ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td.BUG Table
Information about defects.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key BG_BUG_IDThe defect record ID.int4   

The current status of the defect.

The values are from the Bug Status custom list. Typical values are: Open, Fixed, Closed, New, Rejected, and Reopen.

 BG_RESPONSIBLEThe name of the developer responsible for fixing the defect.varchar60  

The name of the project in which the defect was found. 

The values are from the All Projects custom list.

 BG_SUBJECTThe subject in the test plan tree to which the bug is related: ALL_LISTS.AL_ITEM_ID.int4  
 BG_SUMMARYA summary of the defect.varchar255  
 BG_DESCRIPTIONA description of the defect.varchar16  
 BG_DEV_COMMENTSComments about the defect, usually by the developer responsible for the defect.varchar16  
 BG_REPRODUCIBLEIndicates whether the tester was able to reproduce the defect.varchar1  

The severity level of the defect.

The values are from the Severity custom list.

Typical values are: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High, 5-Urgent.


The priority level of the defect.

The values are from the Priority custom list.

Typical values are: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High, 5-Urgent.

 BG_DETECTED_BYThe user name of the tester who found the defect.varchar60  
 BG_DETECTION_DATEThe date the defect was found.datetime4  
 BG_DETECTION_VERSIONThe version in which the defect was detected.varchar70  
 BG_PLANNED_CLOSING_VERThe version in which the developer estimates the defect will be closed.varchar70  
 BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIMEThe number of days the developer estimates will be required to fix the defect.int4  
 BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIMEThe number of days worked to fix the defect.int4  
 BG_CLOSING_DATEThe date the defect record was closed.datetime4  
 BG_CLOSING_VERSIONThe version in which the defect record was closed.varchar70  
 BG_TO_MAILIndicates whether a defect report should be mailed to users registered to receive such reports.varchar1  

Indicates whether the defect record has any attachments.

 The value of this field can be either Y or N.

 BG_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_02User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_03User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_04User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_05User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_06User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_07User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_08User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_09User-defined field.varchar255  
 BG_USER_10User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_11User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_12User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_13User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_14User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_15User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_16User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_17User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_18User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_19User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_20User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_21User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_22User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_23User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_24User-defined field.varchar40  
 BG_USER_HR_01BG_USER_HR_01 to BG_USER_HR_06 are for backward compatibility. Fields may be removed in future version.int4  
 BG_BUG_VER_STAMPA number indicating the revision number of this record. Increments each time a change is made.int4  
 BG_HAS_CHANGEFor backward compatibility.varchar50  
 BG_VTSThe version time stamp. Indicates the time this record was last changed according to the database server.varchar20  
 BG_EXTENDED_REFERENCEFor internal use.  Do not change data.varchar50  

The ITG Request ID. This field is used internally by ITG to link ITG requests to defects.

 BG_TEXT_SYNCFor internal use. Do not change data.varchar1  
 BG_REQUEST_SERVERThe URL of the ITG server. This field is used internally by ITG.varchar120  
 BG_REQUEST_TYPEThe ITG request type. This field is used internally by ITG.varchar120  
 BG_REQUEST_NOTEThe notes added to the linked request in ITG.varchar16  
 BG_CYCLE_IDFor backward compatibility.int4  
 BG_TEST_REFERENCEFor backward compatibility.int4  
 BG_CYCLE_REFERENCEFor backward compatibility.varchar255  
 BG_RUN_REFERENCEFor backward compatibility.int4  
 BG_STEP_REFERENCEFor backward compatibility.int4  
 BG_DETECTED_IN_RELThe RELEASES.REL_ID of the release in which the defect was detected.int4  
 BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYCThe RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle in which the defect was detected.int4  
 BG_TARGET_RELThe RELEASES.REL_ID of the release in which the defect is planned to be fixed.int4  
 BG_TARGET_RCYCThe RELEASE_CYCLES.RCYC_ID of the release cycle in which the defect is planned to be fixed.int4  
 BG_ENVIRONMENTThe software and hardware environment in which the bug was detected.int4  
Objects that depend on td.BUG
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
AUTR66132_BUG triggerAUTR66132_BUGTrigger 1
MVTR_BUG triggerMVTR_BUGTrigger 1
Objects that td.BUG depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
td.AUDIT_LOG tabletd.AUDIT_LOGTableEvents on which history is recorded.1
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES tabletd.AUDIT_PROPERTIESTableDetails of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table.1
td.BUG_MULTIVALUE tabletd.BUG_MULTIVALUETableValues for defect a columns of a record where the column has more than one value.1
td.ENVIRONMENTS tabletd.ENVIRONMENTSTableTesting environments.1
td.RELEASE_CYCLES tabletd.RELEASE_CYCLESTableDetails of cycles. A release can contain a number of cycles.1
td.RELEASES tabletd.RELEASESTableInformation about a product release.1
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database