Host Templates Module Fields

This section describes host template fields. Host template fields can only be edited in the project from which the template was created.

Field (A - Z) Description
Cloud Account The cloud account for which the template provisions a host.

A description of the host template.

Tip: Clearly describe the type of host that is provisioned by each template so that testers can choose the appropriate templates when provisioning hosts.

Host Attributes

Allows you to specify the system attributes of the host.

Example: Host memory: High; Host strength: Medium; Installed components: Citrix Client.

Tip: You can customize the host attributes in Lab Management. For details, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Entities.

Host Credit Number of credits per hour consumed by each host provisioned from this template.
Host Installation

The installation type of the host.

The following types are available:

  • Unix Load Generator. Indicates that this Unix host is used as a Load Generator for performance tests.
  • Windows Standalone LG. Indicates that this Windows host is used as a standalone Load Generator for performance tests.


  • Make sure you select the correct installation type for the image. Incorrect settings will cause the performance tests to run incorrectly.

  • Unified Functional Testing and Windows Host options appear in the Host Installation list but are not available for selection

Host Purpose

The testing tools available on the host. For example: Controller, Load generator, Data processor, QuickTest Professional, Sprinter, and so on.

Note: ALM supports only Load Generator.

Instance Type The hardware specs of cloud hosts provisioned from the template. Instance types can be viewed on the website of your cloud provider, and are accessed automatically when creating host templates.
Location In Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure, the region where the hosts are provisioned.
Machine Image

The software image used for cloud hosts provisioned from the template. Machine images are managed on the website of your cloud provider, and are accessed automatically when creating host templates.

Note: If the Machine Image value cannot be displayed, verify that you used the correct cloud account number.

Template ID The ID of the host template. Generated automatically by ALM at the time the template is created.
Template Name The name you give to the template.