ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
td.ACTIONS Table
Used internally by ALM to manage some aspects of user actions performed from the user interface.

In Test Director and Quality Center, this table stored group permissions for creation,  reading, updating, and deleting entities. These permissions are now stored in the TABLES Table.

Permissions for modification of specific fields are still stored in the SYSTEM_FIELD Table, as in older versions.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key AC_ACTION_NAMEThe action ID.varchar40   
 AC_IS_SYSTEM_INTERNALFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar1  
 AC_GRANT_MASKA bit mask that specifies the groups whose members may perform the action. If bit X is set, the action is enabled for the group identified with GROUPS.GR_GROUP_ID= X.varchar512  
 AC_OWNER_SENSIBLEFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar512  
 AC_OWNERED_TABLEFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar40  
 AC_IS_COLUMNS_MODIFYFor backward compatibility. Field may be removed in future version.varchar1  
 AC_IS_AUDITFor future use.varchar1  
 AC_ENTITY_NAMEThe logical name of the real or virtual entity the operation applies to. Do not edit this field.varchar50  
 AC_OPERATION_NAMEThe entity-independent name of the action. Do not edit this field.varchar50  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database