Releases Module Menus and Buttons

This section describes the menus and buttons available in the Releases module.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Management, select Releases.

Important information

Tip: You can access the menu bar from the Releases module by pressing the shortcut key Alt.

Relevant tasks

How to Use Releases and Cycles in ALM

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element



New Release Folder


Opens the New Release Folder dialog box, enabling you to add a folder under a selected folder.

New Release/ New Empty Release


Opens the New Release dialog box, enabling you to add a release to a selected release folder. For details, see New Release/Release Details Dialog Box.

Note: When working with a project that is linked to a template project, the New Empty Release option is available instead of the New Release option.

ALM Editions:New Empty Release is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

New Milestone


Opens the New Milestone dialog box, enabling you to add a milestone to a selected release. For details, see New Milestone Dialog Box.

ALM Editions: This feature is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

New Cycle


Opens the New Cycle dialog box, enabling you to add a cycle to a selected release. For details, see New Cycle/Cycle Details Dialog Box.



Opens the corresponding Details dialog box, enabling you to view and update details of the selected release, cycle, or milestone.

For details, see:

ALM Editions: Milestones are available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.



Opens the Reschedule dialog box, enabling you to reschedule the start and end date of a release, cycle, or milestone. For details, see Reschedule Release/Cycle/Milestone Dialog Box.

ALM Editions: The capability to reschedule milestones is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.



Moves a selected release folder or release to a different location in the releases tree.

Note: Moving a release folder also moves its releases and cycles. Moving a release also moves its cycles. The root folder cannot be moved.

Tip: You can also move a release folder or a release to a new location in the releases tree by dragging it.

Duplicate Cycle


Creates a copy of the selected cycle within the same release.

To duplicate more than one cycle, press the Ctrl key and select the cycles you want to duplicate. You can select only cycles that belong to the same release.

Duplicate Milestone


Creates a copy of the selected milestone within the same release.

To duplicate more than one milestone, press the Ctrl key and select the milestones you want to duplicate. You can select only milestones that belong to the same release.

ALM Editions: This feature is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.



Deletes selected release folders, releases, or cycles. Deleting a folder also deletes its releases and cycles. Deleting a release also deletes its cycles.

Note: Deleting a release folder, release, or cycle also un-assigns the associated requirements, test set folders, and defects.



Renames a selected release folder, release, or cycle. You cannot rename the root folder.

Expand All


Expands all branches in the releases tree.



Collapses all branches in the releases tree.

Refresh All


Refreshes the releases tree so that it displays the most up-to-date information.

New Release From Template


Opens the New Release from Template dialog box, enabling you create a release based on a release from a template project. For details, see New Release From Template Dialog Box.

ALM Editions: This option is available for ALM Edition only. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

Note: This option is available in a project that is linked and synchronized with a template project.

Show Requirements

<right-click menu>

Goes to the Requirements module and displays the requirements assigned to the selected release or cycle.

Show Test Set Folders

<right-click menu>

Goes to the Test Lab module and displays the test set folders assigned to the selected cycle.