Test Plan Module Menus and Buttons

This section describes the menus and buttons available in the Test Plan module.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Test Plan.

Important information
  • Some menu commands and buttons are not available in all test plan views.

  • Tip: You can access the menu bar from the Test Plan module by pressing the shortcut key Alt.

  • Version Control: Additional menu commands and buttons are available in a version control enabled project. For details, see Versions Menu and Buttons.

  • Business Process Testing: Additional menu commands and buttons are available for Business Process Testing. For details, see the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide: Test Plan Module Menu and Buttons for Business Process Testing.

  • Additional menu commands and buttons are available for BPT Packaged Apps Kit. For details, see the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide: Test Plan Module Menu and Buttons for Business Process Testing.

Relevant tasks

How to Create Tests

See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A - Z)



<list of recently used favorite views>


Displays the four most recently used favorite views in the Test Plan module.

You can define the number of views displayed on the menu by setting the FAVORITES_DEPTH parameter in the Site Configuration tab in Site Administration. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Setting ALM Configuration Parameters.

Add to Favorites


Opens the Add Favorite dialog box, enabling you to add a favorite view to your private or the public folder. For details, see Add Favorite Dialog Box.



Opens the Alerts dialog box, enabling you to display alerts for the test. For details, see Alerts Dialog Box.



Opens the Attachments page, enabling you to add attachments to the selected test. For details, see Attachments Page.

Clear Alerts


Clears displayed alerts for the module. For details, see How to Use Alerts.

Clear Default Values Edit Removes default values set using the Set Default Values dialog box. No defaults are available when creating new tests or test configurations.
Clear Follow Up Flag


Clears a follow up flag of a selected test. For details, see Follow Up Flags Overview.

Available from: Test Grid



Collapses all branches in the test plan tree.

Convert to Component


Creates components from a test or a flow. For user interface details, refer to the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide: Select Destination Folder Dialog Box.

Copy URL/Paste


Copies a selected test and pastes its URL as a link. The test itself is not copied. Instead, you can paste the address into another location, such as an email or a document. Clicking the link opens ALM and takes you to the test. If you are not already logged in, ALM first prompts for login details.



Copies selected tests within the same project or across projects. When you copy a test subject, any subfolders and tests of the test subject are also copied.


  • When you copy a test from one project to another, if the test contains calls to other tests, or if the tests are dependent on test resources or other entities, you can instruct ALM to copy them using one of three methods. For details, see Paste Tests/Folders to Target Project Dialog Box.

  • To copy tests across projects, both projects must use the same ALM version and patch level.

  • The Paste option is only available from the Test Plan Tree.


Moves selected tests to a different location in the test plan tree.


  • When moving a test subject, any subfolders and tests of the test subject are moved with it. The root folder cannot be moved.
  • The Paste option is only available from the Test Plan Tree.

Tip: You can also move a test or test subject to a new location in the test plan tree by dragging it.



Deletes the selected test or folder in the test plan tree.

When deleting a folder, select one of the following options:

  • Delete folders only. Deletes folders and moves all related tests to the Unattached folder.

  • Delete folder and tests. Deletes folders, tests, and test scripts.

Version Control: Deleting a test deletes all previous versions of the test.

When deleting a test, if dependencies are defined for the test, the Delete Test dialog box opens. To view the Used By entities, click Details.


  • You cannot delete the root Subject folder.

  • If you choose to delete a folder and tests, all subfolders and tests under the selected folder are deleted permanently.

  • If you delete a test, the test and test script are deleted permanently. In addition, all test runs associated with the deleted test are deleted.

  • If dependencies are defined for a test, deleting the test may impact the dependent entities. To view the dependencies before you delete, click the Dependencies tab. For more details on related entities, see Dependencies Tab.

  • Performance Testing: Deleting a performance test that is linked to a timeslot will affect the timeslot.

Description Page

<right-click menu>

Opens the Description tab.

Available from: Test Grid

Edit Test


Performance Center: Opens the Performance Test Designer, enabling you to design a performance test.

Expand All


Expands all branches in the test plan tree.


<right-click menu>

Opens the Export Grid Data dialog box, enabling you to export the tests in a grid as a text file, Microsoft Excel worksheet, Microsoft Word document, or HTML document.

Choose one of the following options:

  • All. Exports all tests in the grid.

  • Selected. Exports selected tests in the grid.

Available from: Test Grid



Enables you to filter and sort the tests in the test tree or grid. Any currently applied filters or sorting orders are displayed below the toolbar. For details, see Filter Dialog Box.

Note: A filter that is defined in one test plan view does not apply to the other view.



Opens the Find dialog box, enabling you to search for a test in the Test Plan module. For details, see Find Dialog Box.

Find Next


Searches for the next item in the test grid that meets the previously defined search criteria.

Flag for Follow Up


Opens the Flag For Follow Up dialog box, enabling you to define a follow up flag for a selected test. For details, see Flag For Follow Up Dialog Box.

Generate from Test Report Tests Opens the Generate Tests from External Test Results dialog box, enabling you to import your tests from an external file to your Test Plan Tree. For details, see Generate Tests from External Test Results Dialog Box.
Global Search <toolbar>

A global search engine enabling you to search for data on one or multiple projects. The following ALM modules are supported: Defects, Requirements, Tests, Test Sets, and Analysis.

For details on enabling Global Search, see Enabling Global Search.

For user interface details, see Global Search Window.

Go to Test


Opens the Go To Test dialog box, enabling you to find a specific test by Test ID. You can only go to tests that are in the current filter.

Go to Entity in Module Tree <toolbar>

Navigates to the location of the selected entity in that entity's module, and highlights the selected entity.

Available from:

  • Select Components and Flows pane, for business process tests

  • Business Models Linkage > Business Models Tree pane

  • Req Coverage > Requirement Tree pane

Go to Test in Test Plan Tree


Goes to the Test Plan Tree view and highlights the selected test.

Available from: Test Grid

Go to Test in Test Set


Enables you to view instances of a test in test sets in the Test Lab module.

If there is only one instance of the selected test, the Test Lab module opens with the instance highlighted.

If there is more than one instance of the selected test, the Select Test Set dialog box opens, and you select a test set and instance.

Go to Test Configuration in Test Set


Goes to the test set associated with the selected test configuration in the Execution Grid tab in the Test Lab module.

Available from: Test Configurations tab



Lists the graphs you can generate for test plan data. Select a predefined graph, or launch the graph wizard.

For details on the predefined graph types, see Entity Graph Types.

History Page

<right-click menu>

Opens the History tab. For details, see History Tab.

Available from: Test Grid

Import LeanFT Tests

<right-click menu>

Imports LeanFT tests to ALM. For details, see How to Create and Import LeanFT Tests.

Indicator Columns


Displays indicators on the left-side of the test window. For details, see Test Plan Module Icons.

Invert Selection


Unselects all previously selected tests in the grid and selects all previously unselected tests.

Available from: Test Grid

Live Analysis


Lists options for displaying graphs in the Live Analysis tab. Add or delete a graph, or configure its appearance.

For details on live analysis, see Live Analysis Graphs Overview.

Available from: Live Analysis tab

Mark as Template Test


For manual tests. Marks a test as a template test that you can then call from another test.

After you mark a template test, the manual test icon changes from gray to white .

For GUI tests. Marks a test as a template test that you will then be able to use to create other UFT GUI tests.

Most Recently Used


Lists the most recently viewed reports and graphs in ALM. Displays up to ten items.

New Folder


Opens the New Test Folder dialog box, enabling you to add a test subject under a selected folder.

Syntax exceptions: A folder name cannot include the following characters: \ ^ *

Available from: Test Plan Tree

New Test


Opens the Create New Test dialog box, enabling you to add a test under a selected folder. For details, see New Test Dialog Box.

Available from: Test Plan and Test Plan Tree

Organize Favorites


Organizes your favorite views. For details, Organize Favorites Dialog Box.



Lists the favorite views that are accessible only to the user who created them.

Pin/Unpin <toolbar>

Pins or unpins the test plan.

Available from: Test Grid and Test Plan Tree.

For details, see Pinned Items Overview.

Project Reports


Lists the predefined project reports you can produce on test plan data. For details on the report types, see Predefined Project Reports.

Selecting a report from the list generates a preview of the report. The preview displays up to five entities per report section. To generate the full report, in the upper left corner of the preview, click the downward arrow adjacent to the Generate button and select the report format to generate.



Lists the favorite views that are accessible to all users.

Refresh All


Refreshes the test plan tree or grid so that it displays the most up-to-date tests.



Renames a selected test or folder. You cannot rename the root folder.

Syntax exceptions: A test name cannot include the following characters: \ / : " ? < > | * % '



In the test grid, opens the Replace dialog box, enabling you to replace a test field value. For details, see Replace Dialog Box.

Report Selected

<right-click menu>

Displays a report of the selected tests.

Req Coverage


Enables the Advanced Coverage dialog box. For details, see Add Advanced Coverage Dialog Box.

Run Test


Performance Center: Enables you to run the selected performance test from the Test Plan module.

Select All


Selects all tests in the grid.

Available from: Test Grid

Select Columns


Opens the Select Columns dialog box, enabling you to determine which fields to display in the test grid and their order. For details, see Select Columns/Select Fields Dialog Box.

Send by E-mail


Opens the Send E-mail dialog box, enabling you to send a test by email to recipients selected from a list, or to the test designer. For details, see Send E-mail Dialog Box.

Set Default Values Edit

Opens the Set Default Values dialog box, enabling you to set default values for certain test fields. For user interface details, see Set Default Values Dialog Box.

Show Entity Details <toolbar>

Opens the Details dialog box for the selected entity in read-only mode.

Available from:

  • Select Components and Flows pane, for business process tests

  • Business Models Linkage > Business Models Tree pane

  • Req Coverage > Requirement Tree pane

Show Details and History

<right-click menu>

Displays information panel tabs on the bottom of the test grid.

Available from: Test Grid

Sort Folders


Opens the Sort Folders in Test Plan Tree dialog box, enabling you to rearrange subfolders in a test subject folder. For details, see Sort Folders in Test Plan Tree Dialog Box.

Test Cases Generator <toolbar> Business Process Testing: Prepares test configurations by using the parameters in your test and their possible values to create multiple possible data combinations. For user interface details, see Test Combinations Generator.
Test Details


Opens the Test Details dialog box, displaying the details of the selected test.

For user interface details, see Test Plan Module Window.

For user interface details specific for Business Process Testing, refer to the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide: Test Details Dialog Box for Business Process Testing.

Test Grid


Displays the Test Grid view, enabling you to view tests in a flat, non-hierarchical view. Each line in the grid displays a separate test.

Test Plan Tree


Displays the Test Plan Tree view, enabling you to view your tests and test subject hierarchically in a tree.

Text Search


Opens the text search pane in the lower part of the Test Plan module window, enabling you to search for records in predefined fields. For details, see Text Search Pane.

Update Selected


Opens the Update Selected dialog box, enabling you to update a field value for multiple selected tests in the grid. For details, see Update Selected Dialog Box.

Upload Script


Performance Center: Enables you to upload VuGen scripts to ALM.