ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
Business process models.
The model elements are in the BPM_ELEMENTS Table. The paths are in the BPM_PATHS Table.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key BPMM_IDThe record ID.int4   
 BPMM_PARENT_IDThe record ID of the folder that contains this item.int4   
 BPMM_NAMEThe name of the item.varchar255   
 BPMM_GUIDThe ID imported from the external tool.varchar80  
 BPMM_STATUSThe model status. For future use.varchar40  
 BPMM_DESCRIPTIONA free text description of this item.varchar16  
 BPMM_REP_REQ_IDThe requirement ID that represents the imported model. The requirement is created as part of model’s import.int4  
 BPMM_ADDITIONAL_DATAThe model's additional attributes as imported from the external tool.varchar16  
 BPMM_IMPORTED_BYThe user who imported this version.varchar60   
 BPMM_IMPORT_DATEThe date and time of the last import.datetime4  
 BPMM_CREATED_BYThe user who imported the first version of the model.varchar60   
 BPMM_CREATION_DATEThe date and time of the first import.datetime4  
 BPMM_SOURCE_FILE_NAMEThe name of the file used in the most recent import.varchar255  
 BPMM_NOTATIONThe notation name of the model as imported from the external tool.varchar40  
 BPMM_NOTATION_VERSIONThe version of notation as imported from the external toolvarchar40  
 BPMM_PRIORITYThe imported model's priority.int4  

One of As-Is or To-Be.

 BPMM_VENDORThe name of the external tool in which the model was created, as imported from the external tool.varchar60  
 BPMM_AUTHORThe model creator, as imported from the external tool.varchar60  
 BPMM_TEXT_SYNCFor internal use. Do not change data.varchar1  
 BPMM_VTSThe version time stamp.varchar20   
 BPMM_VER_STAMPThe version number of this record.int4  
 BPMM_HAS_ATTACHMENTSY if this item has attachments.varchar1  
 BPMM_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 BPMM_VC_VERSION_NUMBERThe version ID of the entity.int4  
 BPMM_VC_STATUSThe version status: Checked in, checked out, or read only.varchar20  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKIN_USER_NAMEThe user who checked in this version of the item. If this item has not been checked in, the field is blank.varchar60  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKIN_DATEThe date this version was checked in according to the server clock.datetime4  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKIN_TIMEThe time this version was checked in according to the server clock.varchar10  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKIN_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking in the item.varchar16  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKOUT_DATEThe date the version was checked out according to the server clock.datetime4  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKOUT_TIMEThe time this version was checked out according to the server clock.varchar10  
 BPMM_VC_CHECKOUT_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking out the item.varchar16  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database