Host Pool Details Dialog Box

This dialog box displays details about a selected host pool.

To access
  1. On the Lab Management sidebar, under Lab Resources, select Pools.

  2. Right-click a host pool in the grid and select Host Pool Details.

Important information
  • A host pool is a groups of hosts. Each project has one host pool.

  • When managing a host pool, it is important to understand the total available resources. The pool must contain at least one Controller, one load generator, and one data processor. Because hosts can have dual functionality, it is recommended that a pool contain, among the other hosts, at least one host that can be dedicated fully for Controller functionality.

  • A private host can only exist in one pool at a time.

Relevant tasks

How to Manage Host Pools

See also

Lab Resources Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Save. Saves the details.

First/Previous/Next/Last Entity. Enables you to browse through the list of host pools.

Spell Check. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.

Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.

Spelling Options. Enables you to configure how to check the spelling.

Field Search. Enables you to search for a specified field name. Supports wildcard search with asterisk "*" and question mark "?".

For example: a*b returns acb and adefb; a?b returns acb

Pool Name

The name of the host pool.


Lists the details of the selected host pool. For details on the available fields, see Pools Fields.

Linked Hosts

Enables you to add hosts to the selected pool and remove hosts from the pool. For details, see Linked Hosts Page.


Lists changes made to the currently selected host pool. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: History Tab.