New Host Template Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to add new host templates to ALM.

To Access

Lab Management and ALM:

  1. On the sidebar, under Cloud Settings, click Host Templates.
  2. Click the New Host Template button or choose New Host Template from the Host Templates menu.
Important information You must have an existing Microsoft Azure or Amazon EC2 account to add a host template in ALM.
Relevant tasks How to Manage Host Templates
See also Host Templates Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element Description
Reset All Fields. Erases all data entered into fields in the dialog box.
Spell Check. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.
Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.
Spelling Options. Enables you to configure how to check the spelling.

Field Search. Enables you to search for a specified field name. Supports wildcard search with asterisk "*" and question mark "?".

For example: a*b returns acb and adefb; a?b returns acb

Name The name you choose for the host template. Choose a name that clearly describe the type of host that is provisioned by the template so that testers can provision exactly the hosts they need
Details Required fields are displayed in red. For details about the available host template fields, see Host Templates Module Fields.
Description Allows you to enter a description of the host template.