Configuration Tab/Window - Graphs

The Configuration tab in the Analysis View module and the graph configuration window in the project reports' Configuration tab enable you to select data to be included in a graph.

ALM Editions: Cross project graphs are not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition, Quality Center Community Edition, or Quality Center Express Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

To access

Configuration tab:

Use one of the following:

  • In the Analysis View module, select a graph, and click the Configuration tab.
  • If you have the required administrator permissions, in the Analysis View module's Analysis Menus tab, select a graph and click the Configuration tab.

Configuration window:

  1. On the ALM sidebar, under Dashboard, select Analysis View.
  2. Expand the analysis tree and select a project report.
  3. In the project report, select a section node.
  4. In the Graph Selection area, select a graph and click Configure.
Important information

The available configuration options depend on the graph type.

Relevant tasks
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element

Graph Type


Business View Business View

Enables you to select a business view on which to base the graph. Click the browse button next to the box, and select the desired business view from the list and click OK.

Period Entity (progress and trend graphs only)

The time period covered by the graph. Select a time period from the drop-down list:

  • Custom. A time period between any two dates. Set the start and end dates.

  • Week/Month/Quarter/Year. A fixed time period any time in the past. Use the arrows to jump to the next or previous period, or set the start or end date of the period in the drop-down calendars.

  • Last. A time period ending at the current date. Select a time unit (day, week, month, quarter, or year) and set the number of time units you want to cover in the graph.

  • All days. Includes all time periods from the beginning of the project until the current date.

Age Grouping Entity (Defects only)

You can group all defects older than a certain period (for example, older than six months) in one column, and all defects more recent than that period in a second column. Alternatively, you can group the defects by all available periods.

  • Select a period to group the defects in two columns.

  • Select No grouping to view all of the available periods.

Resolution Entity (progress and trend graphs only)

The time interval at which data is grouped on the x-axis.

Display Options Entity (progress graphs only)
  • Select Raw Data to view the number of requirements, tests, or defects over the period of time you selected.

  • Select Changes over Time to view the change in the number of requirements, tests, or defects over the period of time you selected. Each record begins at 0.

  • Business View
  • Entity (summary and age graphs only)

Select the data that displays on the y-axis.

  • Select Count to display the total number of items (for example, a count of open defects).

  • Business View graphs. Select Count Distinct and choose a field to display distinct values for that field.
  • Select Sum of and choose a numerical field. For example, in Defects graphs, choose Estimated Fix Time to display the estimated time required for fixing the defects. Choose Actual Fix Time to display the actual time spent on fixing the defects.

  • Business View
  • Entity (summary graphs only)

The information displayed along the x-axis of the graph.

Tip: In cross-project graphs, select QC Projects to display the data by project.

Grouped By
  • Business View
  • Entity

Select a field to determine the information by which ALM groups data in the graph. You can group the data only by string or list fields.

Tip: For cross-project graphs, select QC Projects to group the data by project.

Progress or Trends graphs: If you set a filter on the same field as the Group By field, groups in the graphs may include values that you filtered out. This is because in progress and trend graphs the filter operates on current values, while groupings operate on historical values. For example, say the Group By field in a Defects graph is set to Status, and the current filter includes all defects whose status is Open. When the graph is generated, all previous statuses of the open defects, such as Rejected, will appear in the graph even if Rejected was not included in the filter.

Show 'Not Covered' parents Entity (Requirements only)

Choose whether to include parent requirements with a Not Covered status.

Show full path Entity (summary graphs only)

In summary graphs, if you select Subject, Plan: Subject, Test: Subject, or Test Set: Name in the X-Axis field, ALM displays the full path of the test subject folder.

Filter State  

Enables you to set dynamic filter conditions for graphs that are generated from within the Analysis menu in specific modules.

  • Custom. Enables you to define a customized filter in the Analysis Menus tab.

  • Special filters. The following predefined filtering options are provided:

    Note: When adding a graph to an Analysis Menu of a different module type from the new graph, you must use the Custom filter type. Selecting a special filter results in the graph being generated with no filter at all. For example, if you add a Defects graph to the Requirements Analysis Menu, and select the Context filtering option, ALM ignores the selection and generates the graph with no filter at all.

    • Context. Filters information according to the filter that is currently selected in the module.

    • Selected. Includes information for the currently selected entity in the module only.

      Note: In the Test Lab module, the selected entity is the selected test run instance, and not the selected test set.

    • Selected with Children. For hierarchical entities, includes information for the selected parent entity as well as child entities.

    • Current Entity Based. Includes information for the currently focused item in the module. You use this option to generate a graph in the Test Lab module on the test set level.

Available from: Analysis Menus tab only. You must have the required administrator permissions to view this tab.


Set Filter. Enables you to filter the data according to the criteria you choose. For details, see Select Filter Condition Dialog Box.

The current filter is displayed in the filter box.

Note: Setting the filter to the same field as the Grouped By field, may cause historical data to appear in the graph.

  • Business View
  • Entity

Clear Filter. Clears the current filter.

Business View

Copy/Paste Filter Settings. Enables you to copy and paste filter settings from one Business View graph to another.

This is useful for reproducing complex filters in several graphs.

Note: You can perform this action only if the following conditions are met:

  • The source and the target graphs must contain fields with the same technical names.
  • The target graph does not contain more fields than the source graph, though it may contain less.
<field filter table> Business View

Enables you to filter data for Business View graphs.

  • Field name. Lists the fields in the business view.
  • criteria. Enables you to define filter criteria for each field.
  • OR. An optional column that appears when you define a filter condition for a field. Enables you to define additional filters for that field.

Note: Filter criteria for dates and strings must be preceded by an equals sign.

  • Business View
  • Entity

Opens the Select Projects dialog box, enabling you to change the list of projects in the Cross Project Selection grid. For details, see Select Projects Dialog Box.

Available from: Configuration tab (not available in the Analysis Menus tab)

Project Selection
  • Business View
  • Entity

Projects included in the graph.

To change the list of projects included in the graph, click the Select Projects button.


When working with Entity graphs, be aware of the following:

  • Every time you add or remove projects in your graph, ALM updates the fields in the Filter dialog box and the drop-down lists of the following boxes: X-Axis, Y-Axis and Grouped By. The lists contain only fields that are identical in all the selected projects. Identical fields are fields that have the same field name, label and data type. For details on customizing fields, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Entities.

  • If you defined a filter condition using a field that becomes unavailable, that condition is removed.

  • If you selected a field in the X-Axis, Y-Axis and Grouped By boxes that becomes unavailable, the first field in the drop-down list is selected.

Available from: Configuration tab (not available in the Analysis Menus tab)