Test Lab Module Fields

This section describes the Test Lab module fields.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Test Lab.

Important information
  • The Test Lab module displays test planning, test configuration, and test execution fields.

    • Names of test planning fields displayed in the Test Lab module have the prefix Test: added. For more details on test planning fields, see Test Plan Module Fields.

    • Names of test configuration fields displayed in the Test Lab module have the prefix Configuration: added. For more details on test configuration fields, see Test Configurations Tab.

  • You can add user-defined fields and change the label of any of the Test Lab module fields. You can also customize project lists. For details, see to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Entities and Customizing Project Lists.

  • You can use the Script Editor to restrict and dynamically change the Test Lab module fields and values. For details, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Workflow Customization at a Glance.

  • When you select a column with a user name value, ALM displays a list with the name and full name of each user. You can search for users, sort users, group users by user group, and select users from the users list or a group tree. For details, see Users List Dialog Box.

  • When the word "test" is used below, it might refer to a single test run, a test set run, or a build verification suite run.

See also

Test Lab Module Window

The fields are described below:

UI Element (A - Z) Description
All Tests Passed

Indicates whether the run completed successfully.

Y only if all test instance runs have a status of Passed.

Apps Under Test

The apps selected from the Mobile Center wizard.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.

Assigned to cycle

The cycle to which the selected test set folder is assigned.

AUT Actions

Install, uninstall, or restart applications as part of a test run.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.

Average Vusers

The average number of concurrently running Vusers during the test run.

Note: Available for Performance Center.


The baseline to which the test set is pinned.

Build verification suite name The name of the build verification suite.
Close Date

The planned closing date for the test set.

Configuration: Name The name of the test configuration allocated to the selected test run.
Consume VUDs

The number of VUDs used in the test run.

Note: Available for Performance Center.


The Controller involved in the test run.

Note: Available for Performance Center.

Cycle end date

The date on which the cycle to which the selected test set folder is assigned ends.

Cycle start date

The date on which the cycle to which the selected test set folder is assigned starts.


The unique device ID being used for emulation (phone, tablet, or both).

Note: Available for Mobile Center.

Device Capability Filter

A rule-based filter allowing you to select a device based on its capabilities.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.

Device Labs

The lab from which to choose a device.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.


The test instance's domain and project.

Draft Run

Indicates whether the selected test run is a draft run. For details, see Draft Runs.

Default value: N


The test run time, in seconds.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.

End Date

The end date of the run.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.

End Time The end time of the run.

The default environment on which the tests in the test set should run. Environments are a combination of operating systems, browsers, and so on, on which you test the application.

Exec Date

The date on which the test was last executed.

Exec Time

The time the test was last executed.


The name of the machine on which a test run was executed.

Involved Vusers

The number of Vusers that were initialized at least once during the run.

Note: Available for Performance Center.


Business Process Testing: A description of the iterations defined for the business process test or flow instance.

For business process tests:

  • Configuration Based. The iterations are as defined in the corresponding test configuration.

  • Modified. A link indicating that the iterations have been manually edited and no longer correspond to the test configuration. Click the link to modify the iterations.

For flows:

  • Undefined. A link indicating that no iterations are currently defined. Click the link to specify iterations.

  • <iterations>. A link indicating the total number of iterations defined for the flow instance, and if specified, the range of iterations selected for the run. Click the link to modify the iterations.


     2 Iterations                                 
     4 Iterations (2-3 Selected)                        

For user interface details on modifying iterations, see the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User GuideIteration Pages.

Launch on Start

The application to launch when the device is started for the test.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.


Collect device metrics collected from a device during a run session, such as CPU and memory, and logs.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.


The date and time of the last change to the test in the Execution Grid.

Open Date

The planned opening date for the test set.

Default: The current database server date when the test set is created.

Operating System

The operating system running on the host machine on which a test was executed.

Default value: The operating system on your ALM client machine.

OS Build Number

The build number of the operating system running on the host machine on which a test was executed.

Default value: The operating system build number on your ALM client machine.

OS Service Pack

The operating system service pack installed on the host machine on which a test was executed.

Default value: The operating system service pack on your ALM client machine.

Planned Exec Date

The date on which it was planned to execute the test.

Planned Exec Time

The time at which it was planned to execute the test.

Planned Host Name

The name or IP address of the machine to run the Default test.

Project ID

The test's project ID.


The purposes available from the selected testing host or the purposes required for a functional test. A single testing host can have either Functional or Performance purposes.

The following Functional purposes are available:

  • Automated Business Process Testing. A host on which Business Process Testing is run.

  • Unified Functional Testing (UFT). A host on which UFT is run.

  • QA Inspect. A host on which QA Inspect is run.

  • QTP. A host on which QuickTest Professional is run.

  • Service Test Runtime. A host on which Service Test Runtime is run.

  • Sprinter. A host on which Sprinter is run.

  • System Test. A host on which a system test is run.

  • VAPI XP. A host on which VAPI XP is run.

The following performance purposes are available:

  • Controller. A host used to manage a performance test. During a test run, the Controller issues instructions to the load generators including which scripts to run, how many Vusers to run per script, and when to start and stop running them. There is only one Controller per test.

  • Load generator. A host on which Vusers run during a test. There can be any number of load generators for a given test.

  • Data processor. A host used for processing and publishing data gathered during a test run.

Remaining days in cycle

The total number of days remaining in the cycle to which the selected test set folder is assigned.

Remaining test instances to run

The total number of test instances in the selected test set folder that have not yet run.

Responsible Tester

The user name of the person responsible for running the test.

When you run a manual test automatically from the Automatic Runner dialog box, ALM notifies this user by email to run the test.

Run Details Lists details about the test instance, test set, or build verification suite run.
Run ID

A unique numeric ID for the run, assigned automatically by ALM. This number is automatically generated by the system when the run starts executing.

You can click on the Run ID field in the Execution Report grid to navigate to the test instance run in the Test Runs module.

Run Name

The name of the test run. Fast_run indicates that ALM created this run when a user changed the Status field of the test instance manually without running the test.

The icon displayed indicates one of the following:

Run Status

In the Execution Report Page grid, indicates the status of a functional or performance test run or test set run.

For a test set, indicates the status of the test set. Options include: Open, Closed.

For a test instance or run, indicates the execution status of the run. Options include: Blocked, Failed, N/A, No Run, Not Completed, Passed, <User-defined>.

Note: Available for ALM Edition.

Start date

The start date of the run.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.

Start time

The start time of the run.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.


Indicates progress of a load test run. The value of this field can be one of the following:

  • Initializing. The load test is starting.
  • Running. The load test is running.
  • Stopping. The load test is in the process of stopping.
  • Run Failure. The load test has failed and has stopped.
  • Finished. The load test completed successfully.

This is a read-only field.

Status (for a run step)

Indicates execution status of a run step. Execution status can be one of the following:

  • Blocked. The step cannot run. For example, the test is running on a remote machine but cannot continue due to some environmental failure, such as network problems or hardware failure.

  • Failed. The step failed.

  • N/A. The current status of the step is not applicable.

  • No Run. The step has not been run.

  • Not Completed. The step was not completed.

  • Passed. The step was successful.

Business Process Testing:

  • Ignored. The business component or flow was ignored because it did not meet its defined run conditions.

    The status of any steps related to this business component or flow is automatically set to No Run and the steps are skipped when you click Next.

    Note: This status cannot be chosen; it is set by Business Process Testing during the manual run.

    Also, this status is only available when running manually.

Status (for a test instance or build verification suite run)

Indicates execution status of a test instance or build verification suite run. Execution status can be one of the following:

  • Blocked. One or more steps cannot run. For example, the test is running on a remote machine but cannot continue due to some environmental failure, such as network problems or hardware failure.

  • Failed. One or more steps in the run failed, and none have the status Blocked.

  • N/A. The current status is not applicable. No steps exist, or a step has an execution status of N/A.

  • No Run. No steps have been run.

  • Not Completed. One or more steps were not completed or not run, and none have the status Blocked or Failed.

  • Passed. The run was successful. All the steps have an execution status of Passed.

Status (for a test set)

Indicates the status of a test set. Options include:

Open. The test set is still being tested.

Closed. Testing has been completed.

Target Cycle

The cycle to which the test is assigned.

Temp Results Directory Path

The path of the directory where the test results are temporarily stored.


The name of the test in the Test Plan module associated with the selected test run.

Test Set

The name of the test set.

Test Set End Time The end time of the test set run.
Test Set ID

A unique numeric ID for the test set, assigned automatically by ALM.

Test Set Start date

The start date of the test set run.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.

Test Set Start time

The start time of the test set run.

Note: You should not manually edit this field.

Test Set State

The state of the test set. If a test set is stuck in a particular state, you can change it.

Test Set: Name The name of the test set associated with the selected test run.
Test: Test Name The name of the test associated with the selected test run.
Test Type

The selected test type: Mobile or Web.

Note: Available for Mobile Center.


The username of the person who last executed the test.

Testing Host

The testing host assigned to the selected Functional test set test instance. The testing host is taken from the project's host pool.

In the Execution Grid tab, you can specify a host for a particular test instance by clicking the Testing Host field and using the Select Testing Host dialog box. For details, see Select Testing Host Dialog Box.

In the Requested Hosts tab, you can specify a host by clicking the Add Automatch Host or Add Specific Host buttons. For details, see Requested Hosts Tab.


The time at which the test was last executed.

Timeslot ID

The ID of the test run timeslot.

Topology ID The ID of the test run topology.
Topology Name The name of the test run topology.
Total test instances

The total number of test instances in the selected test set folder.


The test type of the test. For details, see Test Types. This is a read-only field.