Select Graph Attributes Page

This wizard page enables you to set the Group By and X-Axis attributes in the graph.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Group By field

The field by which you want data to be grouped in the graph. For progress and trend graphs, you can only select a field for which history is enabled. For details on enabling history for a field, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Entities.

If your graph includes multiple projects, you can only select from fields that are in all the selected projects. To group the data by project, select the QC Project value.

Progress or Trends graphs: If you set a filter on the same field as the Group By field, groups in the graphs may include values that you filtered out. This is because in progress and trend graphs the filter operates on current values, while groupings operate on historical values. For example, say the Group By field in a Defects graph is set to Status, and the current filter includes all defects whose status is Open. When the graph is generated, all previous statuses of the open defects, such as Rejected, will appear in the graph even if Rejected was not included in the filter.

ALM Editions: Including multiple projects in graphs is not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.

X-axis field

If you are creating a summary graph, the field that you want to use for the x-axis.

If your graph includes multiple projects, you can only select from fields that are in all the selected projects. To list the projects along the x-axis, select the QC Project value.

ALM Editions: Including multiple projects in graphs is not available for Quality Center Enterprise Edition. For more information about ALM editions and their functionality, see ALM Editions. To find out what edition of ALM you are using, ask your ALM site administrator.