How to Create Requirements
This task describes how to define and update your requirements in the Requirements module. After you have created a requirements tree, you can use the requirements as a basis for defining the tests in your test plan tree.
To learn more about creating requirements, see Requirements Specification Overview.
Note: Higher-level task: This task is part of a higher-level task. For details, see How to Use Requirements in ALM.
Create requirements
Open the Requirements module. On the ALM sidebar, under Requirements, select Requirements. In the View menu, select Requirements Tree.
Create folders. Click the Requirements root folder and select New Folder. To create a sub-folder, click a folder and select New Folder. In the New Requirement Folder dialog box, type a folder name.
Add requirements. Right-click a requirement folder and select New Requirement. To create a sub-requirement, right-click a requirement and select New Requirement. For user interface details, see New Requirement Dialog Box.
For user interface details on the Requirements module, see Requirements Module Window.
Import requirements - optional
In addition to creating requirements directly in ALM, you can also import requirements to your ALM project from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. To import requirements, you must first install the appropriate add-in. For details, see Data Import from Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel .
Update requirements
For each requirement, you can update its details, attachments, and rich text documents. Right-click a requirement and select Requirement Details. The Requirement Details dialog box opens. For user interface details, see Requirement Details Page.
Convert requirements to tests - optional
To assist you in establishing a test plan tree in the Test Plan module, you can use your requirements as a basis for defining your tests. You can reuse your requirements and convert them to the following entities in your test plan tree: test subjects, tests, test steps, or step descriptions.
To convert requirements to test subjects, tests, test steps, or step descriptions, right click a requirement or folder and select Convert to Tests. The Convert to Tests wizard opens. For user interface details, see Convert to Tests Wizard.