ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
Project Overview
ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
Class ModuleDescription
ActionPermissionUsed to determine whether a specified action can be performed by users.
AlertNotifications sent to the user.
AlertManagerServices for managing alerts.
AssetRelationRepresents a directed relation between two assets.
AssetRelationFactoryServices for managing relations between assets.
AssetRepositoryItemRepresents a folder or an asset file stored in the repository.
AssetRepositoryItemFactoryServices for managing asset repository items.
AttachmentRepresents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object.
AttachmentFactoryServices for managing attachments of the current field object.
AuditableServices to allow changes to an entity to be tracked.
AuditPropertyRepresents a property associated with an AuditRecord.
AuditPropertyFactoryServices for managing AuditProperty objects.
AuditRecordA data change that is tracked.
AuditRecordDataCustom audit event data.
AuditRecordFactoryServices for managing AuditRecord objects.
BPComponentAn instance of a Component in a Business Process.
BPComponentFactoryServices to manage BPComponent objects.
BPGroupSupport for grouping business components so that they iterate as a unit.
BPIterationThe design-time definition of a business process test iteration.
BPIterationFactoryServices to manage BPIteration objects.
BPIterationParamAn instance of a business component parameter that belongs to a single iteration of the business process test.
BPIterationParamFactoryServices to manage BPIterationParam objects.
BPModelBP Model Object.
BPModelElementBusiness Process Model Element Object.
BPModelElementFactoryBusiness Process Model Element Factory Object.
BPModelFactoryBP Model Factory Object.
BPModelFolderBP Model Folder Object.
BPModelFolderFactoryBP Model Folder Factory Object.
BPModelPathBP Model Path Object.
BPModelPathFactoryBP Model Path Factory Object.
BPParameterAn instance of a parameter in a business component.
BPParamFactoryServices to manage BPParam objects.
BPStepParamA step parameter for a manual run of the business process test.
BPStepParamFactoryServices for managing BPStepParam objects.
BSTRMapRepresents a map
BugA defect.
BugFactoryServices for managing defect records.
BusinessProcessRepresents a single Business Process Test.
CommandRepresents a database command.
ComponentRepresents a business component.
ComponentFactoryServices for managing business components.
ComponentFolderRepresents a business component folder.
ComponentFolderFactoryServices for managing the organization of business components.
ComponentParamServices for managing Business Process Test parameters.
ComponentParamFactoryServices to manage component parameters.
ComponentStepRepresents a step in a business component.
ComponentStepFactoryServices to manage ComponentStep objects.
ConditionRepresents a condition for a test to be executed.
ConditionFactoryServices for managing conditions for executing test instances in an test set.
ConfigurationCoverageA requirement coverage by a test configuration.
ConfigurationCoverageFactoryServices for managing coverage by test configurations.
ConnectionSettingsWebGate connection settings.
ContentDefinitionA Content Definition.
ContentPartData on an entity type in a library.
ContentRootA Content Root.
CoverageEntityRepresents the association between a requirement and another entity that covers it.
CoverageFactoryServices for managing CoverageEntity objects.
CriterionCoverageA requirement coverage by a test criterion.
CriterionCoverageFactoryServices for managing coverage by criteria.
CustomizationCustomization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
CustomizationActionRepresents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table.
CustomizationActionsThe collection of all CustomizationAction objects.
CustomizationEntityAttributeCustomization entity property object.
CustomizationEntityAttributesCustomization entity properties collection.
CustomizationFieldServices for customizing project fields.
CustomizationFieldsThe collection of all CustomizationField objects.
CustomizationListRepresents a user-defined list associated with a field.
CustomizationListNodeRepresents a node in a list.
CustomizationListsThe collection of all CustomizationList objects.
CustomizationMailConditionThe configuration of a custom automatic mail notification.
CustomizationMailConditionsThe collection of CustomizationMailCondition configurations for custom automatic mail notifications.
CustomizationModulesServices for managing the customization modules.
CustomizationPermissionsProperties that define the ability of user groups to add, remove, and modify entities.
CustomizationRBTCustomization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values.
CustomizationRBTAnswerA possible value for a business implact or failure probablity criterion, used to assess a risk.
CustomizationRBTQuestionA Business Criticality or failure probability criterion, used to assess a risk.
CustomizationReqTypeA Customization type of the requirement entity.
CustomizationSubtypeA Customization type of an entity.
CustomizationTransitionRuleRepresents a single transition rule.
CustomizationTransitionRulesA collection of CustomizationTransitionRule objects applied to a specific field and user group.
CustomizationTypedFieldAn association between a CustomizationField and an object of a class that implements ICustomizationType.
CustomizationTypesA collection of Customization types of a specific entity. For example, the types of the requirement entity.
CustomizationUserRepresents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups.
CustomizationUsersThe collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
CustomizationUsersGroupRepresents a user group for purposes of adding and removing users.
CustomizationUsersGroupsServices for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
CustomizationWorkflowThe Customization Workflow object.
CycleRepresents a release cycle.
CycleFactoryServices for managing release cycles.
DeletedAssetInfoRepresents a deleted asset.
DeletedAssetInfoFactoryServices for managing DeletedAssetInfo in a AssetRelation object.
DesignStepRepresents a single design step in a test.
DesignStepFactoryServices for managing design steps in a Test object.
DiagramDiagram Object.
DiagramElementDiagram Element Object.
DiagramElementFactoryDiagram Element Factory Object.
DiagramFactoryDiagram Factory Object.
EntitySubtypeRepresents an Entity Subtype.
ExecEventActionParamsActions to be taken after the completion of a test set run.
ExecEventInfoThe execution information of the scheduler. This object handles the actual, not the planned, information.
ExecEventRestartActionParamsInformation on actions to be taken during restart after completion of a test set.
ExecSettingsThe information on the execution of a test set.
ExecutionStatusRepresents the execution status of the scheduler.
ExtendedStorageRepresents the project repository.
FactoryListCreate and maintain lists within entity factories. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory.
FavoriteA user-defined display setting that is saved for reuse.
FavoriteFactoryServices for managing favorites.
FavoriteFolderA Favorite folder.
FavoriteFolderFactoryServices for managing favorite folders.
FieldPropertyProperties for object fields.
FileDataInformation about a folder or file.
GraphRepresents a graph built through a method.
GraphBuilderServices for creating graphs.
GraphDefinitionConfiguration information used to build a graph.
GroupingItemA set of entities having the same value in a specific field.
GroupingManagerProvides services for grouping.
HierarchyFilterServices for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
HierarchySupportListServices to create and maintains lists of items and their parent objects.
HostRepresents a single host server.
HostFactoryServices for managing host servers definitions.
HostGroupServices for managing a group of host servers.
HostGroupFactoryServices for managing definitions of groups of host servers.
LinkRepresents an association between a Bug and another entity.
LinkFactoryServices to manage Link objects.
ListServices to create and maintain lists. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory.
ModuleRepresents a Quality Center module, such as Requirements, Defects, TestPlan, and so on.
MultiValueRepresents several values stored in a single field.
NamedListValueAn object that has a name and multiple values.
ParameterValueRepresents a test parameter value entity.
ParameterValueFactoryServices for managing manual test Parameter Values.
PolicyStatusThe policy enforcement status information of the connected project.
ProductInfoInformation about the current version.
ProjectDescriptorInformation about a project.
ProjectPropertiesGlobal project parameters and settings.
ProjectUserRepresents a project user.
PublicEntityKeyA PublicEntityKey.
QCResourceRepresents a file or folder stored in the Quality Center repository.
QCResourceFactoryServices for managing QC resources.
QCResourceFolderRepresents a QC resource folder.
QCResourceFolderFactoryServices for managing QC resource folders.
RecordsetRepresents the entire set of records resulting from an executed command. At any given time, a Recordset object refers to a single record within the record set as the current record.
ReleaseRepresents a Release.
ReleaseFactoryServices for managing releases.
ReleaseFolderRepresents a Release folder.
ReleaseFolderFactoryServices for managing release folders.
ReleaseManagementInfoRepresents a release or cycle.
ReqRepresents a requirement for which testing must be performed.
ReqCoverageFactoryServices for managing requirement coverage.
ReqFactoryServices for managing requirements.
ReqTraceFactoryServices for managing traceability associations between requirements.
ReqTypeRepresents a Requirement Type.
RTParamA Business Process Test runtime parameter.
RuleRepresents a rule for generating an alert.
RuleManagerServices for managing the notification rules.
RunRepresents a test run.
RunCriterionAn instance of a TestCriterion created when the associated TestConfig is run.
RunCriterionFactoryServices for managing run criteria.
RunFactoryServices for managing test runs.
RunIterationA run iteration.
RunIterationFactoryServices for managing run iterations.
SearchOptionsOptions for controlling searches.
SettingsRepresents users' settings in various user-defined categories.
StepRepresents a test step in a test run.
StepFactoryServices for managing test steps for a Run object.
StepParamsDeprecated. Use ParameterValue and ParameterValueFactory. A collection of test parameters.
SubjectNodeDeprecated. Use TestFolder. Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree.
SysTreeNodeRepresents a system folder, that is, a tree node in the TreeManager object.
TablePropertiesDescription of a database table.
TDConnectionRepresents a single server connection.
TDFieldProperties for a field.
TDFilterServices for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
TDMailConditionsServices for managing automatic mail notifications.
TemplateManagerServices for performing policy enforcement (Cross Project Customization) operations.
TestRepresents a planning test.
TestConfigThe data that describes a specific use-case of the Test that owns this configuration.
TestConfigFactoryServices for managing Test configurations.
TestCriterionAn item that can be used for coverage independently of the rest of the test. For example, a sub-unit of the test or a performance measure.
TestCriterionFactoryServices for managing TestCriterion objects.
TestExecStatusRepresents the execution status of the test currently running.
TestFactoryServices for managing tests.
TestFolderRepresents a test folder.
TestFolderFactoryServices for managing test folders.
TestLabFolderRepresents a test set folder.
TestLabFolderFactoryServices for managing test set folders.
TestParameterA parameter for a manual test.
TestParameterFactoryServices for managing parameters of manual tests.
TestSetA group of tests designed to meet a specific testing goal.
TestSetExecutionReportSettingsRepresents the report to be sent by e-mail after a test set has completed its run.
TestSetFactoryServices for managing test sets.
TestSetFolderDeprecated. Use TestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in a particular test set folder.
TestSetTreeManagerDeprecated. Use TestLabFolderFactory. Manages the test set tree and its related test set folders.
TextParserUtilities for handling parameters in a string.
TraceRepresents a traceability association between two requirements.
TreeManagerDeprecated. Use TestFolderFactory. The Test subject tree manager.
TSSchedulerResponsible for executing selected automated tests.
TSTestRepresents a test instance, or execution test, in a test set.
TSTestFactoryManages test instances (TSTest objects) in a test set.
UserAssetRepresents any entity known to the testing tool that is not otherwise represented in Quality Center.
UserAssetFactoryRepresents a UserAssetFactory.
VCSRepresents a Version Control System connection for Test objects.
VersionControlRepresents a Version Control System connection.
VersionItemInformation on a specific version.
Class ModuleDescription
IActionPermissionServices to manage user permissions for actions.
IActionPermission2Services to manage user permissions for actions.
IAlertRepresents a notification sent to the user.
IAlertableServices for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertable2Services for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertable2DispatchServices for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertableEntityFactoryA factory implements this interface to indicate that it can instantiate objects that implement the IAlertable interface.
IAlertManagerServices for managing alerts.
IAssetRelationRepresents a directed relation between two assets.
IAssetRelation2Represents a directed relation between two assets.
IAssetRelationFactoryServices for managing relations between assets.
IAssetRepositoryItemRepresents a folder or an asset file stored in the repository.
IAssetRepositoryItemFactoryServices for managing asset repository items.
IAttachmentRepresents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object.
IAttachment3Represents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object.
IAttachmentFactoryServices to manage attachments of the current field object.
IAuditableServices to allow changes to an entity to be tracked.
IAuditPropertyRepresents a property associated with an AuditRecord.
IAuditPropertyFactoryServices for managing AuditProperty objects.
IAuditRecordA data change that is tracked.
IAuditRecordAdderCustom audit events.
IAuditRecordDataCustom audit events.
IAuditRecordFactoryServices for managing AuditRecord objects.
IAuditRecordUpdaterCustom audit events.
IBaseFactoryProvides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactory2Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactory3Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactoryExEnhances the IBaseFactory interface to support mailing.
IBaseFieldRepresents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField2Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField3Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField4Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseFieldExRepresents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. Use the properties and methods to perform field-related actions, such as setting and refreshing field values.
IBaseFieldExMailServices to support mailing factory items.
IBaseParamA business component parameter or runtime parameter.
IBPComponentAn instance of a Component in a Business Process.
IBPComponent2An instance of a Component in a Business Process.
IBPComponentFactoryServices for Business Process Test.
IBPComponentFactory2Services for managing BP component.
IBPGroupDeprecated. Use BPComponentFactory of IBPComponent2. Support for grouping business components so that they iterate as a unit.
IBPIterationThe design-time definition of a business component iteration.
IBPIteration2The design-time definition of a business component iteration.
IBPIterationFactoryServices for Business Process Test.
IBPIterationParamAn instance of a business component parameter that belongs to a single iteration.
IBPIterationParamFactoryServices for Business Process Iteration.
IBPModelBP Models.
IBPModelElementBusiness Process Model Element.
IBPModelElementFactoryServices for managing Business Process Model Element.
IBPModelFactoryServices for managing BP Models.
IBPModelFolderBusiness Process Model Folder.
IBPModelFolderFactoryServices for managing BP Model Folder.
IBPModelPathBusiness Process Model Path.
IBPModelPathFactoryServices for managing Business Process Model path.
IBPParamAn instance of a Component Parameter in a business component.
IBPStepParamA step parameter for a manual run of the business process test.
IBugRepresents a defect.
IBug2Represents a defect.
IBugFactoryServices to manage defect records.
IBugFactory2Services to manage defect records multi project reporting.
IBusinessProcessRepresents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess2Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess3Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess4Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess5Represents a single Business Process Test.
IBusinessProcess6Represents a single Business Process Test.
IColumnInfoRepresents column information for a Recordset.
ICommandRepresents a database command.
IComponentRepresents a business component.
IComponent2Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponent3Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponent4Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponent5Represents a single Business Process Component.
IComponentFactoryServices for managing business components.
IComponentFolderRepresents a business component folder.
IComponentParamServices for managing Business Process Test parameters.
IComponentParam2Services for managing Business Process Test parameters.
IComponentParam3Services for managing Component parameters.
IComponentParamFactoryServices to manage component parameters.
IComponentParamFactory2Services for managing Component parameters.
IComponentStepRepresents a step in a business process test.
IComponentStepFactoryServices to manage component steps.
IConditionRepresents a condition for a test to be executed.
IConditionFactoryServices for managing conditions for executing test instances in an test set.
IConfigurationCoverageA requirement coverage by a test configuration.
IConfigurationCoverageFactoryServices for managing coverage by test configurations.
IConfigurationCoverageFactory2More services for managing coverage by test configurations.
IConnectionSettingsIConnectionSettings interface
IContainsSupportAssetRelationsServices for managing relations of contained assets.
IContentDefinitionRepresents a Content Definition.
IContentDefinitionFactoryRepresents a Content Definition Factory.
IContentPartData on an entity type in a library.
IContentPartFactoryRepresents a Content Part Factory.
IContentRootRepresents a Content Root.
IContentRootFactoryRepresents a Content Root Factory.
ICoverableRepresents an entity that covers a requirement.
ICoverableReqRepresents a requirement that is covered by another entity.
ICoverableReq2Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity.
ICoverageEntityThe association between a requirement and another entity that covers it.
ICoverageFactoryServices for managing CoverageEntity objects.
ICriterionCoverageA requirement coverage by a test criterion.
ICriterionCoverageFactoryServices for managing coverage by criteria.
ICustomizationServices to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges.
ICustomization2Services to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges.
ICustomization3Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomization4Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomization5Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomization6Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomization7Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges.
ICustomizationActionRepresents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table.
ICustomizationAction2Represents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table.
ICustomizationAction3Represents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table.
ICustomizationActionsThe collection of all CustomizationAction objects.
ICustomizationEntityAttributeRepresents an entity property.
ICustomizationEntityAttributesRepresents an entity attribute.
ICustomizationFieldServices for customizing project fields.
ICustomizationField2Services for customizing project fields.
ICustomizationField3Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationField4Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationField5Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationField6Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationField7Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationFieldsServices for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project.
ICustomizationFields2Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project.
ICustomizationFields3Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project.
ICustomizationListRepresents a user-defined list associated with a field.
ICustomizationList2Represents a user-defined list associated with a field.
ICustomizationListNodeRepresents a node in a list.
ICustomizationListNode2Represents a node in a list.
ICustomizationListsA collection of all CustomizationList objects in the project.
ICustomizationMailConditionThe configuration of a custom automatic mail notification.
ICustomizationMailConditionsThe collection of configurations for custom automatic mail notifications.
ICustomizationModulesServices for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationModules2Services for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationModules3Services for managing the customization modules.
ICustomizationPermissionsProperties that define the ability of user groups to add, remove, and modify entities.
ICustomizationRBTCustomization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values.
ICustomizationRBT2Customization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values.
ICustomizationRBTAnswerA possible value for a Business Criticality, Failure Probablity, or Functional Complexity criterion, used to assess a risk.
ICustomizationRBTQuestionA Business Criticality or failure probability criterion, used to assess a risk.
ICustomizationReqTypeA Customization type of the requirement entity.
ICustomizationReqType2Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationReqType3Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationSubtypeRepresents the Customization subtype of an entity.
ICustomizationTransitionRuleRepresents a single transition rule. A transition rule allows a change in value from a given source value to a given destination value.
ICustomizationTransitionRulesA collection of CustomizationTransitionRule objects applied to a specific field and user group.
ICustomizationTypeDeprecated. Use ICustomizationSubtype. Represents the Customization type of an entity.
ICustomizationTypedFieldAn association between a CustomizationField and an object of a class that implements ICustomizationType.
ICustomizationTypesA collection of Customization types of a specific entity. For example, the types of the requirement entity.
ICustomizationUserRepresents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups.
ICustomizationUser2Represents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups.
ICustomizationUsersServices for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsers2Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsers3Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects.
ICustomizationUsersGroupRepresents a user group for purposes of adding and removing users.
ICustomizationUsersGroup2Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationUsersGroup3Additional properties of the customization field.
ICustomizationUsersGroupsServices for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
ICustomizationUsersGroups2Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
ICustomizationUsersGroups3Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects.
ICycleRepresents a Cycle.
ICycleFactoryServices for managing release cycles.
IDeletedAssetInfoRepresents a deleted asset.
IDeletedAssetInfoFactoryRepresents a deleted assets factory.
IDesignStepRepresents a single design step in a test.
IDiagramElementDiagram Element.
IDiagramElementFactoryServices for managing Diagram Element.
IDiagramFactoryDiagram Factory
IEntitySubtypeRepresents an Entity Subtype.
IExecEventInfoThe execution information of the scheduler. This object handles the actual, not the planned, information.
IExecEventNotifyByMailSettingsRepresents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test has completed its run.
IExecEventNotifyByMailSettings2Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test has completed its run.
IExecutionSettingsInformation on the execution of a test set.
IExecutionStatusRepresents the execution status of the scheduler. The user can scan through each test in the scheduler.
IExtendedStorageRepresents a storage structure used to transfer files between the server and client file system and delete files.
IFacetFacet (BPT).
IFacetFactoryServices for managing Facets factory (BPT entity).
IFactoryListServices to create and maintains lists within entity factories. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory.
IFavoriteA user-defined display setting that is saved for reuse.
IFavoriteFactoryServices to manage user-defined display settings.
IFavoriteFactory2Services to manage user-defined display settings.
IFavoriteFolderA Favorite folder.
IFavoriteFolderFactoryServices to manage favorite folders.
IFieldPropertyProperties for a field.
IFieldProperty2Properties for object fields.
IFieldProperty3Properties for object fields.
IFieldProperty4IFieldProperty4 Interface.
IFieldProperty5IFieldProperty5 Interface.
IFieldProperty6Field property Interface. Exposes cross-subtype property
IFieldProperty7Exposes a virtual or transient property.
IFileDataInformation about a folder or file.
IFollowUpManagerManages the user-defined follow-ups.
IGraphRepresents a graph built through a method.
IGraph2Represents a graph built through a method.
IGraphBuilderServices for creating graphs.
IGraphBuilder2Services for creating graphs by Table name.
IGraphDefinitionConfiguration information used to build a graph.
IGraphDefinition2Configuration information used to build a graph.
IGroupingItemA set of objects having the same value in a specific field.
IGroupingManagerProvides services for grouping.
IHierarchyFilterServices for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
IHierarchySupportListServices to create and maintain lists of items and their parent objects.
IHostRepresents a single host server. The ID of a host is its name.
IHostGroupServices for managing a group of host servers.
IHostGroupFactoryServices for managing definitions of groups of host servers.
ILinkRepresents an association between a Bug and another entity.
ILinkableServices for managing links.
ILinkFactoryServices to manage Link objects.
IListServices to create and maintain lists. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory.
IList2Services to work with lists. Adds functionality to IList Collection.
IMailableEntityMail support for entities.
IMailableFactoryMail support for factories.
IMultiValueRepresents several values stored in a single field.
INamedListValueA list of values with a collective name.
IObjectLockingSupportServices to support locking objects for editing. This interface is not used for version control.
IOnExecEventSchedulerActionParamsHandles the action parameter list.
IOnExecEventSchedulerRestartParamsDefines behavior after completion of a test set.
IParamServices for managing parameters for a Command object.
IParameterValueRepresents a test parameter value entity.
IParameterValueFactoryServices for managing manual test parameter values.
IPolicyStatusThe Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project.
IPolicyStatus2The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project.
IPolicyStatus3The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project.
IProductInfoInformation about the current version.
IProjectDescriptorInformation about a project.
IProjectDescriptor2Information about a project.
IProjectPropertiesGlobal project parameters and settings.
IProjectUserRepresents a project user.
IPublicEntityKeyRepresents a PublicEntityKey.
IPublicEntityKeyFactoryRepresents a PublicEntityKey Factory.
IQCResourceRepresents a file or folder stored in the Quality Center repository.
IQCResource2This interface will allow us to get the extended storage of the qc resource
IQCResourceFactoryServices to manage QC resources.
IQCResourceFolderRepresents a QC resource folder.
IQCResourceFolderFactoryServices to manage QC resource folders.
IRecordsetRepresents the entire set of records resulting from an executed command. At any given time, the Recordset object refers to a single record within the record set as the current record.
IReleaseRepresents a Release.
IReleaseFactoryServices for managing releases.
IReleaseFolderRepresents a Release Folder.
IReleaseFolderFactoryServices for managing release folders.
IReleaseManagementInfoRepresents a release or cycle.
IReqRepresents a requirement for which testing must be performed.
IReq2Represents a requirement for which testing must be performed.
IReqCoverageFactoryServices for managing requirement coverage.
IReqCoverageInformationServices for managing requirement coverage information.
IReqCoverageInformation2Services for managing requirement coverage information.
IReqFactoryServices for managing requirements.
IReqFactory2Services for managing requirements.
IReqFactory3Services for managing requirements.
IReqFactory4Services for managing requirements multi project reporting.
IReqFactory5Services for moving requirements.
IReqTraceFactoryServices for managing traceability associations between requirements.
IReqTypeRepresents a Requirement Type.
IReqType2Represents a Requirement Type.
IResourceStorageServices to manage resource storage.
IRuleRepresents a rule for generating an alert.
IRule2Represents a rule for generating an alert.
IRuleManagerServices for managing the notification rules.
IRunRepresents a test run.
IRun2Represents a test run.
IRun3Represents a test run.
IRun4Represents a test run.
IRunCriterionAn instance of a TestCriterion created when the associated TestConfig is run.
IRunCriterionFactoryServices for managing run criteria.
IRunFactoryServices for managing test runs.
IRunIterationServices for run iteration.
IRunIterationFactoryServices for managing run iterations.
ISearchableFactoryServices to support text searches in properties of objects managed by a factory.
ISearchOptionsOptions for controlling searches.
ISequentialStreamThe ISequentialStream interface supports simplified sequential access to stream objects. For more details, see Microsoft documentation.
ISettingsRepresents users' settings in various user-defined categories.
ISettings2Represents users' settings in various user-defined categories.
IStepRepresents a test step in a test run.
IStep2Represents a test step in a test run.
IStepParamsDeprecated. Use ParameterValue and ParameterValueFactory. A collection of test parameters.
IStreamRefer to Microsoft documentation.
IStringRepresentationThe string representation of the object.
ISubjectNodeDeprecated. Use ITestFolder. Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree.
ISubjectNode2Deprecated. Use ITestFolder. Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree.
ISubtypedEntityRepresents an entity with support for subtypes.
ISupportAssetRelationsServices for managing relations between Quality Center entities.
ISupportAssetRelations2Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities.
ISupportAssetRelations3Services for managing relations between ALM entities.
ISupportAssetRepositoryItemsServices for managing asset repository items.
ISupportAssetsServices for managing user assets.
ISupportCopyPasteServices for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportCopyPaste2Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportCopyPaste3Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportCopyPaste4Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportDataRelationServices for linking a Test or TestConfiguration with its parameter data.
ISupportEntitySubtypesRepresents a factory with support for subtypes.
ISupportEntityTypesProvides services for entities that support entity types.
ISupportFetchLimitServices for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
ISupportHierarchicalFilterSupport for the hierarchical filter.
ISupportParameterValuesServices to support parameterization.
ISupportRBTAnalysisChildRepresents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass. This class provides services for handling the child requirements affected by the analysis.
ISupportRBTAnalysisParentRepresents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAnalysisParent2Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAssessmentRepresents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRBTAssessment2Represents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass.
ISupportRichContentServices for supporting rich content.
ISupportTestParametersProvides services for entities that support parametererisation.
ISysTreeNodeRepresents a system folder, which is a tree node in the TreeManager object.
ISysTreeNode2Represents a tree node.
ITablePropertiesDescription of a database table.
ITDConnectionRepresents a single server connection.
ITDConnection2Represents a single server connection.
ITDErrorInfoExposes the Win32 IErrorInfo interface to Quality Center applications.
ITDFieldRepresents a field with field system properties and other properties.
ITDFilterServices for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
ITDFilter2Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL.
ITDMailConditionsServices for managing automatic mail notifications.
ITemplateManagerServices for performing policy enforcement (Cross Project Customization) operations.
ITestRepresents a planning test.
ITest2Represents a planning test.
ITest3Represents a planning test.
ITestConfigThe data that describes a specific use-case of the Test that owns this configuration.
ITestConfigFactoryServices to manage Test configurations.
ITestCoverageThe association between a requirement and a test that covers it.
ITestCriterionAn item that can be used for coverage independently of the rest of the test. For example, a sub-unit of the test or a performance measure.
ITestCriterionFactoryServices for managing TestCriterion objects.
ITestExecStatusRepresents the execution status of the test currently running.
ITestFactoryServices for managing tests.
ITestFactory2Services for managing tests multi project reporting.
ITestFolderRepresents a test folder.
ITestFolderFactoryServices to manage test folders.
ITestLabFolderRepresents a test set folder.
ITestLabFolderFactoryServices to manage test set folders.
ITestParameterA parameter for a manual test.
ITestParameterFactoryServices for managing parameters of manual tests.
ITestParameterFactory2Services for managing Component parameters.
ITestSetRepresents a series of tests to be run as a group to meet a specific testing goal.
ITestSet2Support execution report settings.
ITestSet3Represents a series of tests to be run as a group to meet a specific testing goal.
ITestSetExecutionReportSettingsRepresents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test set has completed its run.
ITestSetExecutionReportSettings2Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test set has completed its run.
ITestSetFactoryServices for managing test sets.
ITestSetFactory2Services for managing test sets multi project reporting.
ITestSetFolderDeprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder2Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder3Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetFolder4Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder.
ITestSetTreeManagerDeprecated. Use ITestLabFolderFactory. Manages the test set tree and its related test set folders.
ITextParserUtilities for handling parameters in a string.
ITraceRepresents a traceability association between two requirements.
ITreeManagerDeprecated. Use ITestFolderFactory. The Test subject tree manager.
ITSSchedulerResponsible for executing selected automated tests.
ITSScheduler2Responsible for executing selected automated tests.
ITSScheduler3Responsible for executing selected automated tests.
ITSTestRepresents an instance of a Test in a test set.
ITSTest2Represents an instance of a Test in a test set.
ITSTest3Represents an instance of a Test in a test set.
ITSTest4Represents an instance of a Test in a test set.
IUserAssetRepresents any entity known to the testing tool that is not otherwise represented in Quality Center.
IUserAssetFactoryServices for managing user assets.
IVCSRepresents a Version Control System connection for Test objects.
IVersionControlRepresents a Version Control System connection.
IVersionDataThe version data of an entity.
IVersionedEntityRepresents an entity that can have versions.
IVersionItemInformation on a specific version.
Public Enumerations
ALERT_TYPETypes of alerts.
BPPARAMS_TYPEBusiness process parameter types.
BPT_VERSIONBusiness Process Testing version.
COPY_PASTE_ROOTSSpecial Copy Paste Roots.
DATA_RESOURCE_USAGEThe data resource usage.
DEPENDENCIES_TYPEThe dependency types of an object in uses<->used-by relations with other objects.
EXTENDED_STORAGE_DELETELocation of files to delete.
EXTENDEDSTORAGE_ENTITYExtended storage for what entity.
GRAPH_PROPERTIESGraph properties.
GRAPH_TYPEGraph types.
MAIL_CONDITIONS_TYPEMail condition type.
PUBLIC_STATEAnalysis Folder or Item visiblity.
tagALERT_TYPEAlert types.
tagBPPARAM_TYPEBusiness process parameter types.
tagBPT_VERSIONBusiness Process Testing version.
tagCOPY_PASTE_ROOTSSpecial Copy Paste Roots.
tagDATA_RESOURCE_USAGEThe data resource usage.
tagEXTENDED_STORAGE_DELETELocation of files to delete.
tagEXTENDEDSTORAGE_ENTITYExtended storage for what entity.
tagGRAPH_PROPERTIESGraph properties.
tagMAIL_CONDITIONS_TYPEMail condition type.
tagPUBLIC_STATEAnalysis Folder or Item visiblity.
tagSEARCH_OPTIONSSearch scope.
tagTDAPI_ATTACHAttachment Flags.
tagTDAPI_ATTACH_SUBTYPEAttachment Sub Type.
tagTDAPI_ATTACH_TYPEAttachment Type.
tagTDAPI_BASELINE_CAPTURING_STATEBaseline capture states.
tagTDAPI_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER_MODESForce auth header modes.
tagTDAPI_BP_STEP_PARAM_TYPEParameter type.
tagTDAPI_COMPARISONComparison related constants.
tagTDAPI_COMPONENT_AUTO_TYPEComponents Automation Type Values.
tagTDAPI_CONDSTATRun condition statuses.
tagTDAPI_CONDTYPEExecution flow condition type.
tagTDAPI_COPY_PASTE_MODESOptions for pasting design steps linked to tests where the linked tests already exist in the target project.
tagTDAPI_DIRECTORYStorage locations.
tagTDAPI_ENTITIESThe entities for customization types.
tagTDAPI_ERRORCODESGeneral error codes.
tagTDAPI_EUM_ORDERLast position in list.
tagTDAPI_EXECUTE_QUERY_LIMITThe status returned by ICommand2.ExecuteQuery if synchronous, or ICommand2.IsActionFinished when asynchronous.
tagTDAPI_EXECUTION_MODESExecution modes of WebClient.
tagTDAPI_EXECUTIONEVENTACTIONAction to take on test run.
tagTDAPI_EXECUTIONEVENTACTIONTARGETTest run item on which to perform stop or restart.
tagTDAPI_EXSTOR_DELMODEExtended Storage file deletion flags. These can be used individually or combined with bitwise OR.
tagTDAPI_FDATA_TYPEFile or folder.
tagTDAPI_FETCH_LEVELTypes of fields to fetch.
tagTDAPI_FILTERORDERSort order for filtered results.
tagTDAPI_GET_EXTENSION_MODEExtension selector.
tagTDAPI_GRANT_MODIFYModification permissions.
tagTDAPI_GRAPH_TYPEGraph types.
tagTDAPI_LIBRARY_ASYNCH_RETVALLibrary Asynchronous import process return values.
tagTDAPI_LIBRARY_ASYNCH_STATELibrary Asynchronous import process statuses.
tagTDAPI_LIBRARY_TYPELibrary Sharing Statuses.
tagTDAPI_LICENSELicense types.
tagTDAPI_NODEATTRIBUTETree node attributes.
tagTDAPI_PARAM_IN_OUT_TYPEParameter type.
tagTDAPI_POS_ORDERPosition markers for a list or collection.
tagTDAPI_PREDEFINED_REQ_TYPESIDs of the predefined requirement types.
tagTDAPI_PURGE_RUNSThe units by which to purge.
tagTDAPI_QC_EDITIONQuality Center Editions.
tagTDAPI_RBT_BI_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Business Criticality levels.
tagTDAPI_RBT_FC_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Functional Complexity levels.
tagTDAPI_RBT_FP_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Failure Probability levels.
tagTDAPI_RBT_REQUIREMENT_TYPE_RISK_ANALYSIS_TYPERisk-based testing Requirement Type Risk Analysis Type.
tagTDAPI_RBT_RISK_KINDSRisk-based Quality Management Risk kinds.
tagTDAPI_RBT_RISK_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Risk levels.
tagTDAPI_RBT_TESTING_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Testing levels.
tagTDAPI_REQ_TREEConstants for the requirement tree.
tagTDAPI_REQMODEFlags for requirement factory Find method. Can be combined with binary OR.
tagTDAPI_ROOTLISTSelector for tree root nodes.
tagTDAPI_RUN_PARAM_MODEParameter handling at run time.
tagTDAPI_SKIPInterval flags for graphs and summation by interval methods.
tagTDAPI_STEP_CREATEStep modification mode.
tagTDAPI_STEP_PARAM_TYPEStep parameter attributes.
tagTDAPI_TEMPLATE_PROPAGATION_STATUSPossible results of template propagation analysis and enforcement.
tagTDAPI_TRACE_DIRECTIONTrace directions - 'TO' or 'FROM' this item.
tagTDAPI_TREETYPELevels of descendents for tree nodes.
tagTDLICENSE_CLIENTClient license types.
tagTDMAIL_FLAGSItems to include in mail.
tagTEST_CASE_COPY_PASTE_MODEOptions for pasting test class objects. Whether test class should be copied including all it's data cases.
TDAPI_ATTACHAttachment Flags.
TDAPI_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER_MODESForce auth header modes.
TDAPI_COMPARISONComparison related constants.
TDAPI_COMPONENT_AUTO_TYPEComponents Automation Type Values.
TDAPI_CONDSTATRun condition statuses.
TDAPI_CONDTYPEExecution flow condition type.
TDAPI_COPY_PASTE_MODESOptions for pasting design steps linked to tests where the linked tests already exist in the target project.
TDAPI_DIRECTORYStorage locations.
TDAPI_EFC_STRATEGYComparison Change Types.
TDAPI_ENTITIESThe entities for customization types.
TDAPI_ERRORCODESGeneral error codes.
TDAPI_EUM_ORDERLast position in list.
TDAPI_EXECUTE_QUERY_LIMIT_STATUSThe status returned by ICommand2.ExecuteQuery if synchronous, or ICommand2.IsActionFinished when asynchronous.
TDAPI_EXECUTION_MODESExecution modes of WebClient.
TDAPI_EXECUTIONEVENTACTIONAction to take on test run.
TDAPI_EXECUTIONEVENTACTIONTARGETTest run item on which to perform stop or restart.
TDAPI_EXSTOR_DELMODEExtended Storage file deletion flags. These can be used individually or combined with bitwise OR.
TDAPI_FDATA_TYPEFile or folder.
TDAPI_FETCH_LEVELTypes of fields to fetch.
TDAPI_FILTERORDERSort order for filtered results.
TDAPI_GRANT_MODIFYModification permissions.
TDAPI_LIBRARY_TYPELibrary Sharing Statuses.
TDAPI_LICENSELicense types.
TDAPI_NODEATTRIBUTETree node attributes.
TDAPI_POS_ORDERPosition markers for a list or collection.
TDAPI_PREDEFINED_REQ_TYPESIDs of the predefined requirement types.
TDAPI_PURGE_RUNSThe units by which to purge.
TDAPI_QC_EDITIONQuality Center Editions.
TDAPI_RBT_BI_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Business Criticality levels.
TDAPI_RBT_FC_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Functional Complexity levels.
TDAPI_RBT_FP_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Failure Probability levels.
TDAPI_RBT_REQUIREMENT_TYPE_RISK_ANALYSIS_TYPERisk-based testing Requirement Type Risk Analysis Type.
TDAPI_RBT_RISK_KINDSRisk-based Quality Management Risk kinds.
TDAPI_RBT_RISK_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Risk levels.
TDAPI_RBT_TESTING_LEVELSRisk-based Quality Management Testing levels.
TDAPI_REQ_TREEConstants for the requirement tree.
TDAPI_REQMODEFlags for requirement factory Find method. Can be combined with binary OR.
TDAPI_ROOTLISTSelector for tree root nodes.
TDAPI_RUN_PARAM_MODEParameter handling at run time.
TDAPI_SKIPInterval flags for graphs and summation by interval methods.
TDAPI_STEP_CREATEStep modification mode.
TDAPI_STEP_PARAM_TYPEStep parameter attributes.
TDAPI_TEMPLATE_PROPAGATION_STATUSPossible results of template propagation analysis and enforcement.
TDAPI_TRACE_DIRECTIONTrace directions - 'TO' or 'FROM' this item.
TDAPI_TREETYPELevels of descendents for tree nodes.
TDLICENSE_CLIENTClient license types.
TDMAIL_FLAGSItems to include in mail.
TEST_CASE_COPY_PASTE_MODEOptions for pasting test class objects. Whether test class should be copied including all it's data cases.
Public UDTs