ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
Details of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table.

For any given record, only the fields relevant to the type of the changed data have values. Fields for other data types are NULL.

The AUDIT_LOG and AUDIT_PROPERTIES tables replace the HISTORY table, which no longer exists.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key AP_PROPERTY_IDThe record ID.int4   
 AP_ACTION_IDThe audit log record: AUDIT_LOG.AU_ACTION_ID.int4   
 AP_TABLE_NAMEIf the property change was saved in the database, the name of the table in which the change occurred.varchar40  
 AP_FIELD_NAMEIf the property change was saved in the database, the field (column) that was changed.varchar40  

If the property change was saved in the database, the user-defined label for the field that was changed (SYSTEM_FIELD.SF_USER_LABEL).

If not a database field, the name of the property.


The value before the change for types other than timestamp or large object fields.

If there is no previous value, or if timestamp or large object, NULL.


The value resulting from the change for types other than timestamp or large object fields.

NULL for timestamp and large object.


The value before the change for large object fields.

If there is no previous value or if not a large object, NULL.


The value resulting from the change for large object fields, such as memo fields.

If not a large object, NULL.


The value before the change for timestamp fields.

If there is no previous value or if not a timestamp , NULL.


The value resulting from the change for  timestamp fields.

If not a timestamp , NULL.

Objects that depend on td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
AUTR_27990060_QPM_MILESTONES triggerAUTR_27990060_QPM_MILESTONESTrigger 2
AUTR_345769792_ENVIRONMENTS triggerAUTR_345769792_ENVIRONMENTSTrigger 2
AUTR_363696399_TESTCYCL triggerAUTR_363696399_TESTCYCLTrigger 2
AUTR1386687709_COMPONENT triggerAUTR1386687709_COMPONENTTrigger 2
AUTR1815529430_RESULTS triggerAUTR1815529430_RESULTSTrigger 2
AUTR1916707492_TEST_CONFIGS triggerAUTR1916707492_TEST_CONFIGSTrigger 2
AUTR2571410_TEST triggerAUTR2571410_TESTTrigger 2
AUTR64594118_CYCLE triggerAUTR64594118_CYCLETrigger 2
AUTR66132_BUG triggerAUTR66132_BUGTrigger 2
AUTR81022_REQ triggerAUTR81022_REQTrigger 2
AUTR81515_RUN triggerAUTR81515_RUNTrigger 2
td.BUG tabletd.BUGTableInformation about defects.1
td.COMPONENT tabletd.COMPONENTTableBusiness Process Components.1
td.CYCLE tabletd.CYCLETableTest sets.1
td.ENVIRONMENTS tabletd.ENVIRONMENTSTableTesting environments.1
MVTR_BUG triggerMVTR_BUGTrigger 2
MVTR_REQ triggerMVTR_REQTrigger 2
td.QPM_MILESTONES tabletd.QPM_MILESTONESTableSignificant periods for quality measurements in the context of a RELEASE.1
td.REQ tabletd.REQTableDetails of individual requirements and the structure of the requirements tree.1
td.RESULTS tabletd.RESULTSTableThe results of a RUN.1
td.RUN tabletd.RUNTableExecution records for test instances.1
td.TEST tabletd.TESTTableDetails of the design test from the test plan module.1
td.TEST_CONFIGS tabletd.TEST_CONFIGSTableThe data to be used in the run of a Test.1
td.TESTCYCL tabletd.TESTCYCLTableInstances of design tests in test sets.1
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database