on the host machine. Default: IUSR_METRO Note: