ALM Project Database Reference Version 12.55
A link table between two entities that support asset relations. These entities may come from one of the following tables: BPM_MODELS, BPM_PATHS, COMPONENT, RESOURCES, TEST, TEST_CONFIGS, or USER_ASSETS.

The records in this table represent a uses->used-by relationship. The owner of the record uses the related object.

See AssetRelationFactory.AddItem in the Open Test Architecture API Reference.

 Column NameDescriptionDatatypeLengthAllow NullsDefaultFormula
Primary Key ASR_IDThe record ID.int4   
 ASR_OWNER_IDThe record ID of the entity that owns this ASSET_RELATIONS record.int4   
 ASR_OWNER_TYPEThe name of the database table for the entity that owns the record. The possible values are the tables listed above in the table description.varchar40   
 ASR_RELATED_IDThe record ID of the used asset.int4   
 ASR_RELATED_TYPEThe name of the database table for the asset.  The possible values are the tables listed above in the table description.varchar40   
 ASR_ORDERA field for use by the testing tool integration.  The field is intended to store the position of this asset in the list of the owner's assets. An integration implementation can use it for other purposes, as required.int4  

Any string used as a download condition by the tool that uses the asset. If no condition is used, the value is NONE.

If ASR_CONDITION is NONE, the ASSET_RELATIONS link is always used when the owner entity is downloaded. Otherwise, the link is only used if the condition is passed to ISupportAssetRelations.DownLoad.  See ISupportAssetRelations.DownLoad in the Open Test Architecture API Reference.

When the link is used, the related asset is actually downloaded if the conditions of the linked ASSET_REPOSITORY_ITEMS Table are met.

For multiple conditions, create records with the same owner and related asset, but with different ASR_CONDITIONs.
 ASR_VC_CHECKOUT_USER_NAMEThe user who checked out the item under version control. If the item is not checked out, this field is blank.varchar60  

An XML string that describes the mapping of the test parameters to the information in the data resource.

For example:

 ASR_THE_DATAY if this is a relation to a data resource that provides the parameter values to be used in a run.varchar10  
See Also

Related Objects

td Schema
Project Data Tables Database