ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
Business Process Components.

Parameters for components are in the FRAMEWORK_PARAM Table.

Runtime data for parameters are in TESTCYCL.TC_DATA_OBJ.

When a component is contained in a test, the link between the test and component is in the BPTEST_TO_COMPONENTS Table.

The steps in the component are in the COMPONENT_STEP Table.

The logical organization of components in is the COMPONENT_FOLDER Table.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key CO_IDThe record ID.int4   

The COMPONENT_FOLDER.FC_ID of the folder containing this component.

For QuickTest Professional Application Areas, CO_FOLDER_ID is 2. Application areas are not displayed in the Business Process Testing Module.

 CO_NAMEThe component name.varchar255  
 CO_VERSIONFor future use.varchar255  
 CO_PHYSICAL_PATHFor future use.varchar255  
 CO_RESPONSIBLEThe user to whom the component is assigned.varchar60  
 CO_CREATED_BYThe user who created the component.varchar60  

The values are from the Component Status list. Typical values are: Error, Ready, Failed, Maintenance, Under Development, and Not Implemented.

 CO_CREATION_DATEThe date the component was created.datetime4  
 CO_DESCThe HTML formatted string that appears in the Description box in the component details.varchar16  
 CO_STEPS_DATAFor future use.varchar16  
 CO_VER_STAMPIncrements when the record is updated.int4  
 CO_IS_ITERATABLEFor backward compatibility.varchar1  
 CO_DEFAULT_PICTURE_IDFor future use.int4  
 CO_IS_OBSOLETEIf a user deletes the component but it is in use in a test, this field is set to Y and the component is not physically deleted. If the component is restored, the field is set to N.varchar1  
 CO_SRC_IDFor future use.int4   
 CO_DELETION_DATEDatabase timestamp when the record is marked obsolete.datetime4  
 CO_DELETED_FROM_PATHThe path of the component before it was marked obsolete.varchar255  
 CO_DATAFor future use.varchar16  
 CO_SCRIPT_TYPEThe test type. For example: QuickTest, WinRunner, manual, and so on.varchar60  
 CO_HAS_PICTUREA value of Y indicates that the component has a snapshot.varchar1  
 CO_TEXT_SYNCFor internal use.varchar1  
 CO_APP_AREA_IDThe QuickTest Professional Application Area ID. Meaningful only when CO_FOLDER_ID points to a Application Area folder.int4  
 CO_VTSThe version time stamp.varchar20  
 CO_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_02User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_03User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_04User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_05User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_06User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_07User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_08User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_09User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_10User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_11User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_12User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_13User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_14User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_15User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_16User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_17User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_18User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_19User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_20User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_21User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_22User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_23User-defined field.varchar40  
 CO_USER_24User-defined field.varchar40  

A Flow is an abstract entity with no direct representation in the project database. It consists of both a Component and a Test of Test.Type BUSINESS-PROCESS. This field links a Component to a Test, thereby defining the Flow.

The field contains the TEST.TS_TEST_ID of the test with which the component forms a Flow.

 CO_BPTA_COMPONENT_TYPENULL=not change detectable

1 - No change detected

2 - Change status is unknown

3 - Change detected

 CO_BPTA_CHANGE_TIMESTAMPThe time the last change was detected.varchar30  
 CO_BPTA_LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPThe time of the last update.varchar30  

No longer in use. Was:
The ID of the Shared Object Repository related to this application area.


The ID of the screen which is the subject of this component.

Used by Unified Functional Testing.

 CO_VC_VERSION_NUMBERThe version ID of the entity.int4  
 CO_VC_STATUSThe version status: Checked in, checked out, or read only.varchar20  
 CO_VC_CHECKIN_USER_NAMEThe user who checked in this version of the item. If this item has not been checked in, the field is blank.varchar60  
 CO_VC_CHECKIN_DATEThe date this version was checked in according to the server clock.datetime4  
 CO_VC_CHECKIN_TIMEThe time this version was checked in according to the server clock.varchar10  
 CO_VC_CHECKIN_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking in the item.varchar16  
 CO_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  
 CO_VC_CHECKOUT_DATEThe date the version was checked out according to the server clock.datetime4  
 CO_VC_CHECKOUT_TIMEThe time this version was checked out according to the server clock.varchar10  
 CO_VC_CHECKOUT_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking out the item.varchar16  

The type of component. For example:

  • hp.qc.component.manual – if the component has only a manual facet.
  • hp.qc.component.automated – the component has an automatic facet. (May also have manual facet.)
  • hp.qc.component.basic – if the component has no facets.
  • hp.qc.component.shadow – if the component is a shadow component of a flow.
 CO_HAS_MANUAL_SCRIPTY if the component has a manual Facet.varchar1  
 CO_HAS_AUTO_SCRIPTY if the component has an automated Facet.
For example, there could be a Service Test or Unified Functional Testing script.
Objects that depend on td.COMPONENT
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
AUTR1386687709_COMPONENT triggerAUTR1386687709_COMPONENTTrigger 1
Objects that td.COMPONENT depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
td.AUDIT_LOG tabletd.AUDIT_LOGTableEvents on which history is recorded.1
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES tabletd.AUDIT_PROPERTIESTableDetails of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table.1
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database