Run Step Details Dialog Box

This dialog box displays test step details for the run.

To access

In the Run Details dialog box—Steps view, select a step and click Details .

Important information

This dialog box is not available for Sprinter runs.

Relevant tasks

How to View Test Runs

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


First/Previous Next/Last Entity. Allows you to browse through the steps in the run.

Spell Check. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.

Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.

Spelling Options. Enables you to configure the way ALM checks spelling.

Field Search. Enables you to search for a specified field name. Supports wildcard search with asterisk "*" and question mark "?".

For example: a*b returns acb and adefb; a?b returns acb


Displays details of the step. For details on the available fields, see the Test Lab Module Fields.

Click in the Description box to display a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.

Click the other tabs to view additional details of the step, such as expected results, actual results, and run conditions.


Lists attachments that provide additional information about the step. For details, see Attachments Page.

Linked Defects

Lists the defects linked to the step. You can view, add, and remove defect links. For details, see Linked Defects/Entities Page.