ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td.TEST Table
Details of the design test from the test plan module.

A test plan subject is a conceptual unit of testing. A subject acts as a folder for other subjects and for tests. The folder structure for test plan subjects is in the ALL_LISTS Table where test folders are descended from the record where ALL_LISTS.AL_DESCRIPTION = 'Subject'. The link from the TEST record to the test folder is the TS_SUBJECT field.

To see test coverage of requirements, use the REQ_COVER Table.

Design tests are linked to design steps with DESSTEPS.DS_TEST_ID.

Tests are linked to test sets in the TESTCYCL Table.

Tests are linked to test runs with RUN.RN_TEST_ID.

Tests are linked to actual run parameter values with the STEP_PARAMSRUN, and CYCLE tables where To_number(STEP_PARAMS.SP_KEY) = RUN.RN_RUN_ID AND TEST.TS_TEST_ID = RUN.RN_TEST_ID AND RUN.RN_CYCLE_ID = CYCLE.CY_CYLE_ID.

Multiple values for fields are maintained in the TEST_MULTIVALUE Table.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula


Primary Key TS_TEST_IDThe record ID.int4   
 TS_NAMEThe name of the test.varchar255  
 TS_STEPSThe number of design steps in the test.int4  

The path of this test relative to the Tests directory in the server repository, whether on the file system or in a database.

This is the location for automatic scripts linked to the test. To get the script files, use the Open Test Architecture API.

 TS_SUBJECTThe ALL_LISTS.AL_ITEM_ID of the test plan subject folder in which the test resides.int4  
 TS_ORDER_ID int4  

The test’s current status.

The values are from the Plan Status custom list.
Typical values are: Ready, Design, Imported, Repair.

 TS_RESPONSIBLEThe user responsible for implementing the test.varchar60  
 TS_CREATION_DATEThe date on which the test was created.datetime4  
 TS_DESCRIPTIONA description of the test.varchar16  
 TS_TYPEThe type of test. For a description of possible test types, see The ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference .varchar70  
 TS_TIMEOUTFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.int4  
 TS_ATTACHMENTA value of Y indicates that the test has at least one attachment.varchar1  
 TS_RUNTIME_DATAFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar255  

For Vugen Script tests, this value is set once when the Test script is unloaded.

All - Upload all VUser files.

Runtime - Upload only the files required to run the script.

 TS_PROTOCOL_TYPEFor Vugen Script tests, the ID of the  LoadRunner protocol.varchar255  

For tests of type SERVICE-TEST, one of:
FUNCTIONAL_TEST – Created by Service Test.
DUAL_TEST – Created by Service Test and converted to a load test.

 TS_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_02User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_03User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_04User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_05User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_06User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_07User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_08User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_09User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_10User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_11User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_12User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_HR_01TS_USER_HR_01 to TS_USER_HR_08 are for backward compatibility. Fields may be removed in future version.int4  
 TS_ESTIMATE_DEVTIMEThe time estimated to develop the test.int4  
 TS_TEST_VER_STAMPFor internal use by ALM. The revision number of this record. Increments each time the record is updated.int4  

The execution status of the test. The values are from the Status custom list.
Typical values are: Not Completed, No Run, Passed, N/A, Failed.

 TS_TEMPLATEA value of Y indicates that  this test is a template test.varchar1  
 TS_STEP_PARAMFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.int4  
 TS_VTSThe version time stamp of the last record update according to the database server clock.varchar20  

Obsolete. Replaced by TS_VC_VERSION_NUMBER.

 TS_USER_13User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_14User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_15User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_16User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_17User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_18User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_19User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_20User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_21User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_22User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_23User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_USER_24User-defined field.varchar40  
 TS_TEXT_SYNCFor internal use. Do not change data.varchar1  
 TS_DEV_COMMENTSComments about the test design, usually by the developer.varchar16  
 TS_VC_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar255  
 TS_VC_DATEIn a VC_* table, the checkin date. In a HIST_* or primary entity table, the checkin date.datetime4  
 TS_VC_TIMEIn a VC_* table, the checkin time. In a HIST_* or primary entity table, the checkin time.varchar10  
 TS_VC_COMMENTSVersion comments.varchar16  
 TS_VC_CHECKIN_USER_NAMEThe user who checked in this version of the item. If this item has not been checked in, the field is blank.varchar255  
 TS_VC_CHECKIN_DATEThe date this version was checked in according to the server clock.datetime4  
 TS_VC_CHECKIN_TIMEThe time this version was checked in according to the server clock.varchar10  
 TS_VC_CHECKIN_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking in the item.varchar16  
 TS_VC_STATUSThe version status: Checked in, checked out, or read only.varchar20  
 TS_VC_START_AUDIT_ACTION_IDThe AUDIT_LOG.AU_ACTION_ID of the first change made in this version.int4  
 TS_VC_END_AUDIT_ACTION_IDThe AUDIT_LOG.AU_ACTION_ID of the last change made in this version.int4  
 TS_VC_VERSION_NUMBERThe version number of the current version of the test.int4  

Status of Business Process Test for SAP

1 - No change detected

2 - Change status is unknown

3 - Change detected

 TS_BASE_TEST_IDFor future use.int4  
 TS_UT_PACKAGE_NAMEThe name of the item.varchar255  
 TS_UT_CLASS_NAMEThe name of the item.varchar255  
 TS_UT_METHOD_NAMEThe name of the item.varchar255  
 TS_TESTING_TOOL varchar70  
Objects that depend on td.TEST
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
AUTR2571410_TEST triggerAUTR2571410_TESTTrigger 1
Objects that td.TEST depends on
 Database ObjectObject TypeDescriptionDep Level
td.AUDIT_LOG tabletd.AUDIT_LOGTableEvents on which history is recorded.1
td.AUDIT_PROPERTIES tabletd.AUDIT_PROPERTIESTableDetails of the changes recorded in the AUDIT_LOG table.1
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database