Test Resources Module Window

This window enables you to manage resources used by your tests.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Test Resources.

Important information
  • UFT: For more details on working with UFT resources, see the section on working with ALM in the Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing User Guide.

  • Business Process Testing: When an ALM project with Business Process Testing is connected toUFT, a BPT Resources folder is created automatically in the tree. The BPT Resources folder contains all the UFT resources available for business components in the project. For details about Business Process Testing application areas, see the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide: Application Area Overview.

  • Performance Center: For more details on working with Performance Center resources, see the Performance Center documentation.

Relevant tasks

How to Use Test Resources

See also

Test Resources Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element


<Test Resources module common UI elements>
<test resource tree>

A graphical representation of your test resources.

Note: When Sprinter is used for manual testing in your project, a Sprinter folder is added to the Resources folder. This folder contains a subfolder for each Sprinter user and is used to store user information. Caution: The Sprinter folder is managed by Sprinter only. You must not make any changes to the folder or subfolders. For details, see the Micro Focus Sprinter User Guide.

Details tab

Displays details of the currently selected resource folder or resource. For details, see Test Resources Module Fields.

Resource Viewer tab

Enables you to upload and download test resource files from the ALM repository. For details, see Resource Viewer Tab.

Note: Some resources have different viewer tabs, such as the application area resource. For details on its viewer tab, see Application Area Viewer Tab.

Dependencies tab

Displays dependency relationships that exist between entities such as test resources, components, and tests. For details, see Dependencies Tab.

History tab

Displays a history of baselines in which the test resource appears. You can also compare two baseline versions.

Version Control: You can view all previous versions of a test resource.

For details, see History Tab.

Monitors Configuration tab

Performance Center: Enables you to configure Performance Center monitor profiles. For details, see the Performance Center documentation.