Updating Project Details

You can view project details such as database type and project directory from the Project Details tab. You can also edit various settings for the project. For example, you can edit the connection string, change the number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project, and enable the automatic sending of defect email. Updated project details are written to the dbid.xml file, so that if a project is restored, the updated project data is used. For details, see Restoring Access to Projects.

Tip: You can move a project to a different domain in the Projects list using a drag-and-drop operation. This does not change the physical location of the project.

Cross Project Customization: If you are working with a template project, you update template details from the Template Details tab.

ALM Editions: Template projects are not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: ALM Editions.

To update project details:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Site Projects tab.

  2. In the Projects list, select a project. In the right pane, select the Project Details tab. The project's details are displayed.

    Note: If a project is inactive, the project icon is displayed in red. To activate, see Deactivating and Activating Projects.

  3. Under Project Database, view the following project details:



    Database Type

    The database type can be MS-SQL or Oracle.

    Database Name

    The project name, as defined in the database.

    Database Server

    The name of the database server on which the database is located.

    Created From Project

    The project was copied from this project. An Empty Database value indicates that the project was not copied. For details, see Copying Projects.

    Created From Template

    The project was copied from this template.

    Restored From Project

    The project was restored from this project. For details, see Restoring Access to Projects.

    Created From Domain

    The project was copied from this domain.

    Restored From Domain

    The project was restored from this domain. For details, see Restoring Access to Projects.

    Maintenance State

    Indicates whether a maintenance task is being performed on this project. Tasks include verifying, repairing, upgrading, and realigning a project.

    Possible values are:

    • Idle. No maintenance is being performed on this project.

    • Corrupted. Maintenance cannot be completed because the project is corrupted. To resume, a backup copy of this project must be restored.

    • Under maintenance task. Maintenance is being performed on this project.

    For details on maintaining projects, see Upgrading Projects to a New Version.

    Unicode Supported

    Indicates whether this project supports Unicode.

    Connection String

    The connection string. To modify the connection string, see Editing the Connection String.

    DB User Password

    The user password for the Oracle server on which the database is located. To modify this password, see Modifying Database Server Properties.

    Project Directory

    The location of the project repository in the file system.

    Search Language

    Indicates the search languages for performing a text search. For details, see Selecting a Text Search Language for a Project.

    Exception File

    Indicates the location of the exception file to be used when running the upgrade process. For details, see Upgrading Domains and Projects.

  4. Under Repository Cleanup, promote or delay the scheduled project repository cleanup. For more details on the project repository cleanup, see Project Repository Cleanup.

    Click the available button:

    • Promote Repository Cleanup. Instructs ALM to cleanup the repository of the current project as soon as possible.

    • Postpone Repository Cleanup. Instructs ALM to postpone the repository cleanup of the current project, or to stop a cleanup that is in progress.

  5. Under Project Planning and Tracking, view the following project details:



    Automatic Calculations State

    Indicates whether the project is included in the automatic daily project planning and tracking calculations of your site. For details, see Enabling or Disabling Automatic Calculations for a Project.

    Run Now

    Enables you to manually trigger project planning and tracking calculations for a project in order to refresh its results without waiting for the next scheduled calculation. For details, see Launching Calculations for a Project Manually.

    ALM Editions: Functionality related to project planning and tracking is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: ALM Editions.

  6. Under Global Search, click Enable Global Search to enable Global Search for a project. For more details, see Enabling Global Search.

  7. Under Miscellaneous, select Send mail automatically to enable the mail configuration settings for a project. This sends email to specified users every time set defect fields are updated. If this check box is not selected, mail configuration settings for the project have no effect and email is not sent. For details on configuring mail, see Configuring Automail.

    The defect messages are sent automatically, at specified time intervals. You can edit the time interval using the MAIL_INTERVAL parameter in the Site Configuration tab. You can also specify if you want the email to include attachments and/or history. For details, see Setting ALM Configuration Parameters.

    To manually send the defect messages that have accumulated during the current time interval, click the Send Email Now button. If the Send mail automatically check box is not selected, defect messages do not accumulate, so this button has no effect.

  8. If you enable the Text Search link in the DB Servers tab after you have added a project to the Projects list in the Site Projects tab (for example, after creating, upgrading, or migrating a project), you must also click the Enable/Rebuild Text Search button. For details, see Enabling Text Search in ALM.

  9. The Linked to Template field displays the name of the template that the project is linked to. For details on linked templates, see Updating Linked Template Details.

  10. To change the number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project, click the User Quota link. The Project User Quota dialog box opens.

    Choose Maximum connections and type the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. Click OK.

    Note: The maximum number of users allowed to connect concurrently to the project should not exceed the number of users allowed to connect to its domain. For details, see Creating Domains.

  11. To add a description for the project, click the Description link. In the Edit Project Description dialog box, type your description and click OK. By default, the project creation date is displayed.

  12. Click the Refresh Projects List button to refresh the projects in the selected domain. To refresh projects in all domains, click the Refresh Projects List arrow and choose Refresh All Domains.

  13. To assign users to a project, see Assigning Users to Projects.