Class Module | Description |
IActionPermission | Services to manage user permissions for actions. |
IActionPermission2 | Services to manage user permissions for actions. |
IAlert | Represents a notification sent to the user. |
IAlertable | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IAlertable2 | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IAlertable2Dispatch | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IAlertableEntityFactory | A factory implements this interface to indicate that it can instantiate objects that implement the IAlertable interface. |
IAlertManager | Services for managing alerts. |
IAssetRelation | Represents a directed relation between two assets. |
IAssetRelation2 | Represents a directed relation between two assets. |
IAssetRelationFactory | Services for managing relations between assets. |
IAssetRepositoryItem | Represents a folder or an asset file stored in the repository. |
IAssetRepositoryItemFactory | Services for managing asset repository items. |
IAttachment | Represents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object. |
IAttachment3 | Represents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object. |
IAttachmentFactory | Services to manage attachments of the current field object. |
IAuditable | Services to allow changes to an entity to be tracked. |
IAuditProperty | Represents a property associated with an AuditRecord. |
IAuditPropertyFactory | Services for managing AuditProperty objects. |
IAuditRecord | A data change that is tracked. |
IAuditRecordAdder | Custom audit events. |
IAuditRecordData | Custom audit events. |
IAuditRecordFactory | Services for managing AuditRecord objects. |
IAuditRecordUpdater | Custom audit events. |
IBaseFactory | Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects. |
IBaseFactory2 | Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects. |
IBaseFactory3 | Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects. |
IBaseFactoryEx | Enhances the IBaseFactory interface to support mailing. |
IBaseField | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField2 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField3 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField4 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseFieldEx | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. Use the properties and methods to perform field-related actions, such as setting and refreshing field values. |
IBaseFieldExMail | Services to support mailing factory items. |
IBaseParam | A business component parameter or runtime parameter. |
IBPComponent | An instance of a Component in a Business Process. |
IBPComponent2 | An instance of a Component in a Business Process. |
IBPComponentFactory | Services for Business Process Test. |
IBPComponentFactory2 | Services for managing BP component. |
IBPGroup | Deprecated. Use BPComponentFactory of IBPComponent2. Support for grouping business components so that they iterate as a unit. |
IBPIteration | The design-time definition of a business component iteration. |
IBPIteration2 | The design-time definition of a business component iteration. |
IBPIterationFactory | Services for Business Process Test. |
IBPIterationParam | An instance of a business component parameter that belongs to a single iteration. |
IBPIterationParamFactory | Services for Business Process Iteration. |
IBPModel | BP Models. |
IBPModelElement | Business Process Model Element. |
IBPModelElementFactory | Services for managing Business Process Model Element. |
IBPModelFactory | Services for managing BP Models. |
IBPModelFolder | Business Process Model Folder. |
IBPModelFolderFactory | Services for managing BP Model Folder. |
IBPModelPath | Business Process Model Path. |
IBPModelPathFactory | Services for managing Business Process Model path. |
IBPParam | An instance of a Component Parameter in a business component. |
IBPStepParam | A step parameter for a manual run of the business process test. |
IBug | Represents a defect. |
IBug2 | Represents a defect. |
IBugFactory | Services to manage defect records. |
IBugFactory2 | Services to manage defect records multi project reporting. |
IBusinessProcess | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IBusinessProcess2 | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IBusinessProcess3 | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IBusinessProcess4 | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IBusinessProcess5 | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IBusinessProcess6 | Represents a single Business Process Test. |
IColumnInfo | Represents column information for a Recordset. |
ICommand | Represents a database command. |
IComponent | Represents a business component. |
IComponent2 | Represents a single Business Process Component. |
IComponent3 | Represents a single Business Process Component. |
IComponent4 | Represents a single Business Process Component. |
IComponent5 | Represents a single Business Process Component. |
IComponentFactory | Services for managing business components. |
IComponentFolder | Represents a business component folder. |
IComponentParam | Services for managing Business Process Test parameters. |
IComponentParam2 | Services for managing Business Process Test parameters. |
IComponentParam3 | Services for managing Component parameters. |
IComponentParamFactory | Services to manage component parameters. |
IComponentParamFactory2 | Services for managing Component parameters. |
IComponentStep | Represents a step in a business process test. |
IComponentStepFactory | Services to manage component steps. |
ICondition | Represents a condition for a test to be executed. |
IConditionFactory | Services for managing conditions for executing test instances in an test set. |
IConfigurationCoverage | A requirement coverage by a test configuration. |
IConfigurationCoverageFactory | Services for managing coverage by test configurations. |
IConfigurationCoverageFactory2 | More services for managing coverage by test configurations. |
IConnectionSettings | IConnectionSettings interface |
IContainsSupportAssetRelations | Services for managing relations of contained assets. |
IContentDefinition | Represents a Content Definition. |
IContentDefinitionFactory | Represents a Content Definition Factory. |
IContentPart | Data on an entity type in a library. |
IContentPartFactory | Represents a Content Part Factory. |
IContentRoot | Represents a Content Root. |
IContentRootFactory | Represents a Content Root Factory. |
ICoverable | Represents an entity that covers a requirement. |
ICoverableReq | Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity. |
ICoverableReq2 | Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity. |
ICoverageEntity | The association between a requirement and another entity that covers it. |
ICoverageFactory | Services for managing CoverageEntity objects. |
ICriterionCoverage | A requirement coverage by a test criterion. |
ICriterionCoverageFactory | Services for managing coverage by criteria. |
ICustomization | Services to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges. |
ICustomization2 | Services to perform customization tasks, such as adding users to user groups, defining user-defined fields, and defining user access privileges. |
ICustomization3 | Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges. |
ICustomization4 | Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges. |
ICustomization5 | Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges. |
ICustomization6 | Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges. |
ICustomization7 | Customization services, such as adding users to user groups, maintaining user-defined fields, configuring user access privileges. |
ICustomizationAction | Represents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table. |
ICustomizationAction2 | Represents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table. |
ICustomizationAction3 | Represents a type of user action. Actions are listed in the AC_ACTION_NAME field of the Actions table. |
ICustomizationActions | The collection of all CustomizationAction objects. |
ICustomizationEntityAttribute | Represents an entity property. |
ICustomizationEntityAttributes | Represents an entity attribute. |
ICustomizationField | Services for customizing project fields. |
ICustomizationField2 | Services for customizing project fields. |
ICustomizationField3 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationField4 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationField5 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationField6 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationField7 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationFields | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project. |
ICustomizationFields2 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project. |
ICustomizationFields3 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project. |
ICustomizationList | Represents a user-defined list associated with a field. |
ICustomizationList2 | Represents a user-defined list associated with a field. |
ICustomizationListNode | Represents a node in a list. |
ICustomizationListNode2 | Represents a node in a list. |
ICustomizationLists | A collection of all CustomizationList objects in the project. |
ICustomizationMailCondition | The configuration of a custom automatic mail notification. |
ICustomizationMailConditions | The collection of configurations for custom automatic mail notifications. |
ICustomizationModules | Services for managing the customization modules. |
ICustomizationModules2 | Services for managing the customization modules. |
ICustomizationModules3 | Services for managing the customization modules. |
ICustomizationPermissions | Properties that define the ability of user groups to add, remove, and modify entities. |
ICustomizationRBT | Customization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values. |
ICustomizationRBT2 | Customization of the Risk-based Quality Management mechanism default values. |
ICustomizationRBTAnswer | A possible value for a Business Criticality, Failure Probablity, or Functional Complexity criterion, used to assess a risk. |
ICustomizationRBTQuestion | A Business Criticality or failure probability criterion, used to assess a risk. |
ICustomizationReqType | A Customization type of the requirement entity. |
ICustomizationReqType2 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationReqType3 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationSubtype | Represents the Customization subtype of an entity. |
ICustomizationTransitionRule | Represents a single transition rule. A transition rule allows a change in value from a given source value to a given destination value. |
ICustomizationTransitionRules | A collection of CustomizationTransitionRule objects applied to a specific field and user group. |
ICustomizationType | Deprecated. Use ICustomizationSubtype. Represents the Customization type of an entity. |
ICustomizationTypedField | An association between a CustomizationField and an object of a class that implements ICustomizationType. |
ICustomizationTypes | A collection of Customization types of a specific entity. For example, the types of the requirement entity. |
ICustomizationUser | Represents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups. |
ICustomizationUser2 | Represents a user for purposes of adding and removing the user to and from user groups. |
ICustomizationUsers | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects. |
ICustomizationUsers2 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects. |
ICustomizationUsers3 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUser objects. |
ICustomizationUsersGroup | Represents a user group for purposes of adding and removing users. |
ICustomizationUsersGroup2 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationUsersGroup3 | Additional properties of the customization field. |
ICustomizationUsersGroups | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects. |
ICustomizationUsersGroups2 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects. |
ICustomizationUsersGroups3 | Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationUsersGroup objects. |
ICycle | Represents a Cycle. |
ICycleFactory | Services for managing release cycles. |
IDeletedAssetInfo | Represents a deleted asset. |
IDeletedAssetInfoFactory | Represents a deleted assets factory. |
IDesignStep | Represents a single design step in a test. |
IDiagram | Diagrams |
IDiagramElement | Diagram Element. |
IDiagramElementFactory | Services for managing Diagram Element. |
IDiagramFactory | Diagram Factory |
IEntitySubtype | Represents an Entity Subtype. |
IErrorInfo | |
IExecEventInfo | The execution information of the scheduler. This object handles the actual, not the planned, information. |
IExecEventNotifyByMailSettings | Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test has completed its run. |
IExecEventNotifyByMailSettings2 | Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test has completed its run. |
IExecutionSettings | Information on the execution of a test set. |
IExecutionStatus | Represents the execution status of the scheduler. The user can scan through each test in the scheduler. |
IExtendedStorage | Represents a storage structure used to transfer files between the server and client file system and delete files. |
IFacet | Facet (BPT). |
IFacetFactory | Services for managing Facets factory (BPT entity). |
IFactoryList | Services to create and maintains lists within entity factories. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory. |
IFavorite | A user-defined display setting that is saved for reuse. |
IFavoriteFactory | Services to manage user-defined display settings. |
IFavoriteFactory2 | Services to manage user-defined display settings. |
IFavoriteFolder | A Favorite folder. |
IFavoriteFolderFactory | Services to manage favorite folders. |
IFieldProperty | Properties for a field. |
IFieldProperty2 | Properties for object fields. |
IFieldProperty3 | Properties for object fields. |
IFieldProperty4 | IFieldProperty4 Interface. |
IFieldProperty5 | IFieldProperty5 Interface. |
IFieldProperty6 | Field property Interface. Exposes cross-subtype property |
IFieldProperty7 | Exposes a virtual or transient property. |
IFileData | Information about a folder or file. |
IFollowUpManager | Manages the user-defined follow-ups. |
IGraph | Represents a graph built through a method. |
IGraph2 | Represents a graph built through a method. |
IGraphBuilder | Services for creating graphs. |
IGraphBuilder2 | Services for creating graphs by Table name. |
IGraphDefinition | Configuration information used to build a graph. |
IGraphDefinition2 | Configuration information used to build a graph. |
IGroupingItem | A set of objects having the same value in a specific field. |
IGroupingManager | Provides services for grouping. |
IHierarchyFilter | Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL. |
IHierarchySupportList | Services to create and maintain lists of items and their parent objects. |
IHost | Represents a single host server. The ID of a host is its name. |
IHostGroup | Services for managing a group of host servers. |
IHostGroupFactory | Services for managing definitions of groups of host servers. |
ILink | Represents an association between a Bug and another entity. |
ILinkable | Services for managing links. |
ILinkFactory | Services to manage Link objects. |
IList | Services to create and maintain lists. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory. |
IList2 | Services to work with lists. Adds functionality to IList Collection. |
IMailableEntity | Mail support for entities. |
IMailableFactory | Mail support for factories. |
IMultiValue | Represents several values stored in a single field. |
INamedListValue | A list of values with a collective name. |
IObjectLockingSupport | Services to support locking objects for editing. This interface is not used for version control. |
IOnExecEventSchedulerActionParams | Handles the action parameter list. |
IOnExecEventSchedulerRestartParams | Defines behavior after completion of a test set. |
IParam | Services for managing parameters for a Command object. |
IParameterValue | Represents a test parameter value entity. |
IParameterValueFactory | Services for managing manual test parameter values. |
IPolicyStatus | The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project. |
IPolicyStatus2 | The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project. |
IPolicyStatus3 | The Policy Enforcement Status information of the connected project. |
IProductInfo | Information about the current version. |
IProjectDescriptor | Information about a project. |
IProjectDescriptor2 | Information about a project. |
IProjectProperties | Global project parameters and settings. |
IProjectUser | Represents a project user. |
IPublicEntityKey | Represents a PublicEntityKey. |
IPublicEntityKeyFactory | Represents a PublicEntityKey Factory. |
IQCResource | Represents a file or folder stored in the Quality Center repository. |
IQCResource2 | This interface will allow us to get the extended storage of the qc resource |
IQCResourceFactory | Services to manage QC resources. |
IQCResourceFolder | Represents a QC resource folder. |
IQCResourceFolderFactory | Services to manage QC resource folders. |
IRecordset | Represents the entire set of records resulting from an executed command. At any given time, the Recordset object refers to a single record within the record set as the current record. |
IRelease | Represents a Release. |
IReleaseFactory | Services for managing releases. |
IReleaseFolder | Represents a Release Folder. |
IReleaseFolderFactory | Services for managing release folders. |
IReleaseManagementInfo | Represents a release or cycle. |
IReq | Represents a requirement for which testing must be performed. |
IReq2 | Represents a requirement for which testing must be performed. |
IReqCoverageFactory | Services for managing requirement coverage. |
IReqCoverageInformation | Services for managing requirement coverage information. |
IReqCoverageInformation2 | Services for managing requirement coverage information. |
IReqFactory | Services for managing requirements. |
IReqFactory2 | Services for managing requirements. |
IReqFactory3 | Services for managing requirements. |
IReqFactory4 | Services for managing requirements multi project reporting. |
IReqFactory5 | Services for moving requirements. |
IReqTraceFactory | Services for managing traceability associations between requirements. |
IReqType | Represents a Requirement Type. |
IReqType2 | Represents a Requirement Type. |
IResourceStorage | Services to manage resource storage. |
IRule | Represents a rule for generating an alert. |
IRule2 | Represents a rule for generating an alert. |
IRuleManager | Services for managing the notification rules. |
IRun | Represents a test run. |
IRun2 | Represents a test run. |
IRun3 | Represents a test run. |
IRun4 | Represents a test run. |
IRunCriterion | An instance of a TestCriterion created when the associated TestConfig is run. |
IRunCriterionFactory | Services for managing run criteria. |
IRunFactory | Services for managing test runs. |
IRunIteration | Services for run iteration. |
IRunIterationFactory | Services for managing run iterations. |
ISearchableFactory | Services to support text searches in properties of objects managed by a factory. |
ISearchOptions | Options for controlling searches. |
ISequentialStream | The ISequentialStream interface supports simplified sequential access to stream objects. For more details, see Microsoft documentation. |
ISettings | Represents users' settings in various user-defined categories. |
ISettings2 | Represents users' settings in various user-defined categories. |
IStep | Represents a test step in a test run. |
IStep2 | Represents a test step in a test run. |
IStepParams | Deprecated. Use ParameterValue and ParameterValueFactory. A collection of test parameters. |
IStream | Refer to Microsoft documentation. |
IStringRepresentation | The string representation of the object. |
ISubjectNode | Deprecated. Use ITestFolder. Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree. |
ISubjectNode2 | Deprecated. Use ITestFolder. Represents a subject folder in a Quality Center subject tree. |
ISubtypedEntity | Represents an entity with support for subtypes. |
ISupportAssetRelations | Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities. |
ISupportAssetRelations2 | Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities. |
ISupportAssetRelations3 | Services for managing relations between ALM entities. |
ISupportAssetRepositoryItems | Services for managing asset repository items. |
ISupportAssets | Services for managing user assets. |
ISupportCopyPaste | Services for supporting copy and paste. |
ISupportCopyPaste2 | Services for supporting copy and paste. |
ISupportCopyPaste3 | Services for supporting copy and paste. |
ISupportCopyPaste4 | Services for supporting copy and paste. |
ISupportDataRelation | Services for linking a Test or TestConfiguration with its parameter data. |
ISupportEntitySubtypes | Represents a factory with support for subtypes. |
ISupportEntityTypes | Provides services for entities that support entity types. |
ISupportFetchLimit | Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL. |
ISupportHierarchicalFilter | Support for the hierarchical filter. |
ISupportParameterValues | Services to support parameterization. |
ISupportRBTAnalysisChild | Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass. This class provides services for handling the child requirements affected by the analysis. |
ISupportRBTAnalysisParent | Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass. |
ISupportRBTAnalysisParent2 | Represents Risk-based Quality Management analysis capabilities for the Req coclass. |
ISupportRBTAssessment | Represents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass. |
ISupportRBTAssessment2 | Represents Risk-based Quality Management assessment capabilities for the Req coclass. |
ISupportRichContent | Services for supporting rich content. |
ISupportTestParameters | Provides services for entities that support parametererisation. |
ISysTreeNode | Represents a system folder, which is a tree node in the TreeManager object. |
ISysTreeNode2 | Represents a tree node. |
ITableProperties | Description of a database table. |
ITDConnection | Represents a single server connection. |
ITDConnection2 | Represents a single server connection. |
ITDErrorInfo | Exposes the Win32 IErrorInfo interface to Quality Center applications. |
ITDField | Represents a field with field system properties and other properties. |
ITDFilter | Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL. |
ITDFilter2 | Services for creation of a filtered list of field objects without SQL. |
ITDMailConditions | Services for managing automatic mail notifications. |
ITemplateManager | Services for performing policy enforcement (Cross Project Customization) operations. |
ITest | Represents a planning test. |
ITest2 | Represents a planning test. |
ITest3 | Represents a planning test. |
ITestConfig | The data that describes a specific use-case of the Test that owns this configuration. |
ITestConfigFactory | Services to manage Test configurations. |
ITestCoverage | The association between a requirement and a test that covers it. |
ITestCriterion | An item that can be used for coverage independently of the rest of the test. For example, a sub-unit of the test or a performance measure. |
ITestCriterionFactory | Services for managing TestCriterion objects. |
ITestExecStatus | Represents the execution status of the test currently running. |
ITestFactory | Services for managing tests. |
ITestFactory2 | Services for managing tests multi project reporting. |
ITestFolder | Represents a test folder. |
ITestFolderFactory | Services to manage test folders. |
ITestLabFolder | Represents a test set folder. |
ITestLabFolderFactory | Services to manage test set folders. |
ITestParameter | A parameter for a manual test. |
ITestParameterFactory | Services for managing parameters of manual tests. |
ITestParameterFactory2 | Services for managing Component parameters. |
ITestSet | Represents a series of tests to be run as a group to meet a specific testing goal. |
ITestSet2 | Support execution report settings. |
ITestSet3 | Represents a series of tests to be run as a group to meet a specific testing goal. |
ITestSetExecutionReportSettings | Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test set has completed its run. |
ITestSetExecutionReportSettings2 | Represents the notification to be sent by e-mail after a test set has completed its run. |
ITestSetFactory | Services for managing test sets. |
ITestSetFactory2 | Services for managing test sets multi project reporting. |
ITestSetFolder | Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder. |
ITestSetFolder2 | Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder. |
ITestSetFolder3 | Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder. |
ITestSetFolder4 | Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolder. Manages the tests and test sets included in one test set folder. |
ITestSetTreeManager | Deprecated. Use ITestLabFolderFactory. Manages the test set tree and its related test set folders. |
ITextParser | Utilities for handling parameters in a string. |
ITrace | Represents a traceability association between two requirements. |
ITreeManager | Deprecated. Use ITestFolderFactory. The Test subject tree manager. |
ITSScheduler | Responsible for executing selected automated tests. |
ITSScheduler2 | Responsible for executing selected automated tests. |
ITSScheduler3 | Responsible for executing selected automated tests. |
ITSTest | Represents an instance of a Test in a test set. |
ITSTest2 | Represents an instance of a Test in a test set. |
ITSTest3 | Represents an instance of a Test in a test set. |
ITSTest4 | Represents an instance of a Test in a test set. |
IUserAsset | Represents any entity known to the testing tool that is not otherwise represented in Quality Center. |
IUserAssetFactory | Services for managing user assets. |
IVCS | Represents a Version Control System connection for Test objects. |
IVersionControl | Represents a Version Control System connection. |
IVersionData | The version data of an entity. |
IVersionedEntity | Represents an entity that can have versions. |
IVersionItem | Information on a specific version. |