Build Verification Module Menus and Buttons

This section describes the menus and buttons available in the Build Verification module.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Build Verification

Relevant tasks

How to Work with Build Verification Suites in ALM

See also

Build Verification Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements (A - Z) Menu Description
Add to Favorites


Opens the Add Favorite dialog box, enabling you to add a favorite view to your private or the public folder. For details, see Add Favorite Dialog Box.

Build Verification Suite Details

Build Verification Suites

Opens the Build Verification Suite Details dialog box, enabling you to view and update details of the selected test set. For details, see Build Verification Suite Details Dialog Box.



Collapses the folders in the tree below the selected folder.

Copy URL/Paste

Build Verification Suites/Edit

Copies a selected suite and pastes its URL as a link. The suite itself is not copied. Instead, you can paste the address into another location, such as an email or a document. Clicking on the link opens ALM and takes you to the suite. If you are not already logged in, ALM first prompts for login details.



Moves a selected suite or folder to a different location in the business verification suites tree.

Tip: You can also drag a suite to a new location in the test sets tree.



Deletes a selected suite or folder. You cannot delete the Root folder.

Expand All


Expands all folders in the tree below the selected folder.



Enables you to filter and sort the runs in the test runs grid. For details, Filter Dialog Box.

Go to Build Verification Suite
  • Build Verification Suites
  • <right-click menu>

Opens the Go To Build Verification Suite dialog box, enabling you to find a specific build verification suite by its ID.

Last Run Report

<right-click menu>

Opens the Last Run Report pane, displaying results of the last run for the selected build verification suite.

You can also click the Show arrow to display the Last Run Report pane.

New Build Verification Suite Folder

Build Verification Suites

Opens the New Build Verification Suite Folder dialog box, enabling you to add a folder to the build verification suites tree.

Syntax exceptions: A test set folder name cannot include the following characters: \ ˆ *

New Build Verification Suite

Build Verification Suites

Opens the New Build Verification Suites dialog box, enabling you to suite to a selected folder. For details, see New Build Verification Suite Dialog Box.

Organize Favorites


Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box, enabling you to organize the list of favorite views by changing properties or deleting views. For details, see Organize Favorites Dialog Box.

Refresh/Refresh All


Refreshes the view to display the most up-to-date information.



Enables you to rename a suite or folder. You cannot rename the Root folder.

Run <right-click menu> Opens the Run <Entity> Dialog box, enabling you to run the selected build verification suite. For details, see .
Update Selected Edit Opens the Update Selected dialog box, enabling you to update a field value for multiple selected suites in the tree or grid. For details, see Update Selected Dialog Box.