ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
Parts of a business process model.
Examples of elements are activity, event, connector, and so on.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key BPME_IDThe record ID.int4   
 BPME_PARENT_IDThe BPM_MODELS.BPMM_ID of the model this element belongs to.int4   
 BPME_NAMEThe element's name.varchar255   
 BPME_GUIDThe element's unique ID as imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_EXTERNAL_IDThe element's ID as imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_SUBTYPE_IDThe type of element. For example, connector or activity.varchar50   
 BPME_ELEMENT_TYPE_IDThe inner type of the element according to the owner model's notation.int4  
 BPME_LOCATION_XThe element's X coordinate in the diagram as imported from the external tool.int4  
 BPME_LOCATION_YThe element's Y coordinate in the diagram as imported from the external tool.int4  
 BPME_HEIGHTAs imported from the external tool.int4  
 BPME_WIDTHAs imported from the external tool.int4  
 BPME_TEXTThe element's visible text.varchar16  
 BPME_ADDITIONAL_DATAThe element's additional attributes as imported from the external tool.varchar16  
 BPME_IS_TESTABLEA value of Y indicates that the element is testable. For future use.varchar1  
 BPME_IS_VISIBLEA value of Y indicates that the element is visible in the diagram.varchar1  
 BPME_IMPORT_DATEThe date the element was imported as part of a business model.datetime4  
 BPME_IMPORTED_BYThe ALM user who imported the element as part of a business model.varchar60   
 BPME_CREATION_DATEThe server date when this item was created.datetime4  
 BPME_CREATED_BYThe user name of the user who created this item.varchar60   
 BPME_EMBEDDED_IN_GUIDThe GUID of the containing sub-process if this element is imbedded. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_LANE_GUIDThe GUID of the containing lane. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_POOL_GUIDThe GUID of the containing pool. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_REF_MODEL_GUIDIf a reference activity, the GUID of the referenced model. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_TEXT_SYNCFor internal use. Do not change data.varchar1  
 BPME_VTSThe version time stamp.varchar20   
 BPME_VER_STAMPThe version number of this record.int4  
 BPME_HAS_ATTACHMENTSY if this item has attachments.varchar1  
 BPME_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 BPME_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  
 BPME_STATUSThe element status. For future use.varchar40  
 BPME_PRIORITYThe imported element's priority.int4  
 BPME_DESCRIPTIONA free text description of this item.varchar16  
 BPME_REP_REQ_IDThe ID of the requirement that represents the imported element. The requirement is created as part of element’s import.int4  
 BPME_POINTSIf element is a connector, the list of points the connector goes through in the diagram. Imported from the external tool.varchar255  
 BPME_SOURCE_GUIDIf element is a connector, the GUID of the source object. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPME_TARGET_GUIDIf element is a connector, the GUID of the target object. Imported from the external tool.varchar80  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database