ALM Editions

Application Lifecycle Management is available in several editions which provide subsets of ALM functionality.

ALM Edition


ALM A unified platform for managing and automating processes, activities, and assets for building, testing, delivering, and maintaining applications. It includes modules for requirements, test, defect, and development management, and overall release and project planning. ALM helps organizations drive consistent processes, shared best-practices, and asset sharing across projects.
Quality Center (QC) Enterprise Edition

QC resides on the same unified platform as ALM. It is a unified quality management platform that efficiently scales from a single project to multiple, enterprise-wide projects and releases. QC enables you to manage application quality with consistent, repeatable processes regardless of your methodology of choice, from Waterfall to iterative methodologies such as Agile.

Quality Center (QC) Express Edition

Provides a subset of ALM product functionality, and is designed to introduce new customers to ALM. It provides core functionality for test management and defect management.

Quality Center (QC) Community Edition

Provides a subset of ALM product functionality, and is designed to introduce new customers to ALM. It provides core functionality for test management and defect management.

Note: Before using the community edition, you must assign named licenses to your users. Only then can the users successfully log in to ALM and see the appropriate modules. For more information on assigning named licenses, see Managing Licenses

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ALM Functionality by Edition

The following table indicates the availability of ALM functionality according to edition. Further information on each function is provided below.

Functionality Micro Focus ALM Edition Micro Focus Quality Center Enterprise Edition Micro Focus Quality Center Express Edition Micro Focus Quality Center Community Edition
Release Management
Project Planning and Tracking (PPT) Releases


Multiple Requirement Types
Requirement to Requirement Traceability
Risk-Based Quality Management
Business Models Module
Test Authoring and Execution (partial)
Test Resources
Test Configurations
Lab Management
Automatic Provisioning of Cloud Test Hosts
Sharing Requirements and Tests
Sharing Defects
Cross Project Customization
Cross Project Reporting
Global Search
External Integration
Export Data to Excel
Business Process Testing
Extensions (partial) (partial)
Upgrading Editions --

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