Project Data Tables Database > td Schema : td.REQ Table |
The tree structure is stored in two ways. First, each record holds a pointer to the parent in RQ_FATHER_ID. Within the children of each parent, the order is set with RQ_ORDER_ID. Thus, a self-join between REQ parent and REQ child ordered by child.RQ_FATHER_ID, child.RQ_ORDER_ID can be used to recreate the tree.
The second way the tree is stored is in RQ_REQ_PATH. The highest level nodes (RQ_FATHER_ID = -1) are ordered from AAA to ZZZ. Each child node down the tree inherits the parent path, and within the parent node, the requirements are ordered AAA to ZZZ where the current level numeration is concatenated to the inherited path. For example, the child requirements of the first node (AAA) have paths of AAAAAA, AAAAAB, AAAAAC, and so on. The characters V and W are not used.
Use of a self-join is easy to program when recreating the entire tree or a sub-tree. The path can be used when looking for the children of a given node since the child paths are the parent path plus three more characters.
To identify the tests and test steps that cover the requirements, see the REQ_COVER Table.
Multiple values for fields are maintained in the REQ_MULTIVALUE Table.
Many of the integer values are ENUMs. For possible values, see the API reference.
Column Name | Description | Datatype | Length | Allow Nulls | Default | Formula | |
RQ_REQ_ID | The record ID. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_FATHER_ID | The ID of the requirement for which this requirement is a sub-requirement. Top level requirements have a father ID of | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_ORDER_ID | The order in which the requirement appears in the user interface among other requirements at the same level of the requirements hierarchy. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_ISTEMPLATE | For backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_REQ_COMMENT | The requirement comment. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_REQ_REVIEWED | Indicates whether or not the user responsible for the project has reviewed the requirement. The values are from the Review Status custom list. Typical values are: Changed, Not Reviewed, Reviewed. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_PATH | See table remarks. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_STATUS | The aggregated status of previous runs of tests in the requirement coverage. Indicates whether any test that covers the requirement fails. The values are from the Status custom list. Typical values are: No Run, Failed, Passed, Not Completed, N/A. In addition to the values from the list, the Not Covered value can be assigned. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_PRIORITY | The requirement priority level. The values are from the Priority custom list. Typical values are: 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High, 5-Urgent. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_TYPE | Obsolete. In previous versions, the requirement type. The values are from the Requirement Type custom list. Typical values are: Change, Functional, Guideline, Quality, Standard, System. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_PRODUCT | The product for which the requirement is designed. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_NAME | The name assigned to the requirement by the tester who designed the requirement. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_REQ_AUTHOR | The user name of the person who designed the requirement. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_RBT_IGNORE_IN_ANALYSIS | A value of Y indicates that this requirement is not included in risk-based quality management analysis regardless of filter and other settings. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_BSNS_IMPACT | The Business Criticality value calculated by ALM. A value of enum TD_RBT_BI_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_BSNS_IMPACT | A Business Criticality value set by a user. A value of enum TD_RBT_BI_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_BSNS_IMPACT | If true, RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_BSNS_IMPACT is used. If false, RQ_RBT_BSNS_IMPACT is used. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_EFFECTIVE_BSNS_IMPACT | The Business Criticality value used by the risk-based quality management analysis algorithm to analyze the Testing Level and testing time of this requirement. The value depends on the RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_BSNS_IMPACT setting. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_FAIL_PROB | The Failure Probability value calculated by ALM. A value of enum TD_RBT_FP_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_FAIL_PROB | A Failure Probability value set by a user. A value of enum TD_RBT_FP_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_FAIL_PROB | If true, RQ_CUSTOM_FAIL_PROB is used. If false, RQ_FAIL_PROB is used. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_EFFECTIVE_FAIL_PROB | The Failure Probability value used by the risk-based quality management analysis algorithm. The value depends on the RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_FAIL_PROB setting. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_RISK | The Risk calculated by ALM. A value of enum TDAPI_RBT_RISK_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_RISK | A Risk value entered by a user. A value of enum TDAPI_RBT_RISK_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_RISK | If Y, use the RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_RISK instead of the calculated risk. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_EFFECTIVE_RISK | The Risk value used by the risk-based quality management analysis algorithm to analyze the Testing Level and testing time of this requirement. The value depends on the RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_RISK setting. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_FUNC_CMPLX | The Functional Complexity calculated by ALM. A value of enum TDAPI_RBT_FC_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_FUNC_CMPLX | A Functional Complexity value entered by a user. A value of enum TDAPI_RBT_FC_LEVELS. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_FUNC_CMPLX | If Y, use the RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_FUNC_CMPLX instead of the calculated Functional Complexity. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_EFFECTIVE_FUNC_CMPLX | The Functional Complexity value used by the risk-based quality management analysis algorithm to analyze the Testing Level and testing time of this requirement. The value depends on the RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_FUNC_CMPLX setting. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_TESTING_LEVEL | Testing Level set by the risk-based quality management analysis. A value of enum TD_RBT_TESTING_LEVELS. | varchar | 70 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_TESTING_LEVEL | Testing Level value set by a user. A value of enum TD_RBT_TESTING_LEVELS. | varchar | 70 | ||||
RQ_RBT_TESTING_HOURS | The testing time that was estimated for this requirement by the risk-based quality management analysis. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_RBT_CUSTOM_TESTING_HOURS | Testing time value set by a user. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_RBT_USE_CUSTOM_TL_AND_TE | Indicates whether to use custom or calculated Testing Level and testing time for risk-based quality management calculations. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_RBT_RND_ESTIM_EFFORT_HOURS | Estimated development time. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_RBT_ASSESSMENT_DATA | The values assigned to the risk-based quality management assessment criteria. Edit this value in the ALM user interface. Do not to write directly to the database. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_RBT_ANALYSIS_PARENT_REQ_ID | The RQ_REQ_ID of the requirement on which was performed the last analysis that was used to calculate the RQ_TESTING_LEVEL and RQ_TESTING_HOURS fields of this requirement. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_RBT_ANALYSIS_SETUP_DATA | The settings used to perform the last risk-based quality management analysis of the sub-tree of this requirement, including the filter, the policy, and the allocated time. Edit this value in the ALM user interface. Do not write directly to the database. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_RBT_ANALYSIS_RESULT_DATA | The aggregated results of the latest risk-based quality management analysis. Edit this value in the ALM user interface. Do not write directly to the database. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_RBT_LAST_ANALYSIS_DATE | The date and time of the last analysis. | datetime | 4 | ||||
RQ_USER_01 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_02 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_03 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_04 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_05 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_06 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_07 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_08 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_09 | User-defined field. | varchar | 255 | ||||
RQ_USER_10 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_11 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_12 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_REQ_VER_STAMP | The revision number of this requirement. Increments each time the record is updated. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_ATTACHMENT | A value of Y indicates that the requirement has at least one attachment. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_REQ_DATE | The date the requirement was created according to the database server clock. | datetime | 4 | ||||
RQ_REQ_TIME | The time the requirement was created according to the database server clock. | varchar | 10 | ||||
RQ_NO_OF_SONS | The number of requirements that have this requirement as a parent requirement, that is, have their RQ_FATHER_ID field set to this requirement’s ID. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_IS_FOLDER | Obsolete. May be deleted in a future version. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_VTS | The time stamp of the last time the record was updated according to the database server clock. | varchar | 20 | ||||
RQ_USER_13 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_14 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_15 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_16 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_17 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_18 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_19 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_20 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_21 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_22 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_23 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_USER_24 | User-defined field. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_ID | The ITG request ID. Used internally for ITG-QC integration. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_TEXT_SYNC | For internal use. Do not change data. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_SERVER | The URL of the ITG server. Used internally for ITG-QC integration. | varchar | 120 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_TYPE | ITG request type. Used internally for ITG-QC integration. | varchar | 120 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_STATUS | ITG request status. Used internally for ITG-QC integration. | varchar | 40 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_UPDATES | ITG request updates information. Used internally for ITG-QC integration. | varchar | 120 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_ASSIGN_TO | The user to whom the requirement is assigned. | varchar | 120 | ||||
RQ_REQUEST_NOTE | The notes added to the request in ITG. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_TYPE_ID | The REQ_TYPE.TPR_TYPE_ID. A value of 0 indicates that the requirement type is not defined. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_TARGET_RCYC_VARCHAR | The IDs of the ReleaseCycles this requirement is associated with. | varchar | 4000 | ||||
RQ_TARGET_REL_VARCHAR | The IDs of the Releases this requirement is associated with. | varchar | 4000 | ||||
RQ_TARGET_RCYC | For internal use. Do not write to this field. The link to the target cycle is in the td.REQ_CYCLES Table. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_TARGET_REL | For internal use. Do not write to this field. The link to the target release is in the td.REQ_RELEASES Table | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_DEV_COMMENTS | Comments about the requirement. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_HAS_RICH_CONTENT | Requirement has rich-text content. The use of this field may be discontinued in future versions. | varchar | 1 | ||||
RQ_VC_VERSION_NUMBER | The version ID of the entity. | int | 4 | ||||
RQ_VC_STATUS | The version status: Checked in, checked out, or read only. | varchar | 20 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKIN_USER_NAME | The user who checked in this version of the item. If this item has not been checked in, the field is blank. | varchar | 60 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKIN_DATE | The date this version was checked in according to the server clock. | datetime | 4 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKIN_TIME | The time this version was checked in according to the server clock. | varchar | 10 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKIN_COMMENTS | Comments.The user's comments when checking in the item. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAME | The user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank. | varchar | 60 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKOUT_DATE | The date the version was checked out according to the server clock. | datetime | 4 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKOUT_TIME | The time this version was checked out according to the server clock. | varchar | 10 | ||||
RQ_VC_CHECKOUT_COMMENTS | Comments.The user's comments when checking out the item. | varchar | 16 | ||||
RQ_REQ_RICH_CONTENT | HTML data. | varchar | 16 |
Index | Description | Primary | Unique |
Trigger | Description |
AUTR81022_REQ | |
Database Object | Object Type | Description | Dep Level | |
AUTR81022_REQ | Trigger | 1 | ||
MVTR_REQ | Trigger | 1 |
Database Object | Object Type | Description | Dep Level | |
td.AUDIT_LOG | Table | Events on which history is recorded. | 1 | |
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES | Table | Details of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table. | 1 | |
td.REQ_MULTIVALUE | Table | Multiple values for requirement records. | 1 | |
td.REQ_TYPE | Table | Types of requirements. | 1 |