ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
A file or folder stored in the ALM repository that is represented by a resource.
 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key RSC_IDThe record ID.int4   
 RSC_NAMEThe name of the resource.varchar255   
 RSC_FILE_NAMEThe file or folder name without the path.varchar255  
 RSC_LOCATION_TYPEFor future use. The value is always "Local".varchar20   

One of the values of the Resource Type project list. The type determines the icon and viewer used for the resource in the Resources Tree and resource viewer tab.

The generic type is Test Resource.

 RSC_DESCRIPTIONA free text description of this item.varchar16  
 RSC_PARENT_IDThe RESOURCE_FOLDERS.RFO_ID of the folder containing this item.int4   
 RSC_VER_STAMPThe version number of this record.int4   
 RSC_CREATED_BYThe user who created the resource.varchar60   
 RSC_CREATION_DATEThe date on which the resource was created.datetime4  
 RSC_DEV_COMMENTSComments added for the resource.varchar16  
 RSC_USER_01User-defined field.varchar40  
 RSC_VC_VERSION_NUMBERThe version ID of the entity.int4  
 RSC_VC_STATUSThe version status: Checked in, checked out, or read only.varchar20  
 RSC_VC_CHECKIN_USER_NAMEThe user who checked in this version of the item. If this item has not been checked in, the field is blank.varchar60  
 RSC_VC_CHECKIN_DATEThe date this version was checked in according to the server clock.datetime4  
 RSC_VC_CHECKIN_TIMEThe time this version was checked in according to the server clock.varchar10  
 RSC_VC_CHECKIN_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking in the item.varchar16  
 RSC_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  
 RSC_VC_CHECKOUT_DATEThe date the version was checked out according to the server clock.datetime4  
 RSC_VC_CHECKOUT_TIMEThe time this version was checked out according to the server clock.varchar10  
 RSC_VC_CHECKOUT_COMMENTSComments.The user's comments when checking out the item.varchar16  
 RSC_VTSThe version time stamp.varchar20  

A Flow is an abstract entity with no direct representation in the project database. It consists of both a Component and a Test of Test.Type BUSINESS-PROCESS. This field links a Component to a Test, thereby defining the Flow.

The field contains the TEST.TS_TEST_ID of the test with which the component forms a Flow.

 RSC_BPTA_TYPENULL=not change detectable

1 - No change detected

2 - Change status is unknown

3 - Change detected

 RSC_BPTA_CHANGE_TIMESTAMPThe time the last change was detected.varchar30  
 RSC_BPTA_LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPThe time of the last update.varchar30  
 RSC_BPTA_SOR_IDThe ID of the Shared Object Repository related to this application area.int4  

The ID of the screen which is the subject of this component.

Used by Unified Functional Testing.

See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database