A test instance represents a single use of a planning Test in a TestSet. It can be associated with one or more runs.
Get a TSTest object from a TSTestFactory.
Implemented Interface | Description |
IAlertable2 | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IAlertable2Dispatch | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IBaseField2 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField3 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField4 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
ICoverable | Represents an entity that covers a requirement. |
IFollowUpManager | Manages the user-defined follow-ups. |
ILinkable | Services for managing links. |
IMailableEntity | Mail support for entities. |
ISubtypedEntity | Represents an entity with support for subtypes. |
ISupportParameterValues | Services to support parameterization. |
AddAlert | Adds a new alert to the specified entity. |
CancelFollowUp | Removes the current entity's follow-up. |
CleanAllAlerts | Removes all current object alerts from the database. |
CoverRequirementEx | Adds the specified requirement to the list of requirements covered by this entity. Optionally, also adds child requirements. |
DeleteAlert | Removes an alert or alerts associated with the current object from the database. |
GenerateTestConfiguration | Generates a new Configuration based on this test instance. Connects the instance to the new created configuration, and returns its ID. |
GenerateXMLDescription | Generates an XML description of the test instance. |
GetAlert | Gets the alert specified by the alert ID. |
GetAlertList | Gets a list of all alerts associated with the object. |
GetFollowUp | Gets the date and description for the follow-up associated with the current object. |
HasAlerts | Checks if any alerts are associated with the object. |
HasFollowUp | Checks if the object has at least one follow-up associated with it. |
HasNewAlerts | New, unread alerts are associated with the object. |
IsFollowUpOverdue | Checks if the date of the unsent follow-up is earlier than the current database server date. |
LockObject | Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server.Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server. |
Mails the item. | |
MailEx | Mails the IMailableEntity field item. |
Post | Posts all changed values into database.Posts all changed values into database. |
Refresh | Reads saved values, overwriting values in memory.Reads saved values, overwriting values in memory. |
SetFollowUp | Sets an alert for follow-up for the current object. |
Undo | Undoes changes to field values that have not been posted.Undoes changes to field values that have not been posted. |
UnLockObject | Unlocks the object.Unlocks the object. |
Attachments | The Attachment factory for the object. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes.If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
BugLinkFactory | The bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects. |
CoverageFactory | The CoverageFactory for the entity. |
EntitySubtype | The current subtype of the entity. |
ExecutionParams | The execution parameters for this test instance. |
ExecutionSettings | The execution settings for this test instance. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
HasAttachment | Checks if the object has one or more attachments. |
HasCoverage | Checks if the test instance covers at least one requirement. |
HasLinkage | Checks if the current object has at least one associated Bug. |
HasOthersLinkage | Checks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects. |
HasSteps | Checks if the planning test specified by the Test property has design steps. |
HostName | The name of the host planned to run this test instance. |
ID | The item ID.The item ID. |
Instance | The instance number of this test instance in the test set, within the other instances of the same test. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing.Checks if object is locked for editing. |
LastRun | The Run object of the last run. |
LinkFactory | The link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date.Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
Name | The name of this test instance. By convention, this is the test instance number and the test name. |
ParameterValueFactory | The parameter value factory that manages the parameter values of the current object. |
Params | Deprecated. Use ParameterValueFactory of ISupportParameterValues. The step parameters for this execution test. |
RunFactory | The Run Factory for this test instance. |
Status | The test instance's execution status. |
SubjectId | The ID of the Subject field. |
Test | The planning test of which this is an instance. |
TestConfiguration | The test configuration used by this test instance for the run. |
TestId | The ID of the planning test of which this is an instance. |
TestName | The name of the planning test of which this is an instance. |
TestSet | The test set to which the test instance belongs. |
Type | The test type. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record.Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |