Get a TDFilter from the Filter property of any factory object except ReqFactory.
A HierarchyFilter is a filter that returns a HierarchySupportList containing the items that are children of a specified node and either match the filter or are ancestors of items that match the filter. If no node is specified, the returned HierarchySupportList contains the root of the entity's tree if any item in the project matches the filter. Get a HierarchyFilter with ReqFactory.Filter.
A filter cannot handle OR conditions between different fields nor sort on a user-defined field.
A filter always has a primary filter on an entity and may also have a secondary filter, or XFilter, on a second entity.
For example, a TEST-TESTSET XFilter is a TDfilter derived from a Test factory. The first clause is created by setting the Filter to specify the desired tests. The XFilter is created by getting a second TDFilter from a TestSetFactory and setting the Filter property to specify the desired test sets. The text of this test set TDFilter is the XFilter text of primary test TDFilter.
The result is a list of tests that meet the TDFilter.Filter criteria and are associated with at least one of the test sets that meet the TDFilter.XFilter criteria.
The association between the entities can be direct, as in a links between requirements and defects, or it can be indirect. For example, TSTEST-REQ selects test instances (TSTEST) based on design tests (TEST) that cover requirements.
Implemented Interface | Description |
_IDateConverter2 | TDFilter Internal functionality |
_ISupportDataLimit | Allows control of the amount of entities that will be retuned in a single NewList call |
ISupportEntityTypes | Provides services for entities that support entity types. |
ISupportFetchLimit | Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL. |
Clear | Clears the current filter. |
GetTypedFields | The list of fields for the given type. |
GetXFilter | Gets the cross filter specified by CrossEntities. |
IsClear | Checks whether the filter is clear, including cross-filter settings. |
IsFieldRelevantToType | Indicates whether the field is used in this type. |
IsFieldRequiredInType | Indicates whether the field is required in this type. |
NewList | Creates a new list from current filter. |
Refresh | Reads saved data and refreshes the fetched list according to the current filter, overwriting values in memory. |
SetXFilter | Sets the filter for second entity, called a cross filter. |
CaseSensitive | Indicates if the filter for the specified field is case sensitive. The default is False. |
DataType | The filtered entity type. |
FetchLimit | Maximum number of results to return from server. |
Fields | The value of the specified field. |
Filter | The filter condition for the field specified by the FieldName. |
Order | The position of the specified field in the list of the sort fields. (zero-based). |
OrderDirection | The sort order: TDOLE_ASCENDING or TDOLE_DESCENDING. |
Text | The full fields filter as text. |
XFilter | The cross filter according to the entity type. |