Test Resources Module Menus and Buttons

This section describes the menus and buttons available in the Test Resources module.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Test Resources.

Important information

Tip: You can access the menu bar from the Test Resources module by pressing the shortcut key Alt.

Relevant tasks

How to Use Test Resources

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element





Collapses all branches in the test resource tree.

Copy URL/Paste


Copies a selected resource and pastes its URL as a link. The resource itself is not copied. Instead, you can paste the address into another location, such as an email or a document. Clicking the link opens ALM and takes you to the resource file or folder. If you are not already logged in, ALM first prompts for login details.



Copies selected resources or folders within the same project or across projects.


  • When you copy a resource from one project to another, if the resource is dependent on other test resources, you can instruct ALM to copy using one of three methods. For details, see Paste Resources To Target Project Dialog Box.

  • To copy resources across projects, both projects must use the same ALM version and patch level.



Deletes selected resources and folders from the test resource tree.

If other entities depend on the resource, the Delete Resource dialog box opens. The related entities are displayed.

Caution: If other entities depend on the resource, deleting the resource may impact these related entities. You can view related entities in the Dependencies tab. For details, see Dependencies Tab.

Version Control: Deleting a resource deletes all previous versions of the resource.



Enables you to filter the resources in the test resource tree. For details, see Filter Dialog Box.

Expand All


Expands all branches in the test resource tree.



Moves selected resources to a different location in the test resource tree.

Note: The root folder cannot be moved.

Tip: You can also move a resource to a new location in the test resource tree by dragging it.



Opens the Find dialog box, enabling you to search for a resource in the test resource tree. For details, see Find Dialog Box.

New Resource


Opens the New Resource dialog box, enabling you to add a resource to a selected folder. For details, see New Resource/Resource Details Dialog Box.

New Resource Folder


Opens the New Resource Folder dialog box, enabling you to add a folder under a selected folder.

Send by


Opens the Send E-mail dialog box, enabling you to send a resource by email to recipients selected from a list. For details, see Send E-mail Dialog Box.

Refresh All


Refreshes the test resource tree so that it displays the most up-to-date information.



Renames a selected resource or folder.